
Li Shimin: Read and paint caprice

Li Shimin: Read and paint caprice

Yan Ping's oil paintings: "Beautiful to Lonely"

Li Shimin: Read and paint caprice

Yan Ping's oil painting: "The Wind of July"

Oil painter Yan Ping's first stunning "Chinese Oil Painting" is her work "Red Sorghum". The Shandong girl in the painting is simple and thick, beautiful and cheerful, and her smiling face and mature sorghum shine together. The vivid and full colors and unrestrained and smooth brushstrokes overflow with the legacy of the Russian oil painting master Arkhipov. But just when people were talking about it and praising it, she turned around gorgeously and fell silent in that red sorghum field, no longer showing her voice.

Years later, I finally saw her new work in Fine Arts. She swept away the solemnity of traditional Russian oil paintings, with clear and bright colors, free and free brushstrokes, and subjective consciousness preference to paint the works like the breeze after the rain, and the neon glowing brightly. Her paintings do not have the slightest dream-like nothingness, but a real state of life. There are coconut groves, flowers and streams, tent beaches, mother-child love, actors practicing, children's songs and lang lang even indoor vases, sofas, flowers, teacups can be vividly seen and within reach. Her paintings are no longer bound by any realism, but surrounded by matisse, Vilja, Van Gogh, Monet and many other masters, she paints her own oriental aesthetic will with the idea of the soul.

Teacher Yan Ping's oil paintings, which integrate figuration, imagery and abstraction, surround the city with colorful colors, flowers and trees, and affection. In the complicated metaphors, people are touched to see the landscape of life, which is truly beautiful! A kind of fresh nature that is unique; a frankness that washes away the lead; a state of life that repeats day by day. Warm and comfortable, timeless and wonderful.

All the scenes in life will leave a beautiful eternity in the inadvertent moment. Yangchun Baixue and the widow are ultimately "beautiful to lonely". Like an iceberg, the snow lotus in the moonlight shimmered with a cold glow.

Li Shimin: Read and paint caprice

About author:Li Shimin, Yongqing of Langfang City, Hebei Province. College culture, member of Shandong Artists Association, member of Filmmakers Association, national second-level artist. He served as the leader of the film team in the 55th Regiment of the 19th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Division of the Wuhan Military Region Air Force, and later transferred to work in the Propaganda Department of the Film Company in Heze City, Shandong Province. He loves oil painting, calligraphy and prose, and his works have been published in newspapers and magazines such as Hainan Special Economic Zone Daily, Yangcheng Evening News, Macao Daily, and online media such as Shandong Financial Literature and Qilu Evening News.

Yanagiizumi Financial Literature

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