
2022 Party Committee Central Group Study Plan (Framework) I. Learning Content (I) Study Politics, Lay a Solid Ideological Foundation (II) Study Economics, Improve Development Ability (III) Learn Management, and Enhance Grasping

author:Kumon Studies

2022 Party Committee Central Group Study Plan (Framework)

1. Learning content

(1) Study politics and lay a solid ideological foundation

(2) Study economics and improve development capabilities

(3) Learn management and improve the level of construction

(4) Learn science and technology and expand the horizon of thinking

Second, the form of learning

(1) Thematic intensive learning

(2) Integrated follow-up learning

(3) Planned independent learning

3. Learning requirements

First, we must attach importance to it ideologically

Second, we must tighten our organization

Third, it is necessary to straighten out the study style

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