
【Eye source】The quality of vision is closely related to the development of the child's brain!

【Eye source】The quality of vision is closely related to the development of the child's brain!

Some children have poor vision and can't see things clearly, parents just think that they can't see clearly, and they don't deeply realize that the eyes can't see clearly and directly affect the child's brain development. Conversely, the quality of brain development can also affect a child's vision.

The eyes are closely related to the brain. In fact, the act of seeing things is done by the human eye and the brain together. However, many traditional ophthalmologists seem to think that the eyes are independent of the brain, as if they were nothing more than optical instruments, and if there is a performance problem, they can be restored with the help of lenses. This view is wrong.

【Eye source】The quality of vision is closely related to the development of the child's brain!

The eye itself is nothing more than a sensory organ that feels external stimuli, and it requires a certain processing process when receiving information. The brain plays an important role in this processing process. When light enters the eye and can be imaged on the retina, the image presented on the retina and the actual transmutation are upside down, left and right. Because the brain's processing corrects it into the right direction, we can correctly understand the outside world.

【Eye source】The quality of vision is closely related to the development of the child's brain!

Therefore, the quality of vision affects the child's brain development. When the vision is at a low level, the person's vision will be blurred, and the stimulation transmitted from the vision to the brain will be weakened, so that the visual cells in the brain cannot be helped to develop normally; When the vision is at a high level, the person's vision will be very clear, and the stimulation transmitted from the vision to the brain will be enhanced, thereby promoting the development of visual cells in the brain.

【Eye source】The quality of vision is closely related to the development of the child's brain!

Conversely, the quality of brain development can also affect a child's vision. We all know that the brain is divided into two hemispheres, they have different divisions of labor, if the left and right brain information is not smooth, the brain can not transmit information to the eyes in time, thus affecting vision. This also confirms the saying that smart children generally have a pair of smart eyes. Therefore, making the brain flexible is also an effective way to improve vision.

In addition, in order to promote the development of children's brains and improve children's vision, parents can let children eat some brain-healthy foods.

1. Kelp

【Eye source】The quality of vision is closely related to the development of the child's brain!

Kelp is rich in taurine, which can promote the intellectual development of the brain and delay the aging of the brain. At the same time, it can also improve the conduction function of human nerves and improve vision.

2. Walnut kernels

【Eye source】The quality of vision is closely related to the development of the child's brain!

Walnut kernels can benefit blood and marrow, strengthen kidneys and brains, and are good products for strengthening brain memory and understanding. Walnut kernels contain more oil, not easy to digest, generally 3 to 6 years old children eat three or four large walnut kernels a day is enough.

3. Eggs

【Eye source】The quality of vision is closely related to the development of the child's brain!

Eggs are a common brain supplement and are nutritionally comprehensive. Eggs contain more lecithin, which can increase the release of acetylcholine in the brain, play an important role in the development of nerves, and have the effect of enhancing memory and brain nootropics.

4. Bananas

【Eye source】The quality of vision is closely related to the development of the child's brain!

Bananas are rich in minerals, especially the content of potassium ions is high, a medium-sized banana contains 451 mg of potassium, often eaten has the effect of strengthening the brain.

5. Shrimp skin

【Eye source】The quality of vision is closely related to the development of the child's brain!

Calcium keeps the brain in tip-top shape. The amount of calcium in shrimp skin is very rich, with 2000 mg of calcium per 100 grams of shrimp skin. Eating some shrimp skin in moderation is good for strengthening the memory of the brain and preventing hypochondriasis.

6. Fish

【Eye source】The quality of vision is closely related to the development of the child's brain!

Fish meat contains a lot of high-quality protein and calcium, especially the unsaturated fatty acids contained in freshwater fish, which can enhance the activity of human brain cells.

7. Yellow cauliflower

【Eye source】The quality of vision is closely related to the development of the child's brain!

Yellow cauliflower is rich in protein, fat, calcium, iron, vitamin B1, all of which are required for brain metabolism, so it is called "brain vegetable".

8. Animal liver and kidney

【Eye source】The quality of vision is closely related to the development of the child's brain!

Animal liver and kidneys are rich in iron. Iron is an important component of hemoglobin in erythrocytes. Regularly eating animal livers and kidneys can make the body iron sufficient, so that red blood cells can transport sufficient oxygen to the brain.

【Eye source】The quality of vision is closely related to the development of the child's brain!

In addition, parents can also let children do a brain gymnastics that improves vision - cross exercise, which can simultaneously activate the communication circuit between the left and right cerebral hemispheres and the entire body, so that the brain nervous system is activated, thereby improving vision. The specific method is as follows:

The first step is to warm up, swing your left and right hands back and forth, and then raise your left and right legs to relax your body.

In the second step, touch the raised right leg knee with your left hand, and the right hand will naturally hang down and keep it still. Then touch the raised left leg knee with your right hand, and the left hand will naturally hang down and stay still. Repeat this action a few more times.

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