
Yinan handless girl Liu Jieyuan Dream Girl! The school waived tuition fees and provided her mother with a job-moving moment

author:Qilu one point
Yinan handless girl Liu Jieyuan Dream Girl! The school waived tuition fees and provided her mother with a job-moving moment

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point reporter Gong Yueyue intern Yang Runying Xia Dehui

The good news came that Liu Jie, a disabled girl in Yinan who was concerned by the Qilu Evening News and Qilu One Point reporter three years ago, passed the examination for professional upgrading in June this year and was admitted to the human resources management major of Shandong Women's College as desired. At 10 o'clock on September 12, she came to the school to report to the school accompanied by her mother and caring driver Lu Shenlong.

In the morning, the sky in Jinan was a little cloudy, and heavy rain was coming. However, at the check-in scene of the new students of Shandong Women's College, it was particularly warm. As soon as Liu Jie got out of the car, there were school teachers and volunteers gathered around, enthusiastically helping to take her luggage and sending her back to the dormitory specially prepared for her and her mother.

It turned out that Liu Jie's mother would go to school to accompany her and live in a dormitory with her daughter. In order to facilitate Liu Jie's daily life, the school specially arranged the dormitory on the sunny side of the first floor. When the mother and daughter came to the dormitory, they found that the bedding on the bed had long been laid, and there was a bouquet of flowers on the desk, which was carefully arranged and completed with the dormitory facilities to welcome the arrival of this new classmate.

As early as August this year, after learning about Liu Jie's special situation, the school urgently adopted a series of funding measures. Wang Yongquan, director of the Student Work Office, told reporters that the school exempted her from tuition and accommodation fees for two years. At the same time, it also contacted the love enterprise and provided a six-piece set on the bed for the mother and daughter duo, "now that the conditions for occupancy are available." ”

In addition, considering that Liu Jie's mother needs to accompany her, the school specially provides a sunny accommodation room for the mother and daughter. Hongtai property manager introduced that next, they will also provide Liu Jie's mother with a job position within her ability, so that she can take care of her daughter while having a stable income.

The reporter learned that after learning about her situation, Liu Jie's School of Business Administration quickly set up a support group to take care of her in all aspects of life, study, and psychology.

"Especially in terms of study, Liu Jie used to study social work, and after entering the school, she will study human resource management." Li Shichao, deputy dean of the School of Business Administration, introduced that the human resource management teaching and research department quickly took action, first asking the teacher to make up for Liu Jie's missing management and economics courses before class, so that she could successfully complete the corresponding study. After class, there will also be teachers who take the initiative to dock with Liu Jie to learn, and class cadres will also take the initiative to team up with her to learn, and everyone will help each other to complete their studies.

While Liu Jie and her mother were packing their bags, Guo Cuifen, secretary of the party committee of Shandong Women's College, came to the girls' dormitory to care about the study life of the disabled girl and her mother's work. Guo Cuifen instructed Liu Jie to study with peace of mind, and the teachers at the school were willing to help her. "In the process of funding students, we pay more attention to the psychological and spiritual support of students." Hou Sumei, vice president of Shandong Women's College, said that the women's college is a school with a loving and social responsibility, paying attention to the love education and the "four-self spirit" as an important part of campus culture construction, hoping that Liu Jie will study well, be self-reliant and self-reliant after arriving at the school, become a model for the students of the women's college, and become a model of campus culture.

Liu Jie is unfortunate, but also lucky.

The girl, who was unfortunately hit by a fire accident at the age of one, was rescued from the danger of life, but her face was disfigured and she lost her hands. But along the way, with the help and encouragement of countless caring people and teachers and classmates, she gradually came out of the shadow of inferiority and became optimistic, cheerful and confident.

For the new university life in the future, Liu Jie is full of expectations: "I want to continue to pass on the love of well-meaning people for me with my own personal efforts, and be a person who is useful to society." ”

Yinan handless girl Liu Jieyuan Dream Girl! The school waived tuition fees and provided her mother with a job-moving moment
Yinan handless girl Liu Jieyuan Dream Girl! The school waived tuition fees and provided her mother with a job-moving moment

<h1 toutiao-origin="h3" > touching moment</h1>

Caring driver Lv Shenlong:

From Linyi to Jinan, he drove four hours to send Liu Jie to school

On the morning of September 12, Lu Shenlong, an enthusiastic driver who sent Liu Jie and her mother to report, attracted the attention of reporters. After many understandings, it was learned that as early as three years ago, during Liu Jie's college entrance examination, he also sent the mother and daughter to the rented residence, and also sent three inspirational books and an envelope containing 600 yuan to the parting. After learning that Liu Jie was admitted to Shandong Women's College through the college entrance examination, he took a special leave of absence and sent the mother and daughter from Linyi to the school to report.

Lü Shenlong, who lives in The Hedong District of Linyi City, got up as early as 4 a.m. that day, because Liu Jie lived in Yinan and it took about an hour to rush over. "When I arrived, the two of them were already waiting. I told them that Beijing and Shanghai were building roads, and I hadn't been to Jinan for a long time, afraid of delaying my children's report today. Lu Shenlong said that it is better to rush early than late, after all, going to school is a big deal.

Lu Shenlong told the Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point reporter that he learned that Liu Jie was admitted to Shandong Women's College in the circle of friends, and at that time he commented below to consult how to go to school when they arrived, because there was a lot of luggage, and the road was probably not easy.

Knowing that Liu Jie and her mother were going to take a bus to school, considering her special situation, it might be inconvenient to take luggage on the road, Lu Shenlong borrowed a car from the unit. "The leaders of the unit are very supportive, and they also say that you can go and fill up the oil!"

"I'm a driving school coach myself, and that's a simple thing for me. Knowing that I was coming, the leader filled up the oil early. Lu Shenlong said that he wanted to wish Liu Jie success in school, step by step, and a better life in the future.

Yinan handless girl Liu Jieyuan Dream Girl! The school waived tuition fees and provided her mother with a job-moving moment

Dialogue with Liu Jie's mother Gao Hui:

My daughter studied for the first three years, and she couldn't even visit Linyi University

Because of the fire many years ago, Liu Jie was left with a lifelong disability, and while her face was disfigured, she also unfortunately lost her own hands. After that accident, the mother Gao Hui has been guarding her daughter's side, never leaving. On the afternoon of September 12, in the gap between Liu Jie completing her admission to school, going out with her classmates to fetch water, and repairing the zipper of her school bag, the Qilu Evening News Qilu OnePoint reporter talked to this great mother.

Usually there are tears do not flick Gao Hui, a mention of their daughter, recalling the road that the two women have traveled over the years, her suppressed emotions for many years surged up in that instant, while wiping tears while saying: "Not hard, I should, I am ashamed of her." ”

Along the way, GaoHui witnessed the growth and transformation of his daughter. "In the past, when I was studying at Linyi University, the children were not greedy, lazy, and had strong self-control, and after three years of study, even the campus of Linyi University could not be visited." Gao Hui introduced that many children could not complete the homework in college, but the daughter would do her best to do it, and won the first-class scholarship for three consecutive years, and also won the national inspirational scholarship and the national scholarship.

"She loves to write with a brush and to read." Gao Hui remembers that during the holidays of Linyi University, Liu Jie bought a box of extracurricular books at an old book stall. During the epidemic period at home, in addition to taking the entrance examination, I also took a self-examination undergraduate. "Now that the child is cheerful, he is willing to try something himself, and he is becoming more and more confident."

Gao Hui admitted that although the society and school have helped the girls a lot, Liu Jie still needs to face the pressure of work, objects and other aspects independently in the future, because the facts are in front of her. Thinking of his daughter's future, Gao Hui couldn't help but worry.

Although there will be ups and downs in the future, Gao Hui is still full of confidence.

As for the present, Gao hui said that with the help of the school, she would work to earn some living expenses, and the two women were already very satisfied. "Along the way, we have met so many well-meaning people, and we are really satisfied." Gao Hui said that her daughter herself often said that only by studying hard can she repay everyone.

Yinan handless girl Liu Jieyuan Dream Girl! The school waived tuition fees and provided her mother with a job-moving moment

Dialogue with The Handless Girl Liu Jie:

I want to continue to pass on the love of good people and be a useful person to society

Liu Jie, who suffered a physical disability at the age of 1, is unfortunate, but also lucky. Along the way, with the help and encouragement of caring people, teachers and classmates, this girl who used to be inferior gradually became optimistic, cheerful and confident. For the new university life, Liu Jie is full of expectations: "I want to continue to pass on the love of well-meaning people for me with my own personal efforts, and be a useful person to society." ”

I move a little slower

Just pay a little more than others

On September 12, after accompanying Liu Jie to complete the enrollment of the new students of Shandong Women's College, the reporter of Qilu Evening News Qilu OnePoint talked with this tenacious and indomitable inspirational girl.

It is understood that after being admitted to the social work major of Linyi University, Liu Jie was rated as an excellent student because of her hard work and seriousness, and at the same time, she won the first-class outstanding student scholarship, as well as the national scholarship and the national inspirational scholarship for three consecutive years. The achievement of these achievements condenses the hard work of this girl.

"In terms of learning, because I move a little slower, I may have to put in more effort than others." Liu Jie recalled that other students could finish the notes while listening to the class, but she could only take a rough picture and then use the time after class to sort it out. "Every time my classmates go out to play, I go to the library or classroom to take notes, prepare for the next class, and read the relevant professional books."

Before going to college, Liu Jie admitted that she only dared to chat with her familiar classmates, but she did not dare to open her mouth when she met strangers. After entering the university, there are more activities, and sometimes even if you don't want to open, you have to force yourself. "After the exercise, I found that I could do it, and I gained and grew."

"Tomorrow I'll get ready for class and get acquainted with the campus environment with my mother." In the face of the next new campus life, Liu Jie wants to learn the courses of the past two years well, get the certificates that should be obtained, and then plan the future goals well.

Disabled, she went to a nursing home

Chat with the widowed elderly

Recalling the bits and pieces of her previous university life, Liu Jie was full of emotions.

In her spare time, Liu Jie often participates in some public welfare activities with her classmates, and she once went to the nursing home to chat with the elderly. "The activities are not only related to the social work majors you have studied, but you can also apply the profession to the actual situation, and most importantly, you can help others as much as you can, and you also have a great gain."

Everything in college life is a growth for Liu Jie. For example, the cases of some people who have suffered setbacks in the teacher's class make Liu Jie feel empathy. "It may be a story for other students, but for me, it was a new experience." For myself, it is a learning, both psychologically and spiritually. Liu Jie said.

For Liu Jie, college life changed her. "In terms of vision, I may not be able to expand much compared to others, but I have grown a lot compared to myself." Liu Jie introduced that in fact, her biggest growth since childhood is psychological. "I am more confident and mature than before, and my thinking is broader." In addition, all the people who have helped me have been an encouragement to me. ”

Just like others helped me

Help others with your own strength

During the epidemic this year, Liu Jie spent most of her time at home. When she saw the stories of the war epidemic circulating on the Internet, the girl was deeply touched.

"I feel very lucky compared to those who are seriously infected." Liu Jie said that she admires the medical staff who are charging at the front line, they have paid too much, and they are really great. "In the future, I want to help others like others help me, and use my own strength to help others."

The road to study from childhood to adulthood is inseparable from the company of my mother. When talking about her mother, the strong girl left tears, "My mother's dedication to me cannot be expressed in words." I don't think I'm doing well enough, and I need to keep working. ”

Three years ago, when the college entrance examination ended, when choosing a major, Liu Jie once said that she wanted to choose a major that "helped herself and helped others". Three years later, when she took the entrance examination, she also resolutely chose the human resource management major, "I just want to re-learn the knowledge, use more of my own strength, and give back to others." I want to pass on the love of well-meaning people for me, use my own personal efforts to continue to pass on, and be a useful person to society. ”

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