
#Fushun headlines #This big year, I have a really good year of Yinhu, it is my life year, eighty-four years old, of course, the elderly. However, I don't have a sense of twilight yet, nor do I

author:Kunlun one grain

#抚顺头条 #

This big year, I have a really good life

This year of the Yinhu is my life year, eighty-four years old, of course, the elderly. However, I do not have a sense of twilight, nor do I have the decline of old age in action. Has always maintained a strong desire for knowledge and self-motivation. So, still very interested in the New Year. I especially like the noisy coming of my children and grandchildren and the congratulations activities of relatives and friends visiting each other. This year is the same.

The son is in Hangzhou, in order to prevent the epidemic, it is inconvenient to come back. Sun Tzu is at the Air Force Military Academy and does not take a holiday.

Chinese New Year's Eve, he spent time with his stepwife's son and family of three and his parents-in-law. The young couple made Chinese New Year's Eve rice packets. The wife held hands on the side. I watched the CCTV Spring Festival Gala with the two old men and my little granddaughter. Eat hot pot, chicken, fish, beef and mutton, a large table. Fresh vegetables and fruits. Freshly wrapped dumplings, mellow and delicious. Feel free to taste fine wines and beverages. Eat and drink while enjoying the show. Talk and laugh and be happy. Although there are no fireworks to add luster, it is also a happy and harmonious, so calm and self-assured, boundless happiness!.

The second year of junior high school is a bigger party. All four girls' families gave me a visit. In addition to the whole family of more than a dozen people on duty, they dined together around the large book case of 1.2 * 2.4 meters that I specially bought, which was very grand. Every day is the happiest time for my family.

The girls brought me the best wine dishes. My uncle made all kinds of tricks. Meat and vegetables are cool and hot, and the color and aroma are delicious. Drink freely and let go. Talk about the world, work life. Children's education. Social news and so on will be told to the elderly. Until the wine is full and the meal is full.

The Way is:

The Chinese national festival is passed on, and the Spring Festival is full of carnival. The joy of heaven is harmonious, and the flesh and blood are celebrating the reunion.

Such a new year has made my mentality more youthful.

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