
Since its birth in the 1940s, game theory has been widely used in business, economics, military, and sociology. Game Theory and Life, by Rand Fisher


Since its birth in the 1940s, game theory has been widely used in business, economics, military, and sociology.

Game Theory and Life, written by Lan Fisher, is a very famous British physicist who has studied physics all his life. But he is a popular science enthusiast, like to write very concise articles for everyone, in this book he did not use any mathematical formulas, but the game theory is particularly interesting.

I love the story in the book about cutting cakes. "Two brothers want to eat cake, how to divide this cake is more reasonable?" The brother said I took less, the younger brother said you took more, and then the two of them began to quarrel. Game theory has a very simple solution to this problem, that is: the older brother is responsible for cutting, and the younger brother chooses first. Then when the brother cuts, he will try to cut it evenly, because he chooses later. "This story tells us that the essence of the game is distrust, and at this time we can solve it through a third solution."

After reading this book, you have a new understanding of how to deal with the difficulties in life, and how to cooperate with others when you are deep in different environments, so it is worth reading. #跳出头脑, blend into life #

Since its birth in the 1940s, game theory has been widely used in business, economics, military, and sociology. Game Theory and Life, by Rand Fisher
Since its birth in the 1940s, game theory has been widely used in business, economics, military, and sociology. Game Theory and Life, by Rand Fisher

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