
Douyin Live Broadcast "Vulgar, Bad Value Content" Special Governance Action Announcement (Phase IV)

author:TikTok Blackboard Newspaper

Recently, the special governance action group of "vulgar and bad value content" of Douyin Live broadcast found that the anchor dance brother (7.781 million fans), the anchor dumb* (6.028 million fans), and the anchor sheng* (10.899 million fans) had violations such as publishing false information, discussing the rights and wrongs of others, and spreading negative comments during the live broadcast, destroying the community atmosphere, disrupting the order of the platform, and affecting the user experience. According to the platform specifications, the Douyin Live Broadcasting Security Center imposed a 7-day, 7-day, and 3-day live broadcast permission ban and Lianmai permission ban penalty respectively.

From January 1 to February 10, Douyin Live continued to focus on illegal content and accounts such as "instigation and incitement, insulting provocation, vulgar pk games, deliberate speculation, and bad inducement to tip", and punished a total of 781 live broadcast rooms for related violations.

Douyin Live Broadcast "Vulgar, Bad Value Content" Special Governance Action Announcement (Phase IV)

Douyin Live has always been committed to providing rich and diversified content for the majority of users, and has always insisted on resisting all kinds of live broadcasting behaviors that violate laws and regulations and violate social values. For anchors whose violations are serious and cause a bad social impact, the platform will give the anchor a penalty of permanently banning the account or withdrawing it, depending on the severity of the circumstances and the number of violations.

Douyin Live calls on the majority of users to jointly maintain a beautiful and healthy community atmosphere. If similar violations are found on the platform, users can report or send details to the reporting mailbox in the station: [email protected]. For suspected illegal and criminal acts, the platform will also actively cooperate with relevant departments to crack down.

TikTok Security Center

February 10

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