
These 9 time points are the best time for autism home intervention training

How to find the straightest and shortest path in autism intervention training?

Believe this is the confusion of 99% of autistic families...

Many parents want to be able to consolidate what their children learn at home, but they often don't know how.

It feels like at home, as soon as the training aids are laid out, the child begins to make all kinds of tricks and all kinds of non-cooperation.

These 9 time points are the best time for autism home intervention training

In fact, the effect of family intervention is very related to the time when the training occurs, and the combination between the content of the training and the child is also very important.

So what are the time points that parents should grasp?

When you get up

The plan of the day lies in the morning, and the beautiful day begins from the moment the child opens his eyes.

Don't use lion roar when you wake up, or force your child to get up, which will only make him start the day with resentment, and he is likely to be unwilling to cooperate all day.

Many autistic children have "getting out of bed", and their behavior is not exactly the same as that of children who are generally difficult to get out of bed.

These 9 time points are the best time for autism home intervention training

Ordinary children will appear in bed, can't wake up, have a bad appetite in the morning, or are irritable, and many autistic children have appeared.

However, children with autism may present with an "upgraded version of getting up" in the air. They will cry, lose their temper, do not cooperate with dressing and washing, and some will even knock their heads or scream loudly.

Then, parents can wake up their children ten minutes in advance and make a good start for their children's intervention training today.

The methods that can be used are:

Small appointment before bedtime

Try to prevent or predict problems that your child may have the next day.

For example, make an appointment with the child before going to bed the night before, what skirt (clothes) to wear the next morning, what to do, it is best for the child to like, so that the child can have a motivation to get up when he gets up the next morning, and the adverse reactions will be much reduced.

These 9 time points are the best time for autism home intervention training

Musical wake-up method

Many children with autism have their favorite nursery rhymes or music.

You can put a few pieces of music that your child usually likes to listen to before you get up, so that your child can wake up in the sound of music.

Or ten minutes early every morning, turn on the lights, don't call the child, just find a picture book that the child likes to read, read it aloud, and read until the child wakes up naturally.

Because the memory function of the brain is most active in the morning, the input voice stimulation at this time is more easily accepted and learned by the child.

These 9 time points are the best time for autism home intervention training

Wake up mini-games

Play some small games of getting up with children, and regard small games as a ritual or a small secret of getting up every day, and children will forget to lie in bed while feeling happy.


What will you say to your child as you get up?

Would you consciously tell him the time of day (what day of the week today, what day of the month and day of today)?

Will you tell him what time to get up (what time is it now)?

Would you tell him about the weather today?

Would you tell him about your plan for the day today?

Or tell him about the main event of the day?

Will you tell him what he's going to do right away when he gets up?

Do you have any dreams at night?

What will your child say to you?

What do children usually ask? How do you answer?

If the child's language expression is not appropriate at this time, how do you guide him?

When preparing breakfast

Many parents feel that their children's intervention training is very hard, so they let their children sleep more in the morning, prepare their breakfast and then wake up their children.

However, allowing children to do some simple work and cooperate with parents to make breakfast can not only make children more closely connected with the outside world, but also exercise children's motor skills, help children be more willing to take the initiative to eat breakfast, and avoid picky eating and anorexia.

Hot milk

Asking a child to help pour milk can exercise the use and control of the child's arm and finger muscles, teach the child to use the induction cooker, and lay the foundation for him to learn simple meals later.

These 9 time points are the best time for autism home intervention training

Set the dishes

When learning to place dishes, children take the opportunity to exercise their muscle control skills, familiarize themselves with the process of eating, and learn the directions and instructions involved in the process.

This can help children better generalize what they learn in institutions or kindergartens.

When eating breakfast

This time is the best time of the day to communicate with children, parents can have simple language interaction with their children, such as whether they had dreams last night, whether they slept comfortably or not, so that children can fully feel the care of parents.

In addition, this is also an excellent time to help children familiarize themselves with the day's schedule, you can use the visual schedule, plus the necessary photos or language descriptions, to help children familiarize themselves with what needs to be done today.

It should be noted that many children have difficulty using their attention points, such as reading the schedule while eating.

If such a child is present, ask the child to interact with the child after breakfast.

Training in the use of tableware

During the breakfast process, let the child skillfully use a variety of tableware, including soup spoons, chopsticks and straws, etc., can be a good help for children to exercise fine skills.

In this process, if the child does not use these tools well, parents should not scold the child, give the child the opportunity to try and make mistakes, and give patience to wait.

These 9 time points are the best time for autism home intervention training

Revisit the visual calendar

Children with autism are naturally wary and anxious about what is about to happen. Helping these children understand in advance what they are going to do today can help them better adapt to the changing of the scene and the transition of activity.

Generally speaking, parents need to explain to their children in detail what they will do the next day in advance, so that their children can look forward to the activities of the next day.

Then use the schedule at breakfast the next day to remind your child and relive what's going on with today's activities. This saves time and exercises your child's memory.

Before going out

A good image will help children make friends.

Every day before going out, choose a good dress with your children and organize your own dress.

Good clothes will bring a good mood for the day, especially if the child likes the dress very much. After the children are dressed, tidy up their clothes and make them clean and tidy, the formation of this habit is also very helpful for them to adapt to social life in the future.

Dressing training

Give your child plenty of time to dress themselves.

Children can put on their own clothes, but when the zipper or button is not very good, parents can provide the necessary assistance to let the child get dressed in a semi-auxiliary situation.

When you're dressed, don't forget to ask your child to take a closer look at yourself in the mirror. This not only helps the child to establish a preliminary self-concept, but also cultivates the child's self-care ability, but also exercises his fine skills.

These 9 time points are the best time for autism home intervention training

Safety training

Don't forget to remind your child to follow the traffic rules when you go out.

Simple safety nursery rhymes, such as how to cross the zebra crossing, how to wait for traffic lights, these can be recited with the child.

This can help the child practice certain pronunciations, help the child to improve the attention to the next thing, and remind the child to pay attention to safety on the road.

After coming home from work

Parents end up with a busy job, and it is inevitable that there will be some tiredness.

So before entering the door, pack up your mood, from now on you are just a wife or husband, mother or father, it is unfair to sprinkle gas on the family, and it is not conducive to the generation of the child's sense of family belonging.

Embrace warmth

Just returned home, no matter how their work and children's intervention, sit on the sofa with their children in their arms for a while, give children a full sense of security of skin kissing, and calm the children's emotional ups and downs today.

If your child has energy, play with your child for a while to fully relax and prepare for dinner and bedtime.

These 9 time points are the best time for autism home intervention training

Recall the schedule

When parents and children are relaxed, you can gently ask your children what they have done today, what they feel and gained.

If your child can't say it, you can use the visual schedule of the day to give your child full hints.

This process can help children form a simple concept of time, fully mobilize children's short-term and long-term memories, and help children use basic time and space logic to organize information.

When eating dinner

Breakfast and dinner is a very good time for communication, breakfast is generally relatively simple, and after eating parents to work, children may go back to exercise or intervention, and dinner time is relatively long, after eating there is no must do something, is a good time for in-depth communication.

Family round table

Instead of letting everyone talk about it while they eat, share what happened today with each other and let all the family members know what everyone went through.

Children reminiscing about today's events with their families on the couch before meals can be stated separately on their own at the dinner table.

If the child can't say no, parents can gently remind them.

In this way, the child can fully receive the stimulation of the language used by the family to chat, and make an impression of some sentences often used by the family, especially some words with entrained emotions.

These 9 time points are the best time for autism home intervention training

In this way, children can also slowly understand the parents' day and gradually learn the cognition of different perspectives of experience.

Not to mention that this can help children develop the habit of reviewing what happened in their day every day, and provide children with more material for conversation and interaction with their peers.

In addition, parents can also keep abreast of their children's status and give help, so that their children know that their parents will always be his strongest backing.

It should be noted that do not criticize the child when eating, and the criticism at the table will affect the child's appetite and digestion.

Night before going to bed

The day of enrichment is coming to an end, and parents need to be prepared for their children to tidy up and fall asleep.

Many parents are already very tired at this time and just want to send their children to bed.

However, ten minutes of interactive time is still very necessary.

Tomorrow's itinerary is familiar

Parents can explain the visual itinerary of the next day in advance to their children at this time.

Let the child look forward to the next day's activities, and they can also have more motivation to get up.

There are also some small details to remind children, such as thinking about the clothes to wear tomorrow in advance, sorting out the items to be used tomorrow, letting the children do it themselves, and it is beneficial to stick to it for a long time.

Bedtime stories

Parents can tell their children a little story before going to bed, and consciously cultivate their children's reading habits and sleep status.

The story should not choose to involve fight scenes, violence, etc., because it may make it difficult for children to fall asleep with too much excitement.

It is best to design the content of the story, which can have elements that children like, integrate some scene rules that children want to understand, and let children understand the content of the scene in a subtle way.

When you go to the toilet

Ability to enter the toilet

Can children identify restrooms outside of their home, kindergarten, and other places they are used to?

When you need to go to the toilet, do you know how to find it for the bathroom?

Will children use the bathroom properly?

Use the urinal, rinse, properly place used why paper, wash your hands with a tap, and more.

Will children use the various public restrooms?

Will children handle their own bowel movements independently in the bathroom, and do they still need assistance?

Toilet awareness

Does the child know that he usually has to go to the bathroom to go to the toilet?

Do children still have public defecation?

Have you ever told your child why they can't defecate in public places?

Have you taught your children to prepare in advance before going out?

Have you ever told your child to report in advance when there is a toilet request?

Does the adult pay attention to the closing behavior when the adult goes to the toilet?

Is the child entering the toilet aware of the door?

When taking a shower

Does the child know the meaning of bathing?

What is the reason why my child bathes?

Adult requirements / Each fixed time is up / Is the child feeling uncomfortable, such as sweating / The child feels dirty / Seeing the family bathing / Other?

Did the family deliberately tell the child the reason for bathing when they took a bath?

Have you talked about the different feelings before and after the bath?

Did the child say that he was different before and after he bathed?

These 9 time points are the best time for autism home intervention training

During the bathing process

Does bathing make your child happy?

What preparations does the child participate in before bathing?

Prepare your own clothes for change?

Prepare other supplies?

What can children do on their own in the bath?

Like undressing yourself?

What else can't be done?

Does the child bathe independently?

In the bath with your child, do you explain anything to your child?

Are children gender-educated in the bath?

When adults take a bath, do they tell their children about bathing routines?

For example, people of different genders cannot bathe at the same time, such as closing the door.

Have you ever told your child what he should take a bath by himself?

Does the mother or sister help him take a bath, and does the child feel embarrassed?

Have you ever tried to have your child bathe independently?

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