
From "chocolate sauce" to "Prince William", the world's banned bizarre baby name awards

From "chocolate sauce" to "Prince William", the world's banned bizarre baby name awards

Most of the children's names are based on the expectations and preferences of parents, but some parents do not dare to compliment the name, and some names are even very bad, or feel culturally inappropriate or even offensive, so that such names are not allowed to be used at all. Here, we're going to share with you some of the banned names in the world, some of which might leave you speechless.

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From "chocolate sauce" to "Prince William", the world's banned bizarre baby name awards

A french pair of parents obviously liked the world-famous chocolate hazelnut sauce so much that they wanted to use it as their daughter's name. Luckily, the judge vetoed the name, saying it would make her the "object of ridicule," and the couple eventually regained their senses and chose the more normal name "Ella."

From "chocolate sauce" to "Prince William", the world's banned bizarre baby name awards

Prince William

Similar to the chocolate sauce incident, another pair of French parents were also forbidden to name their son Prince William, because officially believed that this would lead to the child being ridiculed for life.

From "chocolate sauce" to "Prince William", the world's banned bizarre baby name awards


You may be able to name your child by the name of a season, but not on one day of the week. When a pair of hopeful Italian parents tried to name their children "Friday," the government dismissed the name that was easily ridiculed and dismissed as "ridiculous and shameful."

From "chocolate sauce" to "Prince William", the world's banned bizarre baby name awards


Unsurprisingly, the dream of another pair of parents naming their daughter "Three" was quickly dispelled by the New Zealand authorities. The parents insisted on naming their daughter "Three", however they were told that the use of any Roman numerals as the child's name was strictly prohibited.

From "chocolate sauce" to "Prince William", the world's banned bizarre baby name awards


A mother in Wales, England, thought it made sense to name her child with this deadly chemical, because it was hitler who killed it. Coincidentally, the name of the notorious German war criminal was also included in the list of banned names in New Zealand.

From "chocolate sauce" to "Prince William", the world's banned bizarre baby name awards


Obviously, this is the longest item on the list. I am afraid that everyone will agree that every time a person with this name introduces himself to someone in this life will be a nightmare. Before taking this name, the strange Swedish parents were fined by the government for not naming their children before they were 5 years old, and it is not known whether this is a demonstration they came up with in order to be angry with the government. But if you think this is the longest name in the world, you are wrong, the name written in the world record has as many as 1019 letters.

From "chocolate sauce" to "Prince William", the world's banned bizarre baby name awards


In Australia, unless you're this furniture store from the Scandinavian brand, you can't be called "IKEA". Unsurprisingly, Sweden also doesn't allow you to name your child by the name of a company, and this ruling is still valid today!

From "chocolate sauce" to "Prince William", the world's banned bizarre baby name awards


There seems to be a trend in Sonora, Mexico, where parents scramble to give their children stupid names, so the government has to pass a law prohibiting children from giving them names that are "pejorative, discriminatory, or meaningless." The first banned name was Facebook.

From "chocolate sauce" to "Prince William", the world's banned bizarre baby name awards


Ranked second on Mexico's banned list is Robocop, a name that presumably went viral after the 1987 sci-fi blockbuster. The government rejected many names, including those of them, because they could lead to children being bullied. But let me say, if you dare to provoke the Robocop, it is really quite brave.

From "chocolate sauce" to "Prince William", the world's banned bizarre baby name awards


This is actually a very common English name, but in Portugal, the government has an 80-page guide to tell people which children's names are allowed and which are prohibited. Aiden, Ashley, Bruce, Charlotte, Dylan and Jenny were all banned because Portuguese babies were not allowed to use foreign names. Parents are also asked to give their children their full names, without nicknames or abbreviations. This means you can call a baby Thomas Thomas (Tomás), but not Tom.

From "chocolate sauce" to "Prince William", the world's banned bizarre baby name awards


We often use the symbol "@" on social media, and as a result, two Chinese parents try to get rid of the indifference and directly use this symbol to represent their son's name. Although they insisted that the sign should be pronounced "ai-ta," meaning "love him," the government vetoed the crazy idea.

Source: The Sun, The Internet

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