
How to snack your baby during the holiday season?

During the Spring Festival, the baby must pay attention to eating, and must take care of the baby's young stomach.

1. Regular diet: A healthy diet requires meat and vegetable collocation and balanced nutrition. The baby's physical adaptability is still very weak, and the parents still need to carefully care for the baby's diet and work and rest rules, arrange daily meals reasonably and scientifically, and the diet and life rules should not be changed because of the New Year.

2. Nutritional balance: A nutritionally balanced diet is essential for the healthy growth of children. Whether it is usual or holidays, we should adhere to the characteristics of the baby's dietary needs with a reasonable combination of various nutrients, vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates, meat and eggs, seafood, etc. can be supplemented according to the baby's specific acceptance age and situation, to ensure that nutrition is not left behind.

3, control snacks: In the New Year, many children will eat too much because of snacks, resulting in meals that cannot be eaten, miss meal time, and continue to eat snacks when hungry, thus entering a bad cycle, and mothers do not let the baby let go of snacks, so as not to affect the meal.

How to snack your baby during the holiday season?

The following snacks are easy to cause choking cough and should not be eaten by babies under 3 years old:

Candy: jelly, round hard candy, gummy, chewing gum

Nuts: peanuts, peas, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and other nuts

Fruits: dates, grapes, cherries (pitted, small)

Others: popcorn, plums

If the baby is hungry and wants to eat, the mother can provide some seasonal fruits to give the baby "relief", which is much healthier than snacking.

4, drink more boiled water, the baby eats too much high-protein and high-calorie food, not easy to digest. Mothers should encourage the baby to drink more water to promote the digestion and metabolism of the gastrointestinal tract, so that the gastrointestinal tract can return to normal as soon as possible.

Pay attention to your baby's diet and health during the festival, and don't let gastrointestinal problems affect the good atmosphere of the New Year!

Rainbow Water Care focuses on the health of babies and children, and pays attention to the future of babies and children, we have always been by your side

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