
Henan couple gave birth to 1 dragon and 3 phoenix quadruplets! Life was hard for a while, and after 23 years, how is it going

In traditional Chinese culture, "many children and many blessings" is a widely spread saying. However, with the progress of social development, more and more people believe that it is the responsibility of parents to provide a perfect environment for children to grow up. Having multiple births often places enormous financial, energy, and resource needs on the family.

23 years ago, a couple living in Henan experienced such a surprise, how did the dragon and phoenix quadruplets grow up healthily? How can we guarantee them a good enough life? For a time, these problems became the biggest wish of the parents.

Henan couple gave birth to 1 dragon and 3 phoenix quadruplets! Life was hard for a while, and after 23 years, how is it going

A blessing that came suddenly: quadruplets

Twenty-three years ago, in Qianying Village, Yuanyang County, on the outskirts of Xinxiang, Henan, a family was calculating dates with anticipation and waiting for a new life to come. Since the beginning of her pregnancy, chen songxia, her wife, has been reminded more than once by the well-informed and experienced elderly people around her, saying that her belly looks a little big, maybe more than one baby.

For such a possibility, Chen Songxia and her husband Yang Falin did not have any special ideas at first. After all, judging from the examples of other people around us, although the situation of having one is overwhelming, it is not impossible to give birth to twins. Whether it is one or two, it is always their own flesh and blood, and there will be no difference between anticipation and happiness.

Since the old man said that it was possible to be twins, the two did retain the premonition that they might meet the twins during the time they were waiting for delivery.

Henan couple gave birth to 1 dragon and 3 phoenix quadruplets! Life was hard for a while, and after 23 years, how is it going

For the top pillar of the family, Yang Falin believes that although having two children in one child is slightly beyond the plan, as long as you work harder, be diligent and thrifty, and bear the financial and energy efforts. It is also for this reason that they are very concerned about the physical condition of pregnant women during pregnancy, and they have planned to go to a hospital in Zhengzhou to give birth early.

However, it seems that God is still quite good to this family, and Chen Songxia will inevitably have all kinds of discomfort during pregnancy, but fortunately there is no particularly critical situation. When the due date approached, the whole family anxiously and eagerly handed over the process of the birth of a new life to the doctor of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou River Medical University.

When the door of the obstetrics and gynecology operating room was opened again, Yang Falin, who was waiting outside, immediately received a huge "surprise" - he suddenly became the father of four babies!

Henan couple gave birth to 1 dragon and 3 phoenix quadruplets! Life was hard for a while, and after 23 years, how is it going

Before, they hadn't thought about the possibility that this fetus would be twins. The couple had even discussed many times about twins, twins or dragons and phoenixes, and fantasized about how raising a son or daughter should be different. However, when reality actually happens, it is often much more exciting than planned.

Originally, I thought of a dragon and phoenix fetus, but when the results of the Third Affiliated Hospital of River Medical University came out, it turned out to be a male and three female dragon and phoenix quadruplets. This is indeed a big surprise to the Yang family, you know that under normal circumstances, families with triplets are already rare, let alone holding four small babies at a time?

Suddenly upgraded to become parents, Chen Songxia and Yang Falin were excited. The four little babies are healthy and lively, waiting to be fed, looking at this picture, the whole family is naturally irrepressibly happy and excited.

Henan couple gave birth to 1 dragon and 3 phoenix quadruplets! Life was hard for a while, and after 23 years, how is it going

The troubles of happiness

There is a saying that "many children and many blessings" are spread all over the mainland, and Henan is no exception. The prosperity of the children and the blossoming of leaves represent the prosperity and prosperity of the family. Multiple pregnancies such as twins, triplets and dragon and phoenix babies have been given various wonderful names, which are considered to be symbols of auspiciousness and foreshadowing the prosperity of the family.

The couple successfully gave birth to quadruplets, not only the whole family was happy, but relatives and neighbors also expressed envy, thinking that this family could get the luck of choosing one out of ten thousand, and must be a blessed family.

For the Yang family, the birth of quadruplets has another fortunate point. In general, multiple pregnancies are not a small test for pregnant women, and a careless person is prone to complications and complications. At the critical point of childbirth, pregnant women who are pregnant with more than three babies are at great risk.

Henan couple gave birth to 1 dragon and 3 phoenix quadruplets! Life was hard for a while, and after 23 years, how is it going

According to statistics, the probability of premature death of multiple births is more than ten times higher than that of ordinary babies. Not only is the fetal risk high, but pregnant women are also very likely to face life danger once they are in distress.

It is said that women's childbirth is a critical point of life and death, and this description is not exaggerated at all. After the successful birth of the four children, Yang Falin and Chen Songxia thought that they had experienced such a big risk during the original period of waiting for delivery, and they were more or less afraid.

However, although the Quadruplets of the Yang family inevitably brought various inconveniences and discomforts to their mothers, fortunately there were no dangers along the way, and they did not encounter particularly large risks and twists and turns.

Henan couple gave birth to 1 dragon and 3 phoenix quadruplets! Life was hard for a while, and after 23 years, how is it going

Perhaps, these four little babies had already expressed their love to their parents before they were born. In the eyes of relatives and friends around, the newborn children are all well-behaved and cute Ning Xin'er, which is even more worthy of everyone's envy.

Since the children's genders are different, it can already be asserted that these four siblings are hetero-ovate and multi-fetal. When they grow up, their appearance and temper will be like those of their parents, and what kind of growth experience they will have, which has become a topic of discussion among Yang's family and relatives and friends.

In the face of envy and congratulations from all directions, the Yang family is of course happy to close their mouths. But the thought of the large amount of investment required to raise children and receive education can inevitably be mixed with some uncertainty and worry about the future in such ecstasy.

Henan couple gave birth to 1 dragon and 3 phoenix quadruplets! Life was hard for a while, and after 23 years, how is it going

The various supplies and budgets originally prepared were originally calculated by one child. If you have twins, add some items, and transfer some money from other places, you can use it when you are full. But now that four children come at once, that's another matter.

From the infancy of infancy, milk powder diaper baby food costs a lot of money. When the children grow up, there is no place where they eat and dress without money. It is also a big cost for children to receive education, and to allow them to have enough knowledge and skills to live on their own, and to be able to improve their living standards according to their own ability, it is necessary to receive adequate education.

Among all the elders up and down the Yang family, Yang Falin and Chen Songxia, as parents, have the deepest thoughts for the future of their four children. After all, since the second a child comes into this world, parents and families have taken on responsibilities that cannot be shirked. For the family, the weight of this responsibility is exactly four times heavier than that of the average family.

Henan couple gave birth to 1 dragon and 3 phoenix quadruplets! Life was hard for a while, and after 23 years, how is it going

A helping hand from society

Since the appearance of quadruplets is not a common thing, the news soon appeared in the local news media, and the Yang family was caught off guard and ill-prepared because of the sudden arrival of new life, which was also reported by the media. For a time, with Zhengzhou as the center, a strong social response was set off, and citizens expressed concern.

In ancient China, there was a fine tradition of "the old and the old, the young and the young", and the citizens of Zhengzhou who heard the news were happy for the family on the one hand, and on the other hand, they put themselves in the shoes of the money and goods they had prepared in advance and would inevitably not be enough.

As a result, many enthusiastic people began to look for newspapers to learn more about the situation - where did the family live? Is there a problem with the money? Are the various items for small children enough? Lack of food and clothing?

These ideas are all very natural. If nothing else, out of thin air, three more babies, milk powder, diapers first became an urgent need. The child has just been born with weak resistance, and in case of a disease in life, it is even more time that cannot be delayed. In every way, everything needs something and money.

Henan couple gave birth to 1 dragon and 3 phoenix quadruplets! Life was hard for a while, and after 23 years, how is it going

Therefore, the enthusiastic citizens first donated money and materials, and the Third Affiliated Hospital of River Medical University also exempted them from all medical expenses. As the plight of the Yang family spread more and more widely, entrepreneurs who wanted to do charity came to the door and expressed their willingness to bear the cost support of their children during their growth.

With the help of this wave of charcoal in the snow, the Yang family successfully survived the difficult period of initial busyness. Without worrying too much about the economy, they were able to enjoy the great joy of the birth of a new life.

The children were also fortunate not to encounter any diseases or dangers that were too dangerous from the moment they were born. When the hospital decided that the mother and child's condition was stable enough, it gave them a notice that they could be discharged.

When the Yang family took the ambulance of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Heyi University and returned to their hometown with the four siblings in their swaddling, they almost entered the door surrounded by the villagers in the village.

The growth of the four children requires much more resources and energy than the only child, which has become the biggest motivation for Yang Falin and his wife to work hard in the future. When you think about what your child needs to spend in school or in daily life, parents always hope that it is better to save more money.

Henan couple gave birth to 1 dragon and 3 phoenix quadruplets! Life was hard for a while, and after 23 years, how is it going

The Yang family's hometown is in Yuanyang County, which produces "China's first rice", and is also a high-quality strong gluten wheat production base county determined by the state. Locally, agriculture is one of the pillars of livelihood and income, and people grow wheat and rice in the fields in the hope of getting as much income as possible from the land.

The Yang family has a total of 20 acres of arable land. With the idea of saving more money for the sake of their children's growth, the two sons have been resting at sunrise and sunset for many years, and the farmland has been well kept in order. As the four children grew up, they also developed the habit of being diligent in their work because of their parents' diligence, and the family jointly shouldered farm work and housework.

Not only that, in the agricultural leisure time, the couple often inquired about the news of the need for odd jobs nearby, and went out to work as soon as they had the right work. The whole family worked together to accumulate family funds and continuously improve their living conditions.

In order to commemorate the selfless help received by the society after the birth of the quadruplets, Yang Falin and his wife named them Yang Chunnuan, Yang Xialian, Yang Qiushuang, and Yang Donghan, hoping that they could grow up with a grateful heart and become people who contributed to society.

Henan couple gave birth to 1 dragon and 3 phoenix quadruplets! Life was hard for a while, and after 23 years, how is it going

A home of four children many years later

Seeing the path chosen by Yang Falin's family, some people may feel strange: Isn't there a society that will help them? There are also entrepreneurs who have promised to fund, why do the parents have to work so hard to raise their children for their own work?

For this problem, Yang Falin's idea is actually very simple: raising children should be the responsibility of parents, and the loving help from the society is certainly worthy of thanks, but this is not a reason to rely on social help. Regarding life, the family showed great calmness and calmness.

Some people also questioned whether there are relevant subsidy provisions in the case of multiple children being born at the same time, such as triplets and quadruplets. Because the Yang family is facing real difficulties because of their four children, can they apply for subsidies to reduce their burden?

Regarding this matter, in fact, there have been reporters who have conducted interviews with relevant departments earlier, and so far, there is no subsidy rule specifically for the situation of multiple births.

Henan couple gave birth to 1 dragon and 3 phoenix quadruplets! Life was hard for a while, and after 23 years, how is it going

It will give people the impression that "multiple-child families have subsidies to receive", and the truth is often another situation: after having more children, taking care of children also requires the family to pay more effort, often resulting in a decrease in family income, and once the per capita income of the whole family is lower than the local minimum living security line, then of course it meets the conditions for applying for subsidies.

However, the Yang family's parents regard raising their children as their rightful responsibility, and have not thought too much about calling for social help and applying for subsidies. They focused more on the growth and education of their children, the crops in the field, and when it was time to go out to work.

Under the words and deeds of their parents for many years, the four sisters and brothers have also grown up day by day with similar ideas. Growing up, they all saw them as just more sisters and brothers, nothing special about anything else. They graduated step by step and went to work individually to become people who were meaningful to their families and society.

Years later, the media that had reported the birth of quadruplets made a special trip to visit the quadruplet home again. When the reporter came to the door of the Yang family in the village, he found that the old house in the newspaper photos of that year was gone.

In its place is a new two-storey, more spacious and neat house, which was built by the yang family of six people with more than 300,000 yuan earned by labor. Not only that, they also bought cars, which were used for various purposes of travel, and life became much more convenient.

Facing the camera, the family's smiles overlapped with the picture of the four siblings still swaddling, and they also proved their way of life with their own practical actions. However, he asked for help from others a lot, and relied on the unity of the family to run his own life quietly.

Henan couple gave birth to 1 dragon and 3 phoenix quadruplets! Life was hard for a while, and after 23 years, how is it going


In any case, parents are the most important people who can exert influence on their children's lives. If parents do not fully consider their physical and economic conditions, blindly pursue more children and more blessings, the result is often not to ensure the quality of children's growth, which is often very negative for children's future negative impact.

As the parents of quadruplets, although Yang Falin and his wife accepted the kindness from the society and the public, they did not pin all their future livelihood sources on these kindnesses. They continue to improve their lives by their own labor, and the children grow up to inherit the life philosophy of their parents.

This independent lifestyle, in turn, earned them more respect. Now, 23 years later, the children of that year have grown up and can be alone, and their families have been sticking to it and have become a normal habit of life that will continue.

Henan couple gave birth to 1 dragon and 3 phoenix quadruplets! Life was hard for a while, and after 23 years, how is it going

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