
Some time ago, the company went out of business, so I have been bored at home to learn professional knowledge, thinking about finding a good job in the next year. But I really didn't expect that because of this matter, I completely became a relative to talk to

author:Chengdu Li classmate

Some time ago, the company went out of business, so I have been bored at home to learn professional knowledge, thinking about finding a good job in the next year.

But I really did not expect, because of this matter, I completely became a negative teaching material for relatives to chat and educate the younger generations, and the ridiculous characters after tea and dinner, such as my sister talking about what job to find after graduation at my relative's house, I was educated to find a stable job, don't be like me, you see him now, the company is closed, every day at home... Barabala

Hey, I'm really satisfied, isn't it normal for the company to go out of business? Although I didn't expect me to meet it, but how to drip, I am still wrong? Dare I hum at home to study, it has become a symbol of the seven aunts and eight aunts can not find a job in the mouth?

Alas, it is a little sad to go from a small transparent in the whole extended family to an opaque negative teaching material!

I still continue to be myself, I always want to look like a person at home, but I find that I am still powerless...

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