
An American chef was so frightened by a colleague's prank that he poured a basin of flour all over his face

Source: World Wide Web

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An American chef was so frightened by a colleague's prank that he poured a basin of flour all over his face

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on January 17, a pizza chef in Maryland, usa, was frightened by a colleague's prank video and sprinkled a basin of flour all over his face.

The video shows 32-year-old chef Antonio Herman stirring a pot of flour when colleague Lindsay Sisser quietly approached him to show him a funny video of a prank. Suddenly a scream came, and Sissel jumped up, and Herman jumped up in fright, spilling a basin of flour in his hand on his face. Herman turned white from head to toe, threw the basin on the counter, and coughed up some flour from his mouth and nose.

Sisser said, "That's so much fun! Until I saw him make a mess later, I was really happy with the effect of the video. Sisser also said herman had always been a joke-out person who always had a good time at work.

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