
It's almost the New Year, share 10 Chinese New Year's Eve dishes, full of new year flavor, good meaning, adults and children like it

author:Apron mom delicacy

It's almost the New Year, and the taste of the Year is getting heavier and heavier, so I look forward to the holiday early. The Spring Festival is a traditional grand festival on the mainland, and no matter how busy it is, the Spring Festival should also be vacated to have a meal with the family. Chinese New Year's Eve meal is to be carefully prepared, the whole family around the dining table, eating, drinking, chatting, blessing, the scene is warm, happy and harmonious, sharing 10 Chinese New Year's Eve dishes, full of flavor, good meaning, adults and children like.

First, [Fu Bag] in traditional culture, Chinese especially like "Fu", the New Year, the door should be pasted with the word "Fu", live well, others will praise you have "Fu" qi, is a "Fu" will, will say that you are really lucky "Fu", "Fu Bag" means full of blessings, good luck is always there, and blessings are passed on to the next generation.

【Dumpling skin wrapped shrimp and vegetable diced】: With steamed dumpling skin, wrapped with diced shrimp and vegetables, nutrition is delicious and beautiful.

It's almost the New Year, share 10 Chinese New Year's Eve dishes, full of new year flavor, good meaning, adults and children like it

【Ingredients】:Shrimp, carrots, peas, corn, leeks, dumpling skin,


1, brush the dumpling skin with oil and stack it layer by layer, roll it into large thin slices in a circle, steam for 8 minutes, then take it out, tear it open layer by layer while it is hot.

2: Cut the carrots into cubes and set aside, cut the shrimp into granules, add black pepper and salt and marinate until flavorful.

3: Pick and wash the leek leaves, put them in a pot of boiling water, blanch and set aside.

4, pour the carrots and peas and corn kernels together into a pot of boiling water and blanch, drain and set aside.

5, pour oil in the pot, add shrimp and stir-fry until the shrimp change color, then pour carrots, corn, peas and stir-fry evenly, add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of oyster sauce, a spoonful of monosodium glutamate, add a small amount of black pepper to taste, put aside.

6, wrap these ingredients into the dumpling skin, tie up with leeks, and the lucky bag will be ready.

Second, [annual abalone] fish is the mascot of Chinese, in traditional Chinese culture, fish is equivalent to "Yu", [Annual Abalone] means that there is more than one year, life is more than enough, and the days are not tight.

【Abalone braised pork】This dish has fish and meat, abalone tastes tight Q bomb, pork belly fat but not greasy, the taste is fragrant, delicious on the grade!

It's almost the New Year, share 10 Chinese New Year's Eve dishes, full of new year flavor, good meaning, adults and children like it

【Ingredients】: pork belly, abalone, ginger, green onion, star anise, fragrant leaves.

1, wash the pork belly, cut into large pieces of cold water under the pot, boil and fish out, wash off the foam and set aside.

2, put the pork belly into the pot, stir-fry the oil, fry until the surface is slightly yellow, put it out for later, leave the oil at the bottom of the pan.

3, put rock sugar into the pot, fry out the sugar color, then pour in the pork belly and stir-fry to color, add ginger, green onion to fishy, put in two star anise, two fragrant leaves, pour in enough water, and then add three spoons of soy sauce, a spoonful of old soy sauce, boil on high heat and simmer for half an hour.

4, after the abalone is processed clean, braised and simmered softly, add pork belly and simmer together for 10 minutes, add a small spoon of salt to taste, add a small spoon of MSG to the pot.

5, clip off the ginger shallots, remove the fragrant leaves and star anise, in order, the abalone is in the middle, the pork belly is rotated and put in a circle, and it can be served.

Third, [thriving] People work hard to benefit work and work hard to make money, that is, they hope that the days will get better and better, and [thriving] means that the days are thriving, the better they are, and tomorrow is better than today.

【Yuzi tofu steamed egg shrimp】: the taste is fresh and tender, high in nutrition and calcium, suitable for all ages.

It's almost the New Year, share 10 Chinese New Year's Eve dishes, full of new year flavor, good meaning, adults and children like it

【Ingredients】: Tamago tofu, shrimp, shallots.

1, remove the shrimp from the shrimp line, add a spoonful of cooking wine to remove the fish.

2: Cut the tofu into thin slices and spread on a plate.

3: Beat two eggs into a bowl, stir, add a spoonful of salt, add 1.5 times the water, sift and pour over the jade tofu.

4. Steam on water for 8 minutes and remove.

5, Put the shrimp again, put it back in the pot and steam for three minutes.

6, on the watering of raw soy sauce, sprinkle with green onion can be.

Fourth, [Zhang Lantern Colorful] New Year's Day, in order to set off the atmosphere, everywhere the lights are colorful, hung with lanterns, and the dinner table is made a [Zhang Lantern Color], which means joyous and festive atmosphere, very suitable for the scene, and the family is happy.

【Eggplant sandwich meat】: Cut the eggplant in half into a semi-circle, sandwich the meat puree, make a lantern shape, decorate with cucumber, carrot and red pepper, the taste is light, nutritious and delicious, suitable for all ages.

It's almost the New Year, share 10 Chinese New Year's Eve dishes, full of new year flavor, good meaning, adults and children like it

【Ingredients】: Eggplant, minced meat, carrot, cucumber, red pepper, egg, ginger, green onion, corn starch

1. Wash the eggplant, cut into segments, and then cut in half into semicircles.

2, use chopsticks to fix the two ends of the eggplant, cut into slices, do not cut.

3: Beat an egg into the meat puree, add ginger, minced green onion, a small amount of wet starch water, add a spoonful of salt, stir well in one direction.

4, sandwich the meat puree in the middle of the eggplant slices, and sandwich the meat in the middle of each two pieces of eggplant.

5, Wash the cucumbers, cut into semi-round slices, wash and cut the carrots into semi-round slices, place in the middle of the prepared eggplant lantern, as a decoration. Cut the red pepper into strips and serve as a whisker for the lantern.

6. After setting up the shape, boil the water pot and steam for 20 minutes.

7, After adding starch and raw soy sauce, pour on the surface of the eggplant

Five [laughter always open]: it is said that people who love to laugh will have good luck, [laughter always open] means that life is happy, laughter is always open, joy and happiness, good luck is always there.

【Glutinous rice red dates】: Soft glutinous sweet, very delicious dessert

It's almost the New Year, share 10 Chinese New Year's Eve dishes, full of new year flavor, good meaning, adults and children like it

【Ingredients】: jujube, glutinous rice flour, white sesame seeds, sugar osmanthus flowers

1, wash the jujube and remove the jujube core for later.

2, Take an appropriate amount of glutinous rice flour, add warm water to form a powder ball, then rub into long strips and stuff into the middle of the red dates.

3, boil the water pot and steam for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for another 3 minutes, the steaming time should not be too long, the glutinous rice will not be formed.

4, After the pot, sprinkle with white sesame seeds and sugar osmanthus flowers.

Sixth [Purple Qi Donglai]: In traditional Chinese culture, purple qi is considered to be a symbol of auspiciousness and wealth, and [purple qi donglai] means auspicious and good wishes, removing "mold".

【Purple potato bag strawberry】: After steaming the purple potato, wrapped in chopped strawberries, it is both a coarse grain and a fruit, which is full of color and flavor, and is deeply loved by the ladies and children at the dinner table.

It's almost the New Year, share 10 Chinese New Year's Eve dishes, full of new year flavor, good meaning, adults and children like it

【Ingredients】: purple potato, strawberry, coriander.

1, wash the purple potatoes, peel and cut into slices, put them into a dish, steam for 20 minutes, take out and press into a puree, then add sugar and stir well.

2, Wash the strawberries, remove the roots and cut into small cubes.

3, knead the purple potatoes into dumplings, wrap the strawberries in the middle, and arrange them in the shape of grapes in order.

4, wash the coriander leaves, drain the water, and then use as a decoration to make grape leaves.

5, like to eat sweet, you can drizzle with honey.

Seven [Sheng Cai]: Lettuce and "Sheng Cai" harmonic sound, the New Year people are tu ji li, speak good words, [Sheng Cai] means that money has a source, and there is a way to make money.

【Garlic lettuce】: The taste is crisp, rich in vitamin C and fiber, refreshing and degreasing

It's almost the New Year, share 10 Chinese New Year's Eve dishes, full of new year flavor, good meaning, adults and children like it

【Ingredients】: lettuce, garlic puree, red pepper.

1, Wash the lettuce, chop the garlic into garlic paste and set aside, chop the red pepper and set aside.

2, pour oil into the pot, add garlic grains to fry fragrantly, then add lettuce and stir-fry, add crushed red pepper, add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of MONOS, stir-fry evenly, out of the pan and plate.

Eight [Long Shou Shou]: Slender and long ingredients, such as noodle vermicelli, have the meaning of longevity, "Long Shou Shou" means long (fragrant) Shou Shou, husband and wife love, long feelings.

【Garlic shiitake mushroom vermicelli】: Shiitake mushroom meat is thick, the aroma is special, the vermicelli entrance is soft, fresh and delicious.

It's almost the New Year, share 10 Chinese New Year's Eve dishes, full of new year flavor, good meaning, adults and children like it

【Ingredients】: Shiitake mushrooms, vermicelli, garlic paste, red pepper, oyster sauce, shallots

1, wash the shiitake mushrooms, remove the stems, and cross the mouth.

2, boil water in a pot, boil the water and then blanch the mushrooms and fish them out and arrange them on a plate.

3: Soak the vermicelli to soften, blanch in a pot of boiling water for a minute, then fish out and plate inside the mushrooms.

4, Prepare a small bowl, put on the garlic puree, red pepper, pour in two spoonfuls of soy sauce, one spoonful of oyster sauce, stir well and pour over the vermicelli.

5: Steam for 5 minutes, sprinkle with spring onion and drizzle with hot oil.

Nine, [Cordyceps chicken soup]: no chicken, no seat, grand Chinese New Year's Eve rice, cordyceps flower stewed chicken soup, nutrition and nourishment

It's almost the New Year, share 10 Chinese New Year's Eve dishes, full of new year flavor, good meaning, adults and children like it

【Ingredients】: Hen, ginger, green onion, cordyceps flower, red dates, mushrooms.

1, rinse the hen clean, put the pan in cold water, bring to a boil, fish out, and then rinse to remove the blood water and foam.

2: Put the chicken in a casserole dish with ginger and shallots, bring to a boil over high heat and simmer for half an hour.

3, Prepare the mushrooms, cordyceps flowers, and red dates, put them in the chicken broth, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to medium heat and simmer for an hour.

4, Add salt to taste.

Ten, [flowers blossom rich]: beautiful shape, pleasing color, meaning flowers bloom rich.

【Brown Sugar Eight Treasure Rice】: Eight treasure rice made of glutinous rice, brown sugar, red dates, and raisins, soft and sticky and sweet, is both a staple food and a snack, suitable for all ages.

It's almost the New Year, share 10 Chinese New Year's Eve dishes, full of new year flavor, good meaning, adults and children like it

【Ingredients】: Glutinous rice, brown sugar, red dates, raisins

1, wash the glutinous rice, put it into the rice cooker, according to the ratio of 1:2, add the appropriate amount of water, and then add brown sugar to stir well, choose the cooking mode.

2, wash the dates and remove the core, wrap each red date slot, one after another pinch, fix it into a candy shape with plastic wrap, and then cut it into slices with a knife to become a red date flower, about 5 dates wrapped into one.

3, take a bowl, put a large date in the center of the bowl, put raisins around, put 4 pieces of red date flowers on the bowl wall, put the cooked brown sugar all rice, and then put it into the bowl, flatten it, and then buckle it out.

4, the blossom of rich brown sugar eight treasure rice, it is ready, it is really tempting!

Today's article will be shared with you here, and finally I wish you a happy life and a happy new year!

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