
If the Si people are rainbows, they know that the best look of love is this

If the Si people are rainbows, they know that the best look of love is this


This classic film has a classic line: "But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare." ”

I don't know English, thanks to Han Han's translation of "Si people like a rainbow, meet Fang Zhiyou". Rainbows, what a beautiful thing that can't be met.

Rainbow: When the sunlight hits the water droplets in mid-air, the light is refracted and reflected, forming an arched colorful spectrum in the sky, from the outer ring to the inner circle of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple seven colors.

The rainbow symbolizes love, beauty, fairy tales, nature, fantasy...

If the Si people are rainbows, they know that the best look of love is this


I also thank Han Han for giving such a beautiful translation of this line. At the same time, it also gives it such a romantic interpretation: when you meet such a person who is pleasing to each other, it is like seeing a beautiful rainbow, and you have never seen it no matter how beautiful others say, and you feel that it is really beautiful when you see it with your own eyes.

What others say, you won't believe. You meet it in person, and only then do you find out that the original beauty exists, and the like is so naturally revealed.

As Tie Ning described: "Love is indescribable, the so-called love is that when it comes, everything else will fall into the water." ”

If the Si people are rainbows, they know that the best look of love is this


He's coming, so change everything about you. He's here to make you different.

A few years ago, a celebrity couple officially divorced. After all, everyone tacitly agrees that they have been in love for a long time. The announcement at this moment is nothing more than an explanation for everyone and a relief for yourself.

In a magazine interview, the female star revealed that the reason why she decided to have a baby so early was because of the other party: "I just met a Mr. Huang, but if I didn't meet him, I wouldn't get married until now."

"I wouldn't have gotten married until now if I hadn't met him, but if he had been younger, I wouldn't have had children so early."

So, don't laugh at the fact that people's century weddings are finally over. No one can guarantee that the hand of the son will grow old with a white head. Love in the present, cherish the people in front of you. Gone? Just love.

If the Si people are rainbows, they know that the best look of love is this


In this life, people are not long, and they are not short.

Some people pass by on a long journey; they meet, they look at each other, and then they run to their own things. Some people walk together on the path of life; they know each other, they know each other, and then they part ways. Some people, in the long river of time, are like shadows; they keep and look at each other, and never give up.

In "The Sweet Hand and The Heart", Tang Lizi (Cai Shaofen) has a deeper understanding of the rainbow:

"What, what's so amazing about that?" It's not as waiting as sunrise and sunset, not knowing when it's going to see a rainbow, not knowing where it's going to appear, who knows? Have you seen it as your luck, I haven't seen anything good to marvel at? ”

Or is it a thousand times more difficult to meet someone you love than to meet a rainbow?

If the Si people are rainbows, they know that the best look of love is this


Coincidentally, Yang Mi also admitted that he especially likes the phrase "If the Si people are rainbows, they know that there is a party".

She would rather remain single and in a state of ease: "But there are such people, and there will be such love, which means that you have to look forward to life, you know?" To be quiet and patient to look forward to, I look forward to it with everyone, I am also waiting for my rainbow, and I hope that everyone can meet their own rainbow. ”

With the expectation of meeting, waiting also becomes more romantic and moving. Love, the most beautiful look is this.

If the Si people are rainbows, they know that the best look of love is this


But one day, you'll meet a gorgeous person who makes you feel like everyone you've met before is just a floating cloud.

Someday, it's like "how far away it will always be." Once again, fate is barely coming. Hopefully: you meet rainbows and you meet this person! All the good, since then the dust has settled...

If the Si people are rainbows, they know that the best look of love is this

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