
Mechanically born in the University of Tsukuba Information Engineering – doing research of interest enriched me

author:TechLive stayed in Japan to work together
Mechanically born in the University of Tsukuba Information Engineering – doing research of interest enriched me
Mechanically born in the University of Tsukuba Information Engineering – doing research of interest enriched me
Mechanically born in the University of Tsukuba Information Engineering – doing research of interest enriched me
Mechanically born in the University of Tsukuba Information Engineering – doing research of interest enriched me
Mechanically born in the University of Tsukuba Information Engineering – doing research of interest enriched me

Specialized in outline

He is involved in the inclusion of the University of Tsukuba's "Social Engineering", "Service Engineering", "Risk Resilience Engineering", "Information Science and Technology", "Intelligent Function System", "Structural Energy Engineering Degree Program", "Six Attacks," And The "Intelligent Function System" that is the entry into the University of Tsukuba.

His research interests include humans, computers, machines, sensors, and communications. There are also many collaborations with other disciplines, such as medicine, sports and the arts. Professors and researchers at the University of Tsukuba have always been at the forefront of research activities in these fields.

Mechanically born in the University of Tsukuba Information Engineering – doing research of interest enriched me

Summary of exam preparation experience:

In addition to the factors mentioned above, such as preparing for the English exam in advance, studying in specialized courses, contacting professors, research proposals, and other exams, these factors cannot be ignored.

Because most of the graduate school examinations require the "Neno" of the research room professor, if the research plan is not written enough for the professor's appetite, even if your research direction is covered by the research office website, the professor will still reject you on the grounds that your direction does not match our research room, and suggests that you take the other research rooms as the reason. Therefore, the research proposal and the contact professor can be said to be a stepping stone to the admission of the graduate school, and it cannot be handled casually.

In the written test, everyone needs to study continuously, practicing one day of exercises a day, and not practicing ten days a day. During the preparation period of the graduate school, it is recommended that you divide the daily study time into two parts: reviewing the unfamiliar knowledge points before reviewing and learning new knowledge, and appropriate review will deepen the memory of knowledge points. Planning and practicing learning is a recipe for doing more with less.

1. Research proposal

The research proposal was tutored by Sakai's teacher, Sakai. At first, I didn't know the format of the research proposal, I didn't know how far it should be written to qualify, and I didn't know how to satisfy the professor. Teacher Zuo showed me sample texts, took me to analyze the direction of my target laboratory professors, and helped me find relevant papers. I was stunned and then suddenly enlightened.

It is really necessary to have an experienced teacher guide the research proposal, the teacher's guidance plus their own ideas, and then use the knowledge in the paper to pile up the research proposal. It took a lot of detours.

2. Set magnetism

Since I communicate with the professor by e-mail in Japanese, I will mainly talk about Japanese clichés here. I have a template here, which is generally used by Japanese college students, and the word usage is very authentic, you can refer to it.

Piece Name:

Admission from graduate school

this paper:

〇〇 Professor

Excuse me for your sudden email. I say 00 of the 00 university 00 faculties 00 faculties 00 departments. (Yingri 1000-11 2010)(1000-year-to-day 2018)

I want to be interested in the research of 00 seeing the research content of 00 professors, and enter 00 universities from the graduate school though I am doing the research of 00 now. (00 professoric laboratory reasons for students who are enrolled in a specific copy of the school)

So, I would like to ask you that professor's laboratory currently accept students from external universities? (External students who are invited to the diet for the 2010s)

If you are looking for a job, I would like to ask you once and ask for your story directly. (这语迕进诳诳问访问谪诱谪񖘍񖘡񖘍񖘍񖘍񖘍񖙚񖘍񖘞񖘞񖘞񖘞񖘡񖘡񖘞񖘡񖘞谪񗦩񗦩񗦩 )

I'm sorry to be busy, but thank you for considering.




If you write in this way, the Japanese language is very authentic, and the antecedents and consequences can be written in detail, and it is very polite to look at the professor comfortably.

It is best to attach your own research proposal, resume, foreign language scores, transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc., so that the professor can feel your attitude and help the professor to refer to.

3. Written test

Because I was going to go from mechanical to intelligence, the content of the exam would vary greatly. Information engineering to investigate the digital circuit, mathematical logic, computer principles I have not studied, at that time I did not have the confidence to take into account the undergraduate studies in half a year while the TOEFL toe, professional knowledge, high numbers are done, so there is a class, it is more important to submit homework in time according to the requirements, pre-study before class, ask more questions, must overcome procrastination.

Mechanically born in the University of Tsukuba Information Engineering – doing research of interest enriched me

4. Interview

For the interview, I will mainly talk about the interview of the Tsukuba University System Intelligence Engineer. In addition to the usual written test, there is an interview, which is completed in two days in two parts (2021 is like this):

The first part is to let me directly explain how to make a certain question in the written test, what knowledge points, formulas, etc. are used, and will ask about 5-10 minutes in total;

The second part of the content is that I need to summarize the content of the research plan into a ppt and then publish it, the publication time is 5 minutes, and the teacher asks questions for 5 minutes.


In the first part of the interview, everyone should write the process as detailed as possible when doing the questions, and understand some convenient interviews to answer the professor's questions.

The second part of the interview needs to be well prepared, it is recommended to do ppt in advance, and the students who need it can also prepare the manuscript (of course, the interview needs to be out of the manuscript), shorten the publication time to less than 5 minutes, and try to anticipate some questions that the professor may ask and be ready to answer. The content of the publication can ask the teacher or a friend of the same profession to help do a mock interview, which can not only let others comment on your publishing fluency, but also borrow the thinking of others to ask some questions and be ready to answer the professor's questions.

Mechanically born in the University of Tsukuba Information Engineering – doing research of interest enriched me

1. Pay attention to the timing of the TOEFL and TOEIC tests

Prepare for the Japanese graduate school must pay attention to the TOEFL or TOEIC test time: the college wish is generally from June, the TOEFL from the test to the results sent to the best reservation of 3 months, so at the latest at the end of February to finish the TOEFL test, assuming that it takes three months to prepare for the TOEFL, then the previous year in October to start preparing for the TOEFL test.

2. If you want to change majors, be sure to prepare in advance

If any students want to change majors like me, they must also start the study of professional courses in the previous year, otherwise they will not have enough time to prepare research plans + study rooms + brush questions before the exam, etc. in the second year.

3. The direction of the research proposal is very important to the professor's research field

Factors other than exams such as contact with professors, research proposals, etc. cannot be ignored. Because most of the graduate school examinations require the "Neno" of the research room professor, if the research plan is not written enough for the professor's appetite, even if your research direction is covered by the research office website, the professor will still reject you on the grounds that your direction does not match our research room, and suggests that you take the other research rooms as the reason. Therefore, the research proposal and the contact professor can be said to be a stepping stone to the admission of the graduate school, and it cannot be handled casually.

4. Be persistent in preparing for the written exam

Mechanically born in the University of Tsukuba Information Engineering – doing research of interest enriched me

In the end, although I did not qualify my first choice, Tokyo Institute of Technology, but the University of Tsukuba passed, probably because the transfer was a little late, the foundation was not solid, or because I was too salty, resulting in the entrance to todo Institute of Technology did not stand out.

I don't regret it. I am very grateful to the teachers of Sakai School for their care and expectations, and I wish them success in their academic careers!

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