
The 28-year-old woman in the United States has suffered from hirsutism since childhood, and she cannot change her weight loss and pregnancy, and she bravely faces herself
The 28-year-old woman in the United States has suffered from hirsutism since childhood, and she cannot change her weight loss and pregnancy, and she bravely faces herself

Samantha Allen, who lives in New York, usa, is a 28-year-old woman who is not special, but she is pregnant but because of her bravery, she has become the focus of media attention, and the "Sun" reported her on January 19, local time. Samantha suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome, for which she also has so-called hirsutism, which is what sets her apart the most.

The 28-year-old woman in the United States has suffered from hirsutism since childhood, and she cannot change her weight loss and pregnancy, and she bravely faces herself

Samantha shows off her true self on social media, and as you can see from the photos, her body hair is much thicker than the average person. According to Samantha herself, she had so much body hair from a very young age that she began shaving her legs at the age of 8. Her body hair grew thicker as she grew older, so much so that by the time she was 11, her classmates laughed at her and nicknamed her Chewbacca (a character in Star Wars).

The 28-year-old woman in the United States has suffered from hirsutism since childhood, and she cannot change her weight loss and pregnancy, and she bravely faces herself

PCOS not only made Samantha look hairy, but also led to her weight gain, "I was bullied throughout my junior high and high school, and more than half of the people around me were bullying me." In order to change herself, Samantha tried to lose weight, but because of the improper method, she led to multi-organ failure and was sent to the emergency room. Samantha explained that when others see her bloated body, she always unconsciously urges her to lose weight, even her family. But in fact, her bloat was not caused by laziness, and in the end Samantha lost 100 pounds (about 90 pounds) with the help of doctors, and she reached 275 pounds (about 229 pounds) when she was at her heaviest.

The 28-year-old woman in the United States has suffered from hirsutism since childhood, and she cannot change her weight loss and pregnancy, and she bravely faces herself

After successful weight loss, Samantha was also lucky enough to get pregnant, although this is a very difficult thing for women with PCOS. Samantha said she was in a good state during her pregnancy and there was nothing wrong with it, which made her very happy. However, despite losing weight and becoming pregnant, her hirsutism has not changed, but Samantha is no longer entangled, and she has become more and more powerful, and she has begun to calmly face her own state, and has also shown it on social media, hoping to help people who have the same experience as her, so that they feel that they are not alone.

The 28-year-old woman in the United States has suffered from hirsutism since childhood, and she cannot change her weight loss and pregnancy, and she bravely faces herself

Samantha said that after posting photos, she still receives a lot of negative comments and leaves "vomiting" emojis, but what makes her happy is that there are often some women who come to share their feelings with her, "Many women praise me for being brave, seeing my photos and stories, can help them better face themselves."

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