
Love to see people's hearts for a long time! Learn this technique and love will always be sweet

Speaking of classic love movies, I have to mention "Heartbeat".

In the classic love movie "Heartbeat", the male protagonist Bryce initially despised the female protagonist Julie, and the two people had sharply opposed each other, but after getting to know each other more, they were attracted to each other again.

Eventually, Blaise, who was in love, confessed to Julie, "Thank God for keeping you by my side." ”

Love to see people's hearts for a long time! Learn this technique and love will always be sweet

And Julie's crush on Bryce has finally ushered in a happy ending.

Of course, another line in this movie is also very famous:

"Some people live in tall buildings, some people are in deep ditches, some people are full of light, some people are rusty, the world is thousands of kinds, floating clouds can not be asked, if the Si people are rainbows, they know that there is everywhere they meet."

Love to see people's hearts for a long time! Learn this technique and love will always be sweet

So in real life, have you ever felt "heartbroken"? How do you keep your partner excited about you?

Today I will teach you some chat tips that can make your partner shudder.

White Bear's Mindfulness

There is an effect in psychology called the "white bear effect," which refers to when researchers tell participants, "You must not think of a white bear in your mind." As a result, the participants in the experiment all thought of a white bear in their hearts.

Like, I tell you, when you read this, don't think about Apple in your head. Then, you must have an apple in your mind.

The wonderful thing about this effect is that when we deliberately divert our attention, when we tell ourselves to "not think", we actually deepen our impression of this matter.

If you use this effect in conversation, you can make men think about you all the time.

Love to see people's hearts for a long time! Learn this technique and love will always be sweet

For example, you could say something to a man like this:

"Isn't it nice to talk to me?" Haha, when I don't talk to you, don't secretly think about me. ”

You repeat this sentence often, and the white bear effect will become more and more obvious.

After my fan Xiaojie used this method, her boyfriend would ask her at every turn: "What are you doing?" "Explain that the bear effect can effectively increase the probability of men actively chatting with you, who makes him think of you involuntarily all the time?"

Exploiting the "Zeignick Memory Effect"

Everyone should have heard Zhang Ailing's theory of "red roses and white roses".

"Maybe every man has had two women like that, at least two. Married to a red rose, over time, the white is still "the bright moonlight before the bed"; married to the white rose, the white is a grain of rice sticky on the clothes, but the red is a cinnabar mole on the heart. ”

This sentence is explained psychologically, that is, the "Zeignick memory effect". This effect says:

People are born with a drive to do things from beginning to end, and the reason why people forget the work that has been done is because the motivation to "want to complete" is satisfied.

Love to see people's hearts for a long time! Learn this technique and love will always be sweet

So how can a man marry a white rose, and only a white rose in his heart? Marrying a red rose, do you think that a red rose is the most beautiful?

The answer is also in the Zeignick memory effect.

In the long-term relationship with men, if you let him always be excited for you, please be sure to keep the mystery and let the man maintain a continuous "exploration" state for us.

For example, when you talk to a man about excitement, we can deliberately cut off the topic and say to the man:

"I have some urgent things to deal with, let's talk about it later!"

For example, on Saturdays, you can go to the library alone to read books and listen to concerts. Don't need him to accompany you in everything.

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