
"Can't help your baby when he falls?" Your attitude determines your baby's character

For babies who have just learned to walk or even just can walk and run, wrestling is a normal thing, tripping over something, tripping over their own legs...

Some parents are very afraid of the baby falling, and after the baby falls, they will be very nervous to run over and support the baby.

Some parents, on the contrary, feel that the baby's dependence may increase after falling down.

Therefore, when the baby falls, no matter what the baby's situation is, he will not lift the baby up.

In fact, the parents' coping methods after the baby falls will affect the baby's personality to some extent.

Baby falls down and can't help it

"Can't help your baby when he falls?" Your attitude determines your baby's character

Supporting the baby: poor resistance to setbacks, glass heart

The baby is inexperienced in life, can not judge the severity of the situation after falling, usually has a blank time of 1 second, waiting for the parent's reaction.

If the parents immediately exclaim and lift up, the baby will think: I really fell very badly! It was horrible! This thing is so disgusting that it hurts me!

So the baby began to cry or keep throwing tantrums, so as to get more love and comfort from parents.

Once this way of thinking is developed, the baby will lose his temper when he encounters setbacks in the future, blame others or objects, and cannot learn from experience and assess risks.

At the same time, the parent's nervous emotions or reproachful tone will make the baby overly cautious, dare not do sports that are at risk of injury, hinder the development of physical balance and dodging ability, and weaken the ability to protect themselves in case of trouble.

Not supporting the baby: clingy, selfish, indifferent

Many parents want to make their babies more independent and brave. But if the baby asks for help, the parents are still resolute not to help, and they do not allow others to help, and the baby must stand up on his own.

In doing so, the baby will feel that the emotional connection with the parents will be broken, and they will think: How can my parents not help me?

In the long run, the baby enters a very unsafe state. Babies will find ways to "reconnect" and become clingy.

Or form an overly strong, indifferent personality – refusing to help others and not taking the initiative to help others.

Looking at it this way, it seems that it is not right to support it, and it is not right not to support it. What should you do when your baby falls?

After the baby falls, what should parents do?

"Can't help your baby when he falls?" Your attitude determines your baby's character

Encourage your baby to stand up on his own

When the baby falls, the baby does not cry, feel that the baby fell not seriously, parents do not rush to go over, but observe the situation.

If the baby is not in serious trouble, parents can pretend to be indifferent and encourage the baby to stand up on his own.

In the future, when encountering such a situation, the baby will choose to slowly climb up on his own. Thus cultivating the baby's strong willpower.

Give your baby a chance to cry

The baby cries because of the pain of falling, parents should not panic, should see if the baby is injured in time, and then take different measures according to the specific situation.

If your baby is injured, you should have your baby bandaged right away. If it's not a big deal, let the baby cry in our arms and gently pat it for comfort.

Because the arms of parents are always the baby's spiritual harbor, it can make the baby feel soothed quickly.

Don't scold your baby

Many parents see the baby falling down and crying, not only do not allow the baby to cry, but also scold, hit him, suppress him...

This can easily cast a shadow on the baby's young mind and turn the baby into a cowardly and timid person.

When the baby cries, it is their nature that is revealed, do not laugh, do not criticize, give the baby comfort and encouragement, let the baby learn to be strong and release the pressure in the heart.

Help your baby learn more

When your baby falls, we need to guide your baby to learn to find ways to protect himself.

If your baby falls because he hits a rock, parents should tell him that he will not fall if he sees a large rock going around.

In this way, the baby will constantly adjust his walking posture and method, and slowly reduce the number of falls.

In the future, it will also cultivate the baby's confident and brave character, dare to face difficulties and think about problems, and develop the habit of overcoming difficulties.

Wrestling is not anyone's fault, but the process of growing up. What babies need is not a scapegoat, but to learn how to do it safer.

The correct way parents deal with it can not only promote the development of the baby's sports, emotional management, risk assessment and other abilities, but also help the baby develop a brave and independent personality.






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