
When women reach middle age, they can still be pursued by many people of the opposite sex for only three reasons

When women reach middle age, they can still be pursued by many people of the opposite sex for only three reasons

As the saying goes: years make people old.

With the passage of time, the delicate face of the woman gradually faded. Collagen on the face, gradually lost.

After entering middle age, a woman's once youthful face has grown a few wrinkles and shown a few vicissitudes.

At this time, the woman is no longer as youthful and beautiful as when she was young, so vigorous, so young and young.

Most women enter middle age, and there are fewer and fewer men pursuing themselves, and there are only a few.

However, there will still be a part of the middle-aged women, surrounded by many men, the charm is not reduced.

In fact, when a woman reaches middle age, she can still be pursued by many people of the opposite sex for only three reasons.

When women reach middle age, they can still be pursued by many people of the opposite sex for only three reasons

01. For the thrill seeker, come close to you

Some men, after experiencing the blandness of their marriage, begin to feel bored with their wives.

They are out there picking flowers and weeds, just coveting a momentary freshness and seeking a short-lived thrill.

The young girls had higher eyes and would not easily accept their overtures and allow them to approach. At this time, the middle-aged woman is the most suitable prey in their eyes and the most ideal object of pursuit.

Thrill-seeking men, originally ill-intentioned, in order to satisfy their own freshness, in order to seek excitement, only come to your side, try their best to please you, please you.

You know, this kind of man approaches you not out of love for you, but just to satisfy his own selfish desires. Even without your presence, he will go to the main animal to say goodbye to middle-aged women.

Therefore, when you enter middle age, you need to polish your eyes, know how to recognize people's hearts, maintain a rational and sober attitude in your feelings, and do not easily be deceived and played by people who plot against you.

When women reach middle age, they can still be pursued by many people of the opposite sex for only three reasons

02. Covet your money to please you

Some women, after the hard work of youth, have a certain degree of brilliance and achievement in their careers after middle age, so they have a lot of assets under their names.

There are also some women, even if they do not have much improvement in their careers, but they have been working hard outside for many years, and they will have a lot of savings around them.

In short, middle-aged women are more asset-rich and have a more abundant life than younger women.

At this time, some greedy men will appear around middle-aged women, in the name of pursuit, trying their best to obtain her money.

Everywhere he pleases the middle-aged woman, coaxes her to be happy, captures her heart, and then seeks the middle-aged woman's money in the name of borrowing money, or other excuses.

Such a man, from the very beginning, approached you out of coveting your property and coveting your money, how could he have any sincerity?

Middle-aged women should establish a sense of self-protection, do not be overwhelmed by love, lose their way, and know how to stay sober and rationally treat the men who appear around them.

When women reach middle age, they can still be pursued by many people of the opposite sex for only three reasons

03. I really like you and have you in my heart

There is also a kind of man who approaches a middle-aged woman out of heartfelt appreciation.

However, this like is divided into two kinds, one is a momentary liking, and the other is a genuine liking.

The former is only because they are tired of the current state of relationship, have a dislike and dislike for their wives, and then are attracted by the freshness you bring and have a momentary interest in you.

However, this sense of freshness and curiosity can only be maintained for a while, but it cannot last a lifetime. Over time, he will get bored with you like an ex.

The latter, after experiencing the ups and downs of life and experiencing several relationships, has moved his heart to you, identified you, and wants to spend the rest of his life with you.

Such a man genuinely wants to be with you, wants to work with you for the rest of his life until he is white-haired.

When women reach middle age, they can still be pursued by many people of the opposite sex for only three reasons

Emotional Message:

After women reach middle age, there are still the opposite sex actively approaching, there are three main reasons.

The first kind of man, for the sake of seeking excitement, is close to you. The second kind of man is to covet your money and wealth to please you. The third kind of man is to really like you and have you in his heart.

Women from youth to middle age, not only means that the physiological age has increased, but also implies the increase of psychological age, the increasing maturity of thinking.

Middle-aged women should always be in love, maintain a sober attitude, rational mind, objectively look at their charm, do not be deceived by people with ulterior motives, and know how to distinguish between true and false intentions.


The author, a sensual girl who loves to write, read, and laugh. Let us heal the heart with words and warm life with emotions.

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When women reach middle age, they can still be pursued by many people of the opposite sex for only three reasons

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