
Methods for relieving morning sickness and precautions for hyperemesis gravidarum

Hello everyone, I'm Eleven Mom! Morning sickness is a common reaction during pregnancy, and the nausea and vomiting after pregnancy are generally harmful to the baby, but it may affect your regular life and labor. Although my little eleven is now more than 5 years old, I still clearly remember the feeling of morning sickness at that time, but the impact of morning sickness on mothers is really not.

Methods for relieving morning sickness and precautions for hyperemesis gravidarum

In life, many expectant mothers only rely on the will to "resist" when they have a morning sickness reaction, but in fact, you can take some methods to adjust to achieve easier coping with morning sickness. Today I will start with you to learn the methods of relieving morning sickness and the precautions for hyperemesis gravidarum.

Some morning sickness is relieved in 16 to 20 weeks

In the first trimester, about half of all pregnant women will have morning sickness, and a quarter of them may just feel bad and won't throw up. About a quarter of pregnant women are always lucky, neither evil nor morning sickness.

In general, morning sickness occurs around 5 to 6 weeks of pregnancy and peaks around week 9. However, it is not too burdensome, and most morning sickness will be relieved by 16 to 20 weeks.

Methods for relieving morning sickness and precautions for hyperemesis gravidarum

However, there are a small number of expectant mothers, and morning sickness may last into the third trimester or even childbirth, which may account for a quarter to five. The duration of morning sickness otherwise does not mean that the health of the expectant mother or the health of the baby is in trouble, and it is not too burdensome.

Although morning sickness is very uncomfortable, we are not without a solution. Next, I will talk about what techniques can help you alleviate the discomfort of morning sickness.

Drink 5 points of caution

First, you can make some adjustments on the drink first, and the drinker can pay attention to these 5.

First, try to eat as little as possible, slow down, and don't eat too much. Don't eat something just because you're hungry or have a little desire. Drink it again, drink it several times a day, don't drink the cup.

Methods for relieving morning sickness and precautions for hyperemesis gravidarum

First, avoid things and smells that will make you sick and vomit. After pregnancy, your sense of taste will be more sensitive, the stomach may change, some very common things, at this time you may also feel uncomfortable smelling, such as barbecue, pot. If there is an uncomfortable smell, it can only be kept away as much as possible, and there is often a smell of oil smoke, gasoline and so on.

Third, avoid eating greasy and spicy things. This type of substance takes a long time to digest and will increase the possibility of vomiting. Of course, when you really want to eat, you can eat something sour or spicy, just try it, don't eat too much. The usual drink is still mild and light.

Methods for relieving morning sickness and precautions for hyperemesis gravidarum

Fourth, try not to let go on an empty stomach. An empty stomach can exacerbate the evil situation, so you can start with some soda cakes in the morning. Similarly, if you wake up in the middle of the night and feel bad, you can also eat some zero.

Fifth, expectant mothers can try some tricks to relieve morning sickness. Such as small amounts of ice drinks, carbonated drinks, lemons . Even if it's not as healthy, if it makes you comfortable, you can do so in small amounts.

There are also some mints, mint tea, ginger tea, ginger sugar, etc., which can also alleviate the morning sickness of some pregnant mothers. If you vomit frequently, you can also drink sports drinks to replenish electrolytes lost due to vomiting.

In addition, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists guide mentions that expectant mothers can try to press the wrist striation, 3 horizontal fingers around the position, to see if morning sickness is relieved. As shown in the figure, home can refer to.

Methods for relieving morning sickness and precautions for hyperemesis gravidarum

In addition to these suggestions, pregnant mothers should also pay attention to standing or sitting down a little after eating, and not lying down.

If you really want to lie down, you should also pay attention not to lie down to the left. Because the stomach is on the left side of the body, lying on the left side after eating, it will increase the risk of gastrointestinal reflux and induce malignant vomiting.

Live 3 points of attention

In addition to paying more attention to what you eat, pregnant mothers can also make some adjustments in life. For example, after eating the East Brush Gargle, freshness will reduce the feeling of bad vomiting. Go outdoors more to breathe fresh air and rest more. Rich work, do not pay attention to the matter of morning sickness.

Morning sickness is a pregnancy discomfort that some pregnant mothers will encounter, the situation is light or heavy, at this time, the understanding and companionship of the family is particularly important.

Hyperemesis gravidarum requires prompt medical attention

There is a situation that needs attention, that is, there is a violent morning sickness reaction, which we call hyperemesis gravidarum in the clinic.

In general, 0.3% to 1% of expectant mothers will have a strong morning sickness reaction, and the symptoms of vomiting are more severe. How to judge hyperemesis gravidarum, mainly from the following 3 points:

Is weight loss, losing more than 5% of preconception weight and more;

It is the appearance of urine ketones, that is, the expectant mother shows positive ketone body in the urine routine examination;

Third, there are manifestations of detachment, such as less frequency of urination, deep urine, and so on.

Expectant mothers with hyperemesis gravidarum will definitely need to see a doctor, and the doctor will decide whether to take medication or intravenous fluids depending on your severity.

Methods for relieving morning sickness and precautions for hyperemesis gravidarum

Well, today's article is shared here, I hope that we can have the opportunity to become a better self because of the arrival of our children, be better parents, learn to think, learn to judge, learn to analyze, and accompany our children to grow up with him.

This article is original by the little man at home, welcome to pay attention, take you along with long knowledge!

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