
Chinese birth rate has fallen below 1% for two consecutive years, so why don't young people want to get married?

author:Street Rats ·

On January 17, Ning Jizhe, director of the National Bureau of Statistics, introduced that at the end of 2021, the national birth population was 10.62 million, with a population birth rate of 7.52 ‰; the death population was 10.14 million, and the population mortality rate was 7.18 ‰; and the natural population growth rate was 0.34 ‰. The continent's birth rate has slipped below one percent, the lowest level in forty-three years.

Chinese birth rate has fallen below 1% for two consecutive years, so why don't young people want to get married?

Why don't young people want to get married? Don't even want to find an object?

Those who are known to have expensive housing prices and high costs of education are not to be discussed, let's talk about what you don't know. If I am a girl, from the perspective of a girl, if I do not find a partner and do not get married, then I do not have to cook three meals a day, do not have to frequently clean the house, do not have to manage the family finances with painstaking efforts, and do not have to face what husband cheats on, catch the little three children, do not have to perfunctory, forced smile, face the husband's seven aunts, eight aunts, do not have to be because of the bride price, house, car and other things have to fight with the man, do not have to give birth to children, do not confinement, do not have to take care of children, hungry to order a takeaway Sleepy, sleepy, wake up, go to exercise on a whim, want to play games can play all day, do not care about anyone's eyes, do not have to consider anyone's opinion.

Some friends may say that you are irresponsible to yourself, and you are lazy. Let's think about it from many aspects, my life is very free and comfortable now, why should I find so many troubles for myself? Does this life bother anyone? No, no inconvenience to anyone, no. Any questions? No problem.

Chinese birth rate has fallen below 1% for two consecutive years, so why don't young people want to get married?

Let's talk from the perspective of boys, why don't you want to find a partner and don't want to get married? Let's first look at a woman of the right age in our hometown who has requirements for marriage. The house in the county town of the whole new house is not expensive, let's calculate it according to six hundred thousand, a scooter on the line, the minimum standard is calculated according to one hundred thousand, and the bride price is two hundred thousand. This is really not a girl's substance, but the people here are married at this price, are you willing to let your beloved people be looked down upon? Male students are required to have a stable job in the system, if it is not a job in the system, the annual income needs to reach more than 150,000, in our family, it is still very difficult to work in the system to be honest, and there are too many people who apply for the examination every year. If you work outside the system, the salary is very low, and three thousand yuan is a big mark, which is quite a long way from the annual income of 150,000 yuan.

As for the requirements for boys' academic requirements, height, and appearance, this varies from person to person, of course, the higher the better. Have you met these conditions? In our hometown, it can be said that these conditions can screen out more than 95 percent of boys. About these things, the boys actually know it. Boys are actually very clear in their hearts that no matter how hard they try, they may not be able to meet the requirements of girls, so the boys do not look for objects, because they cannot meet the requirements of others, and they are doomed to have no results.

Chinese birth rate has fallen below 1% for two consecutive years, so why don't young people want to get married?

Boys have also lived a life of being single and always being single, even if the right conditions for boys to get along with girls is also a big problem. There is a young man in our county town, the family is doing family business, in our family this is one of the best in the family, he is also a meter and eighty big, very spiritual, a girlfriend, girlfriend at home parents are teachers, they are also master's degree, Kochi, young and beautiful.

The two people through the introduction of the matchmaker, it seems to be a very good match, but after a period of time together, the girlfriend said that he is a dirt old hat, there is no way to talk about some philosophical topics, there is basically no pursuit of the quality of life, relatives, friends are a group of tacky people, and he also feels that the girlfriend is disobedient, does not care about him, does not take care of him, always says that he is dirty, and is not willing to go to see his relatives and friends with him, and finally the two people got along for less than half a year.

In fact, through all these things, it is not difficult for us to find out, why is the fertility rate low? Why don't young people look for objects today? Boys with bad conditions are not easy to find objects, so we will not talk about this. And the boys with good conditions and so on they want to find the same good conditions of the girl, the appearance, academic requirements are often relatively high, good conditions of girls their requirements will be higher, although these boys have good conditions, to meet their material aspects. There are some requirements, but spiritual satisfaction is often much more difficult than material satisfaction.

Most of these boys with good conditions have inherited the family business, and a small number of them have successfully started their own businesses and turned over salted fish. They really don't like to talk about philosophy and ideals, and the pursuit of quality of life is only at the level of the more expensive the better. Girls with good conditions, they want to find a sunny, gentleman, handsome, golden, humorous, chatty, high level of thinking boys, this kind of boys ah too few, not to mention in our family in this county. So the current situation is that whether it is a boy or a girl, the good conditions can not look at the poor conditions, the good conditions can not look at the good conditions, always think that they can find better, no one will be, not ok.

The end now is that everyone is lying flat and single, and they don't even want to find a partner or get married, so the fertility rate is naturally low.

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