
Write ordinary heroes with heart and affection

author:Bright Net

I know very well that it is not how well I write, but the good work of these grass-roots policemen. I am just a recorder, a storyteller, and all the glory belongs to the grassroots police who silently guard our side and selflessly dedicate themselves day after day

Not long ago, I listened to General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the opening ceremony of the 11th National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the 10th National Congress of the China Writers Association at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The people are the creators of history and the creators of the times. In the magnificent struggle of the people, the fiery chapter of creating history is jumping everywhere, and it is gathered together to be an epic poem of the people. "Hearing this, my heart was full of emotion and I was deeply touched.

As a writer with rich life experience, I once served as a soldier, participated in the 1998 flood fight, and worked in legal services after retiring from the army. Because many comrades-in-arms entered the public security system after changing careers, plus I often deal with grass-roots police officers in my daily work, I have a natural sense of closeness to them.

Five years ago, Gao Guangxi, director of the Chengnan Police Station of the Hai'an County Public Security Bureau in Jiangsu Province, collapsed in his office and never got up again. I am a resident of Gao's jurisdiction and have had some contact with him on weekdays. I couldn't help but cry when I learned that he had worked 36 hours straight before he collapsed, and that the screen of his office computer was still frozen on the case approval page of the police platform. Heroes should be remembered, and dedication should be praised. I spontaneously developed a strong sense of responsibility and mission, and decided to write out the daily bittersweet, cold, warm, sad and happy of the grass-roots police around me. As a result, I embarked on the road of creating online literature with realistic themes, and was praised by netizens for creating a new genre of "police novels" in online literature.

To be honest, when I first started conceiving, I was hesitant to write about other police departments. After all, the community police face some short trivia in the parents every day, will someone like to read it? But I am well aware that the grass-roots police are most closely connected to the people. Neighbors, whoever encounters difficulties and troubles will think of the community police. "There are difficulties, find the police", this sentence even children know - "police" is not an abstract symbol, but a concrete person, there is flesh and blood, there are emotions, there are dreams, there are also inner struggles and contradictions.

The things around him are the most difficult to write, and only when the author moves his true feelings can his work touch people's hearts. I went deep into the police station, the criminal police team and the community police office to make friends with the grass-roots police and auxiliary police, understand their daily work, and listen to their voices. Seeing that the police were so busy that they forgot their birthdays, and the children went to the house with cakes to celebrate his birthday, I was very unhappy; seeing that many police officers traveled to handle cases for more than 200 days a year, often unable to return home, I really understood that "where there are quiet years, only someone is carrying the weight for us"; When I saw the smile on the face of the police when they finally cracked the case, I was also full of a sense of accomplishment... After experiencing this unforgettable life, I wrote a long online novel "Officer Han" based on the local police. Immediately after, I created a long online novel "Chaoyang Police" based on a model female police officer.

Only when there is understanding can there be understanding, and understanding is not easy to misunderstand. I was pleased to see that the novels i wrote in my deep life were loved by netizens, who left messages lamenting the hardships and difficulties of the grass-roots police, knowing that the police not only shed blood and sweat but also shed tears, and praised the police and paid tribute to the police. Later, my novel was adapted into an audio novel and a TV series of the same name, which was more widely disseminated. Many police friends thanked me for "speaking up" for them, and I was also honored to be invited to share my creative experience with the police everywhere. Last year Chinese People's Day, I was also invited to celebrate the festival with the police at the police station.

I have made some achievements in writing, but I dare not covet the work of heaven. I know very well that it is not how well I write, but the good work of these grass-roots policemen. I am just a recorder, a storyteller, and all the glory belongs to the grassroots police who silently guard our side and selflessly dedicate themselves day after day.

"Adhere to the people's position and write an endless people's epic." Looking to the future, I feel that the responsibility is great and the time is not waiting. Having written so many stories about grassroots police, I am going to write about grassroots judges who handle two or three hundred cases a year, as well as judges' assistants and clerks who assist judges in handling cases. The staff of the Department of Public Prosecutions and Law has made great contributions to the construction of Safe China. Now I am living in the district-level people's courtroom, hoping to write more heroes who have done extraordinary things in ordinary posts.

(Author: Zhuo Muxian, is a writer of online literature and vice chairman of the Jiangsu Internet Writers Association)

Source: People's Daily

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