
Psychologist: The reason why many women are happy in marriage is that they have learned to be "selfish"

Psychologist: The reason why many women are happy in marriage is that they have learned to be "selfish"

Marriage is like a woman's second reincarnation, a happy marriage can make us look better and better, and when our marriage is not happy, we will become more and more "ugly".

So, for us, it's a particularly fortunate thing to be able to have a happy marriage.

Of course, the management of marriage is also very important, there are many loves in the beginning of the vigorous, but due to the lack of proper management, so that the marriage has become more and more indifferent, women do not feel happiness, began to question whether their choice at that time is correct, they are haggard.

Therefore, we must choose reasonable and effective ways to make our marriage happy.

Psychological research has shown that many women are happily married because they learn to be "selfish."

Psychologist: The reason why many women are happy in marriage is that they have learned to be "selfish"

If a woman is "selfish", the man will be "diligent"

In the TV series "The Woman of the Knife Family", Yu Laoba is a delicious and lazy person, the original Shi Caifeng is a very virtuous wife, even if Yu Laoba does not learn no skills, she has never had a complaint, but in the end, Yu Laoba is addicted to gambling, and actually lost with her as a bet.

Later, Ge Dani became the wife of Yu Laoba, she was very "selfish", she would never intervene in the things that Yu Laoba had done, even if she was hungry, she would not be soft-hearted, slowly, in order to be able to eat enough, Yu Laoba was no longer lazy and lazy, and also began to learn to cook and wash clothes to earn money.

We always think that selfless giving in marriage is a good thing, but we all know that giving for love at all costs may seem very great, but in fact it is a very deep narcissism.

The key to marriage is cooperation, and cooperation is to divide labor and do their own things, if women are "selfless" and do everything, then men will naturally have nothing to do.

Therefore, when women are "selfish" and "lazy", men will naturally be "selfless" and "diligent".

Psychologist: The reason why many women are happy in marriage is that they have learned to be "selfish"

A woman's "selfishness" will, to some extent, give rise to a man's sense of family responsibility

Every time the reader asks her husband to buy something on the way home from work, sometimes a bag of salt, sometimes a handful of parsley, some people think that these things are not necessary, why should they be so popular?

But the reader feels that doing so will make the husband aware of the part of the family he is involved in, and over time will strengthen the man's sense of family responsibility.

Carnegie once said: "Women must be clear that men's desire to gain the admiration and approval of women is not a matter of machismo, but in fact it is only a manifestation of their nature." ”

Men have the satisfaction of being needed, if in a relationship, women do everything, seemingly very diligent, but in fact weaken the man's sense of existence in the marriage, so that they are in a marginal state.

Psychologist: The reason why many women are happy in marriage is that they have learned to be "selfish"

Many people say that they have suffered losses in the past few decades because they are too sensible, understand other people's affairs, understand the sufferings of others, and obey the will of others and sacrifice their own interests for others when they conflict with others.

However, from the beginning to the end, he did not do anything for himself, and naturally did not understand himself.

And when we are selfish, we focus on ourselves, we are not in the big package, so that we thought that marriage would become bad, did not think, but also because of their selfishness, strengthen the sense of family responsibility of men in marriage, in the process of paying sympathy for women's difficulties.

When a person learns the ability to empathize, feelings will naturally become happy and warm.

Psychologist: The reason why many women are happy in marriage is that they have learned to be "selfish"

Third, women learn to be "selfish" means that they are mature inside

After entering marriage, many women choose to sacrifice their own interests for the sake of the family, for the husband, for the sake of the children, as a result, people do not feel that women should be sympathetic to each other, for a long time, but feel that this is a matter of course, the body is tired, the heart is tired.

For smart women, they have always known that the label of life always needs to be based on themselves, selfless is good, but too selfless, is not good for themselves.

Many people look back at a certain stage and find that their efforts in this life are only for others to be satisfied with themselves.

In order to win the praise and smile of others, women put themselves into a so-called virtuous wife and mother model, but they do not know that this is just a shackle on themselves.

Psychologist: The reason why many women are happy in marriage is that they have learned to be "selfish"

And those women who learn to be "selfish", they have long learned to think for themselves, they understand that a woman's real high emotional intelligence is to please herself at the same time, can take into account the feelings and interests of others, women learn "selfish" a little is good for themselves.

As Cui Yongyuan once said: "They must be more concerned about themselves, but from my personal point of view, I admire them very much, especially like their personality." Because only when a person cares about his own rights can he care about the rights of others, which is a healthy society. ”

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