
Haidian Huangzhuang "extracurricular classmates" recall Gu Ailing's childhood fun
Haidian Huangzhuang "extracurricular classmates" recall Gu Ailing's childhood fun

China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Li Junhui / photo

Time back to a summer afternoon in 2014, in the 4th grade Olympiad classroom in Huangzhuang, Haidian, I sketched on the blackboard a name that the teacher had clicked on in class: (bone) + (love) + 0.

That's right, you guessed it, this is the name of Gu Ailing, who just won the freestyle ski women's big jump championship at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

There are many kinds of friendships, one side of the friendship, the intersection of the neck, we are considered to be "extracurricular class friends". Seeing her challenge herself on the Shougang Ski Jumping Platform, the scenes of our time together gradually connected. This girl is different from my other interest class classmates, she is a mixed race, so I am more impressed. Her Chinese speak very smoothly, although the grammar is slightly different from ours, but the tone of Beijing dialect is more authentic than mine.

One class break heard the electric tricycle downstairs repeating "reverse, please note; reverse, please note", everyone listened impatiently, Gu Ailing came to a sentence "Okay, okay, I know your car has arrived", this time, we all laughed. Later, I always thought about this "pour" and "to" conversion, whether it was that she did not understand the meaning of reversing at that time, or whether she knew that most of the reversing cars were parked, indicating that it was really an interesting conversion of the car "to", and I still wondered from time to time when I thought about it over the years.

Some people joke that Haidian people haidian soul, our generation of post-00s have attended many extracurricular classes, but there are not many who can insist on sports. After the Olympiad, some people then go to Chinese, English, or Go instruments, and Gu Ailing goes to basketball classes. At that time, I admired her. We have all taken various exercise classes, but only as tasks, but we have ignored that exercise is not just about learning knowledge, but about long-term persistence.

Gu Ailing re-entered my field of vision, in a 2019 report about her skiing with a well-known actor, this is the first time I saw her name, I read and read the blackboard of the summer of 2014, I went to search engines to type in her name only to find that she has won countless gold medals skier. On February 8, in the final of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Freestyle Ski Women's Big Jump held at the Beijing Shougang Ski Jump, Gu Ailing's third jump challenge was successful in a super difficult move that had never been made and won the championship.

In fact, the Olympians are not far away from us. Gu Ailing, Su Yiming, Yusheng Jiexian, Trusova... With the advancement of science and technology, the gradual strengthening of national strength, the developed network allows us to observe the world from an early age. When we pay attention to the daily life of more Olympians, we will find that athletes are not gods descending from heaven, they have no lack of innocence and joy like us, and the real thing that makes them "gods" is that they have persistence that is difficult for ordinary people to do. My admiration for them doesn't all come from their success, but mainly from why they succeed. Sometimes it is precisely because of these places in them that we are worth learning, which is the reason why they break through the limits and win appreciation.

In recent years, the country's increasing attention to sports activities and the hosting of a Winter Olympic Games have aroused a boom in national sports, and more and more ice and snow projects have begun to be carried out in the private sector. The ice rinks on the major parks and lakes seem to be recreated by their childhood in the last century. Ice and snow sports into the campus has also been well reflected in these years. Some schools will carry out ice activities on the frozen lake surface of the campus in winter; some schools will transform grass slopes into snow slopes to carry out snow sports; and schools that do not have the conditions will lay imitation ice surfaces on the playground for students to experience ice projects. Schools also organize sports teams to go out to carry out corresponding sports activities or participate in competitions.

Exercise naturally brings people closer to each other. Imagine running, the oncoming runner says "come on" to you, you will not be surprised because he is a stranger; while climbing the mountain, the person in front of you extends his hand to you on the slope and pulls you, you will not feel uncomfortable because of the unfamiliarity with the other party; on the snow field, you are willing to look at the person who reached the end with you, and you are willing to give a heartfelt congratulations to the person who completed the skill action... Seeing that the athletes did not let each other on the field at all, encouraged each other off the field, and even caused onlookers to question the drama. And that's exactly what our generation needs, to awaken positive emotions in the movement, to have enough empathy to understand the goodwill of others. The optimism generated during exercise meets the pressure that rushes from noisy life, radiates irresistible strength in the collision, and walks all over the Xiongguan Road, and when the sand is blown away, it will always be a different posture.

Today is my 18th birthday. Huo Went ill at the age of 18, rushed through the barrier to the Western Regions, gu Ailing was 18 years old, galloping on the snow field to win the gold medal! In today's Beijing Winter Olympic Games, there are many 18-year-old young people from all over the world who are shouting full of vitality to the world! After our generation of 00, some people have begun to step out of the wings of their parents' protection and stand on the top of the world and shine brightly. As for me, I may not have had the opportunity to compete with strength to become famous at the age of 18, but my classmates and I are preparing for the college entrance examination and facing our own future.

Some people say that we are a generation that looks at the world at a glance, and in this era of openness and inclusiveness, we have more communication with the world, more opportunities, more open thinking, and less prejudice against the outside world. We can love and tolerate without forgetting the hardships of the past, and create a new face of the times under the premise of remembering history.

According to the law, the same group of young people often first emerges in sports events. I think that next there will be more of us pouring into the tide of great powers and taking on heavy responsibilities.

We are willing to depict the world with personal experience, overlook the mountains, look up at the galaxy, and leave the imprint of China's post-00s on our motherland and the blue planet.

Pei Ziyue (18 years old) Source: China Youth Daily

Original title: Gu Ailing was once my classmate

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