
It turns out that these 3 parts of the baby's body are the most afraid of cold, see if you cover it?

After the winter, there are more and more children in pediatric outpatient clinics, especially the recent cold air raging, many babies are inevitably infected with wind chills, making mothers feel sad and worried. In fact, the reason why many babies are cold and sick is not that their mothers have not done a good job of keeping warm and wearing less for the baby. On the contrary, the baby will get sick because the mother dresses too much, the place that should be covered is not covered, and the place that should be cold is too hot. The baby's heat dissipation is not smooth, the body temperature regulation is not good, it is easy to get sick and uncomfortable.

In winter, this part of the baby's body is the most afraid of cold, as long as the mother does a good job of keeping the baby warm, it can greatly protect the baby through this cold winter, less sick and healthier!


That is, the baby's small abdomen, many mothers may find that the baby's diarrhea symptoms become frequent after the winter, in fact, this is because the warmth of the small belly is not in place, and the baby's abdomen is cold. Therefore, in winter, mothers cover the baby's small belly, which is of great benefit to protecting the normal digestion and peristalsis of the stomach and reducing the baby's abdominal pain and diarrhea symptoms.


Generally, mothers with experience with babies will touch the back of their children to test whether their children are hot or cold. Keeping the back warm has a great effect on preventing the baby from getting sick and enhancing the body's resistance. However, the warmth of the back should be kept appropriate, do not cover the heat excessively to cause sweating, because once sweating, the child will be easily affected by the cool wind, cold and cold.


The reason why you want to warm your feet and not warm your hands is because the foot part is covered with rich nerve endings, the perception of the outside world is also very sensitive, and the soles of the feet are far from the heart, blood circulation and warmth are very poor, once cold, it is easy to reduce the child's ability to resist diseases, provoke infectious diseases, and harm health.

In addition to the above 3 parts to be warm, there are 2 parts of the baby's body that are more suitable for "cool". Mothers should not cover the heat excessively, which affects the baby's normal activities and physical health.

Head cold. As the old saying goes, "warm feet do not warm the head", when the child's body is heat dissipated, 1/3 of the heat is emitted by the head, if the head is covered tightly, it will seriously affect the heat dissipation of the child's body surface, causing dizziness, irritability and other discomfort.

Be cold in your heart. Children are still young, breathing ability and heart function are not perfect enough, the heart and chest mentioned here should be cool, in fact, do not wrap the child's upper body too thickly, to avoid unnecessary burdens, affecting breathing and activity.

In addition, the winter weather is cold and dry, there are many germs, mothers should also pay attention to improving the child's diet, comprehensive and balanced supplementation of nutrition, to meet the needs of physical development, as far as possible to improve resistance and disease resistance, reduce the child's chance of being "picked" by germs.

Source: Neonatal Care ~

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