
Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

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1. Looking back now: the life trajectories of two pocket-sized people after their divorce

The pain caused by divorce has gradually faded with the passage of time. Ms. Zhu Jie and Mr. Qin have now embarked on a new milestone in their lives. Ms. Zhu Jie has devoted herself to the field of live streaming and has become a popular anchor who has attracted much attention.

Every day, she stands in front of the camera with enthusiasm and sincerely recommends all kinds of high-quality products to a wide audience. Although her body is small and exquisite, the confident charm she exudes has fascinated many netizens.

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

In the live broadcast room, Ms. Zhu Jie showed her unique style, exquisite makeup, humorous speech, and work attitude of excellence, all of which are the embodiment of her dedication and dedication to this new profession.

At the same time, Mr. Qin chose to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the bustling city and return to the tranquility of his hometown and countryside. In this green countryside, he carefully created his own free lifestyle.

Occasionally, Mr. Qin will share some trivial daily moments on online social platforms, adding a touch of bright color to rural life.

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

Through the familiar land in the video screen, Mr. Qin finally stretched out between his eyebrows, releasing the heavy burden of the past. He began to indulge in the tranquility and harmony of the moment, a simple and pure happiness that was enough to satisfy his heart's desire.

Once, this couple of special height experienced a long period of conflict and pain. But now, they are all flying freely on their respective paths and living the life they want, which is undoubtedly the biggest victor in life.

2. A marriage that is destined to end without a problem

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

Since the moment they entered the marriage hall, Ms. Zhu Jie and Mr. Qin have been as loving as an ordinary newlywed. At that time, they were as closely connected as glue, and no matter where they were, they were always inseparable.

Ms. Zhu Jie has a certain reputation in the entertainment industry, and has successfully participated in many film and television masterpieces with her sweet children's voice and cute appearance. Mr. Qin has become Ms. Zhu Jie's most solid backing, silently guarding and supporting his wife's career development and cheering her on.

Over time, this couple of exceptional height tasted the sweetness of happiness in the minutiae of life. Ms. Zhu Jie will share interesting stories about their lives in the live broadcast room, such as when shopping in the supermarket, she needs to build a "raised platform" for Mr. Qin, so that she can take down the goods he needs from a high place.

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

These interesting stories make them particularly cute and touching in the eyes of others.

However, as the years passed, looking at the children and grandchildren of relatives and friends around them, Ms. Zhu Jie and Mr. Qin gradually felt that some important element of life seemed to be missing. Mr. Qin came up with the idea of raising a baby, but unfortunately, Ms. Zhu Jie's personal health condition made it impossible for her to bear the pressure of pregnancy.

Faced with fertility problems, two couples who love each other deeply are in a difficult situation and have never been able to find a proper solution. In the end, they were forced to accept the reality of their breakup, ending the journey of their marriage, which was destined to be fruitless.

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

The decision to divorce undoubtedly brought them great pain, and Ms. Zhu Jie occasionally showed a melancholy look during the live broadcast. Although the relatives on both sides want them to reconcile, their stubborn nature makes it difficult for them to reconcile easily.

The pain of divorce did not last long, and it was not long before Ms. Zhu Jie and Mr. Qin entered a new stage of their lives.

3. Unexpected encounters on the road of art

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

Back in 2009, more than ten years ago, Ms. Zhu Jie and Mr. Qin were still ignorant of love. That year, the Beijing Dragon Zaitian Shadow Puppet Theatre Troupe was recruiting new members, who traveled to Beijing from the northeastern Inner Mongolia and the central Hubei of their homeland to participate in auditions and successfully join this unique artistic team.

This unexpected encounter on the road of art has made a wonderful change in the life trajectories of Ms. Zhu Jie and Mr. Qin. At first, Ms. Zhu Jie did not have a good impression of Mr. Qin, who had a non-mainstream hairstyle and leaned against the trunk of a tree, but only thought that he liked to play tricks and was a cynical person.

However, during the days of working together, Mr. Qin's meticulous care for Ms. Zhu Jie gave her a new understanding of him.

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

For example, when Mr. Qin learned that Ms. Zhu Jie had pockmarks on her face due to the climate, he did not hesitate to buy the ointment and give it to her. For example, on Valentine's Day, he specially chose a pair of small leather shoes for Ms. Zhu Jie that she dreamed of, and took this opportunity to express his heart to her.

Ms. Zhu Jie was deeply moved by Mr. Qin's careful care, and the emotions that had been hidden in her heart finally bloomed into beautiful flowers.

In addition, the surrounding relatives and friends also silently said some good things about this special height match in a subtle but affectionate way, making the two gradually get closer to each other.

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

Finally one day, Bachelor Qin mustered up the courage to solemnly propose to Zhu Jie, Zhu Jie did not refuse this man who was fully committed and loved him, so a tempered but touching marriage drama slowly began.

Part 4: Zhu Jie: Burning a fiery dream of art in her short body

Zhu Jie was born in an ordinary family in Inner Mongolia, and her parents were both outstanding talents in the field of art. According to common sense, in such a superior genetic environment, Zhu Jie should have a tall and straight figure.

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

However, fate often likes to play tricks on people, Zhu Jie has been extremely short since she was a child, and she did not grow as fast as her peers during adolescence, and finally stayed at a height of only 1.28 meters.

When the doctor diagnosed Zhu Jie with "dwarfism", her heart instantly fell into an endless abyss of despair. As a young girl, the relentless blows of life are like a heavy punch, making Zhu Jie often hide alone in the corner of the room and cry, she can't understand why she has to bear such a heavy shackle of fate.

When she was young, she tasted the unfair treatment of life, and Zhu Jie often did not dare to go out of the house easily because of her low self-esteem, for fear of encountering strange eyes from others. However, in contrast, the family gave Zhu Jie the firmest support and encouragement.

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

In order to take care of her daughter, her mother did not hesitate to sell her property and accompanied Zhu Jie to study at an art school thousands of miles away.

After stepping into the campus, although Zhu Jie suffered from cold eyes and discrimination, her classmates and teachers were full of enthusiasm and friendliness towards her, and gave this "child" endless care and care with practical actions.

Zhu Jie inherited her parents' outstanding artistic talent, during her time at school, whether it was piano performance, dance performance or singing skills, all of which were her specialty, and she was a person of great attention in the minds of teachers and students.

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

Although her height has always been an insurmountable gap, Zhu Jie has never given up her persistent pursuit of art. In 2010, inspired by her future husband Bachelor Qin, she bravely stepped onto the stage of "China's Got Talent", interpreted her life course with sincere and moving singing, conquered the audience with her crisp and pleasant children's voice, and showed the people of the whole country that her body cannot bind the wings of her dreams, and at the same time her artistic talent was widely disseminated.

Part 5: Bachelor Qin: Dressed in white, his original intention did not change, but he was finally awakened by reality

Since childhood, Mr. Qin has been full of dreams and is determined to devote himself to a career in medicine. He was born in a poor family in Hubei, and his parents gave him the reputation of "bachelor" in order to bless him to become a respected medical saint with his talent in the future.

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

However, fate often plays a joke, and Master Qin's naturally short stature is destined to make his path to becoming a doctor long and tortuous. As a child, children of his age always laughed at him in the name of "elementary school students", and Mr. Qin's self-esteem was traumatized as a result.

Until he was eight years old, accompanied by his family, Master Qin underwent a comprehensive physical examination, but was diagnosed with "dwarfism" - which means that his growth path has come to an end, and he can no longer have a normal physique.

However, this cruel fact did not defeat Master Qin's love for life. On the contrary, it strengthened his belief in becoming a doctor, and he longed to one day be able to put on a white coat and hold a scalpel to cure the diseases and alleviate the suffering of the vast number of patients.

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

The encouragement and support of his family is undoubtedly a powerful driving force for Bachelor Qin to move forward, and whenever he recalls the arduous journey of his mother's hard work to provide him with his education, Bachelor Qin will feel extremely happy.

After achieving excellent results in the college entrance examination, Bachelor Qin devoted himself to the study of medical knowledge with hunger. However, after entering the internship stage, the patients did not trust the "small" doctor and even questioned whether he had the ability to be a pediatrician.

There was once an old man who bluntly refused him to conduct ward rounds, and at that moment, Bachelor Qin's self-esteem was greatly hit, and he was embarrassed.

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

However, when his grandmother was seriously ill, Mr. Qin plucked up the courage and successfully completed an appendectomy. It was undoubtedly an important milestone in his career, but the reality remained grim and he never found a place to develop his talents.

6. On the warm night of the stage of "China's Got Talent", the love story of Bachelor Qin and Zhu Jie quietly bloomed

Before their love story was officially staged, Master Qin and Zhu Jie had frankly shared the hardships they experienced as pocket people in well-known variety shows across the country.

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

That touching moment is destined to become an unforgettable and precious memory in their lives.

In the 2010 high-profile "China's Got Talent" program, Zhu Jie appeared on the stage with her unique charm, which caused the audience to gather in astonishment. At this moment, warm applause rang out like thunder, and the judges were surprised by Zhu Jie's young beauty and questioned her age.

However, Zhu Jie did not retreat because of this, but firmly told the secret of her real age at the age of 23.

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

These words were like a hammer that shook the hearts of everyone present. A "little girl" who is only 1.3 meters tall has entered the mood for love? This fact plunged the scene into an incredible silence for an instant.

When Zhu Jie saw her boyfriend Bachelor Qin, who was cheering for her in the audience, her heart was full of strength and she decided to show her life experience to the national audience.

Next, Zhu Jie affectionately told about the various difficulties and discrimination she has endured over the years as a pocket person. Every word is like a sharp dagger, piercing deep into the hearts of the audience.

Inner Mongolia pocket girl married 985 high-achieving students, married for 12 years and did not dare to get pregnant, and now divorced adults are winners

After Zhu Jie's sincere and moving words ended, the scene erupted in applause and cheers, and countless people were moved by her courage and tenacity.

Encouraged by everyone, Zhu Jie sang a warm and touching song "Firefly" with her unique adult voice, and successfully ranked among the top 40. On the occasion of the successful promotion, the host asked Zhu Jie if there were relatives and friends who came to help, and as soon as the words fell, Master Qin walked on the stage without hesitation and hugged the girl he loved tightly.

At this moment full of warmth, the love story of the two is finally unveiled.

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