
As of 24:00 on February 11, the latest situation of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic situation

As of 24:00 on February 11, the latest situation of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic situation

From 0 to 24:00 on February 11, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 99 new confirmed cases. Among them, there were 59 imported cases (24 cases in Guangdong, 14 cases in Fujian, 7 cases in Shanghai, 5 cases in Sichuan, 3 cases in Shandong, 2 cases in Liaoning, 2 cases in Guangxi, 1 case in Tianjin, and 1 case in Heilongjiang), including 10 cases from asymptomatic infected people to confirmed cases (5 cases in Guangdong, 4 cases in Sichuan, and 1 case in Guangxi); 40 cases in local cases (30 cases in Guangxi, all in Baise City; 10 cases in Liaoning, all in Huludao City). There were no new deaths. There was 1 new suspected case, which was imported from abroad (in Shanghai).

On the same day, 87 new cured and discharged cases were cured, 3623 close contacts were released from medical observation, and the number of severe cases increased by 1 case compared with the previous day.

There are 673 confirmed cases imported from overseas (including 1 severe case) and 1 suspected case. The cumulative number of confirmed cases is 12,951, the cumulative number of cured and discharged cases is 12,278, and there are no deaths.

As of 24:00 on February 11, according to reports from 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, there are 1,436 confirmed cases (including 6 severe cases), 100791 cured and discharged cases, 4,636 cumulative deaths, 106863 confirmed cases and 1 suspected case. A total of 1555374 close contacts have been traced, and 37,471 close contacts are still under medical observation.

31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 41 new cases of asymptomatic infection (all imported from abroad); 10 cases of confirmed cases (all imported from abroad) on the same day; 40 cases of medical observation (36 cases imported from abroad) on the same day; and 823 asymptomatic infected people under medical observation (741 cases imported from abroad).

A total of 36,117 confirmed cases were reported from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Among them, there were 16,583 cases in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (14,037 cases discharged from hospital, 216 deaths), 79 cases in Macao Special Administrative Region (79 cases discharged from hospital), and 19,455 cases in Taiwan Region (13,742 cases discharged from hospital, 851 deaths).

(Note: When quoted in the media, please mark "The information comes from the official website of the National Health Commission".) )

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