
Baby foreign body stuck throat crying mother, Zhangzhou a "most beautiful couple" staged life and death first aid!

Young babies have a foreign body stuck in the throat!

In times of great danger,

A "most beautiful couple" in Longhai District, Zhangzhou City tacitly cooperated,


In the end, the baby successfully escaped from danger.

Baby foreign body stuck throat crying mother, Zhangzhou a "most beautiful couple" staged life and death first aid!

▲The red dress is Hong Wenru

At about 12:30 noon on February 8, near the Fourth Middle School in Longhai District, Zhangzhou City, a 1-year-old baby boy had a foreign body stuck in his throat, suffocation, confusion, etc. The baby's mother, Ms. Ji, did not know how to rescue and cried loudly on the spot. When the crisis was extremely critical, Hong Wenru, who was also a mother, came forward to use the Heimlik first aid method, and after many rescues, the foreign body was spit out, but on the way to the hospital, the baby had a convulsion, and in a hurry, Ms. Hong plugged her fingers to prevent the child from biting her tongue. In the end, the child was successfully rescued.

Baby foreign body stuck throat crying mother, Zhangzhou a "most beautiful couple" staged life and death first aid!

At noon today (10th), Ms. Hong told reporters that at the time of the incident, she and her husband Huang Weikun just had lunch and rode an electric car near the scene of the incident, and the couple heard someone crying loudly, "Brother (son) Ah... Will someone give first aid? Ms. Hong told reporters that because the car parked on the side of the road blocked the view of the two people, only the crying and shouting could be heard, but no one could be seen.

At first, the couple didn't care, but the cries grew louder. Huang Weikun couldn't bear it, and the two of them approached to see what was going on. "At that time, I saw a mother holding her baby, jumping up and down on her feet, crying loudly, and asking passers-by for first aid." Ms. Hong said that when she saw this situation, she immediately stepped forward to help, and according to the first aid knowledge she had mastered, she used the Heimlich first aid method to hold the baby boy from behind and slapped it on the back 3 to 4 times, but there was no effect. At this time, a takeaway brother saw the situation and also used the Heimlich first aid method, slapping his back several times, but all of them were ineffective.

Ms. Hong told reporters that she was also a little panicked at the time, but the husband next to her also reassured her to calm down. Due to the urgency of the incident and the fear of traffic jams on the road, Ms. Hong did not take much care, picked up the baby, got on her husband's electric car, and rushed to the hospital. At the same time, Ms. Hong continued to rescue her in the car, but it still had no effect. Ms. Hong simply put her finger into the baby's mouth and pressed her tongue. Suddenly, a foreign body that is neither soft nor hard is spat out of the baby's mouth.

Baby foreign body stuck throat crying mother, Zhangzhou a "most beautiful couple" staged life and death first aid!

▲Fingers are bitten red and swollen

Just when Ms. Hong was relieved, the baby had convulsions, in order to prevent the baby from biting his tongue, on the way to the hospital, she put her finger into the baby's mouth, and endured the pain, sending the baby to the hospital for emergency treatment. Afterwards, Ms. Hong found that her fingers were bitten red and swollen, and when she knelt down to rescue her, her knees were worn. "I'm a small injury, and the most important thing is that the child is okay." Ms. Hong said that she is also a mother, feels empathy, and can't bear to see her children suffer like this.

Baby foreign body stuck throat crying mother, Zhangzhou a "most beautiful couple" staged life and death first aid!
Baby foreign body stuck throat crying mother, Zhangzhou a "most beautiful couple" staged life and death first aid!

▲The picture shows Hong Wenru and her husband Huang Weikun

Subsequently, the reporter learned from Ms. Ji that the child was 1 year old and 4 months old, because of the more gluttony, before the incident, the child had eaten a teething stick, and it was estimated that the bite was too large and was stuck. After being rescued by the hospital, the child has no serious problems and is currently under further observation in the hospital. In hindsight, Ms. Ji had palpitations. "When I was at a loss, it was Ms. Hong who reached out, she was the savior of my child, thank you." Ms. Ji said that after the child is discharged from the hospital, she will ask Ms. Hong again and thank her.

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Heimlich First Aid Procedure Procedure

1. Infants and young children under 3 years old

Remove the visible foreign body, if ineffective, immediately flip him over, the baby face down, or placed on the thigh, head low and high, arm support its chest and abdomen, one hand fixed the baby's bilateral mandibular angle, so that the baby's head is slightly backwards, with the root of the other palm pat, continuous pat 1 to 5 times; ineffective, change to supine position, with the palm root or middle finger and ring finger quickly impact pressure on the infant's two nipples connected to the next horizontal finger 5 times, and observe whether the child spits out the foreign body.

Or turn the child over, lie on a hard ground or bed board, the rescuer kneels or stands on his or her feet, or takes a seat, and has the child ride on the rescuer's lap, facing forward. The rescuer places the middle or index fingers of both hands on the abdomen under the thoracic cage and above the umbilicus, and quickly and upwardly hits the compression, but very gently. Repeat (ibid.) until the foreign body is excreted.

Baby foreign body stuck throat crying mother, Zhangzhou a "most beautiful couple" staged life and death first aid!

2. Children over three years old

The first responder stands or kneels behind the child, holds a fist in one hand and places the other on it, and places it between the child's navel and the sword protrusion of the sternum. Squeeze your arms hard against the back and upper of your child's back, and quickly press your child's chest inwards and upwards, forming an impactful stream of air that will rush out the hard food blocks that block the trachea and throat. Push 5 to 10 times, about 3 seconds apart each time, until the tracheal blockage is lifted.

Baby foreign body stuck throat crying mother, Zhangzhou a "most beautiful couple" staged life and death first aid!

Tracheal foreign bodies often occur in children under three years of age

Tracheal foreign bodies mostly occur in children under three years of age, in the daily parenting process, how to prevent children from swallowing foreign bodies by mistake?

How can I prevent my child from swallowing a foreign body?

1, children eat jelly is prone to accidents, do not give a whole, you can break it first and then give it to the child.

2, twist, candy is not easy to bite, easy to choke the throat, it is recommended to cut into cubes when eating.

3, the size of nuts is too small, children may not chew on the stomach, easy to choke. It is recommended to eat nuts after the age of five or six.

4, longan, grapes, cherries and other pitted fruits, can be pitted and then given to children to eat.

5. Choose fish with fewer fish spines to cook, otherwise it is easy to choke, and it will stab the child's esophagus and mouth.

6, children do not run around when eating, do not develop the habit of mouth inclusions, do not lie down to eat, cry when feeding. Young children lack the ability to protect themselves, and daily care should not leave the custodian's vision.

There is a high incidence of swallowing foreign bodies in children

Please remind the parents around you

Be sure to take precautions

So as not to suffer a terrible price!

Source: Minnan Network, Fujian Health News

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