
The man who replied to your WeChat like this is actually not interested in you, don't bother him

The man who replied to your WeChat like this is actually not interested in you, don't bother him

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Many girls who are deeply in love always do not understand, why the man who was very enthusiastic about himself at first suddenly cooled down one day? Are those promises that were made in the first place all false?

Perhaps, the promise that was once true, but later tired of it, no longer loved, is also true.

Sometimes love comes and goes quickly; sometimes you think you have true love for the other person, and in the eyes of the other person, it may be just a whim. When the novelty is gone, the love does not exist.

For the party that pays more, it is naturally difficult to accept, and the person who puts it down first becomes the active party, and his every move can affect your heart, so that you have no power to fight back.

So many people will say that the person who goes first is always dashing.

In fact, no one deserves our humbleness in love, there are signs that men do not love, if you find out, the most important thing to do is not to beg him to come back, but to stop the loss in time.

Because love and non-love can not be forced, the more you lower your posture, the more you lose your dignity. Not only will it be impossible to keep him, but it will also be completely despised by him.

When a person sends YouChat like this, in fact, there is no interest in you, no matter how much love, don't bother.

The man who replied to your WeChat like this is actually not interested in you, don't bother him

One: Deliberately perfunctory to you, ignoring your love

When a man's love for you gradually fades, he will no longer be as enthusiastic as he used to be. He will not reply to your WeChat in seconds, no matter how many messages you send, no matter what you send, his attitude is always cold and distant.

Just like Lin Qingkun in the TV series "Perfect Partner", when his son was lying in the hospital for food poisoning, he talked to customers about business lightly and did not pay attention to it at all.

His wife almost collapsed in the hospital alone, crying and sending him dozens of WeChat messages and dozens of phone calls, but he chose to ignore them all.

In his eyes, taking care of the family and children is a matter for his wife alone, she only needs to earn money, she can't handle housework well, she can't take care of her son's safety, this is her dereliction of duty, what does it have to do with herself?

In fact, such a man, to put it bluntly, is that no one loves, often only loves himself.

When he deliberately perfunctory you and ignores you, you should know that the most important people and things for him are not you.

The man who replied to your WeChat like this is actually not interested in you, don't bother him

Two: Intermittent estrangement, continued use of cold violence against you

Alienation is actually a manifestation of escape, when a man alienates you and continues to use cold violence against you, it shows that he has given up on the relationship between you and you, and no longer has hope.

In the TV series "I Really Love You", Mo Ming is such a person who would rather work than go home. He felt too much stress during his wife's pregnancy and began to avoid meeting her.

Such estrangement also laid the groundwork for the end of their final divorce.

When a person begins to feel stressed and anxious even facing you, and wants to escape, the feelings between you are actually in danger.

The man who replied to your WeChat like this is actually not interested in you, don't bother him

The things we run away from in our daily lives are the things that make us feel stressed but we can't overcome them, and we choose to escape from the point of view that "escape is shameful but useful".

If your closest lover has also become the object of escape, then it means that you instinctively want to escape from the relationship and escape from the relationship.

This relationship, or this person makes you feel the pressure of suffocation, but you can't say the breakup directly, so you can only choose to escape.

A momentary escape may be able to avoid the actual problems in the relationship, but who can escape forever? As long as the problem exists, there will be an outbreak of the day, when the relationship erupts, leaving is inevitable.

When a person is always stressed in front of you, or even alienated from you from time to time, it is important to understand that this may be a sign that he is leaving.

Even if he does not show it through words, he has begun to subconsciously avoid this relationship, avoid you as a person, and this avoidance is the preparatory action of wanting to leave.

The man who replied to your WeChat like this is actually not interested in you, don't bother him

Everyone in love knows that when a person alienates you from time to time, it will actually make you very tormented, and no one can tolerate such unpredictable emotional fluctuations.

If a person is willing to put you in such a situation, it can show that he does not care so much about you, and a person who does not care so much about you, the heart has long been gone, and it is only a matter of time before he leaves.


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