
Can ordinary people use the star recipe of "losing 8 pounds in 5 days"?

What is the experience of "losing 8 pounds in 5 days"?

Recently, actor Qin Hao's weight loss experience has appeared on Weibo hot search, and related weight loss recipes have also triggered a lot of discussion.

Can ordinary people use the star recipe of "losing 8 pounds in 5 days"?

Some decide to "clock in" and others, others are skeptical of the recipe. Can eating like this really lose weight? Will it hurt your body?

Experts interviewed

Team of the Key Laboratory of Exercise and Physical Fitness of the Ministry of Education, Beijing Sport University

Professor Chang Hui, School of Food Science, Southwest University

Lose 8 pounds in 5 days, how do you eat specifically?

The slimming recipe used by actor Qin Hao shows: eat only soy milk on the first day, eat a corn cob in the morning, noon and evening on the second day, and eat dragon fruit, apples and blueberries on the third day...

Can ordinary people use the star recipe of "losing 8 pounds in 5 days"?

Why can you be "thin" by eating like this?

Zuo Xiaoxia, director of the nutrition department of the Eighth Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital, said that this way of losing weight is mainly to limit calorie intake.

In addition, many ingredients in the recipe are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and metabolism, and can also accelerate weight loss to a certain extent.

Can ordinary people use the star recipe of "losing 8 pounds in 5 days"?

But losing weight in this way is very harmful to the body, and because it cannot be adhered to for a long time, it is very easy to rebound. Qin Hao's wife also reminded in the sharing that the weight loss process is very hard, and the legs are soft for a day or two.

Excessive dieting, injury and "rebound"

Why don't you rely on excessive dieting to lose weight? Experts analyzed 4 common weight-loss diets in life.

Starving diets

It refers to the daily intake of less than 200 kcal diet, which can quickly lose weight.

But it may cause many physiological problems, such as muscle loss; loss of fluids and electrolytes, leading to hypotension and dehydration; Malnutrition and osteoporosis.

In the long term, it will rebound soon as you return to your normal diet. Hunger diets are not recommended for weight loss, especially for people who love to exercise.

Very low-calorie diet

Refers to a daily calorie intake of less than 800 kcal, the most common is protein moderation diet, that is, composed of high-quality protein (70~100 grams / day) and low calories (200~400 kcal / day), all protein and calories are derived from lean meat.

Can ordinary people use the star recipe of "losing 8 pounds in 5 days"?

This diet greatly reduces calorie intake and improves protein loss to some extent, but because of the low sugar content, it is easy to cause ketone poisoning.

Very low-calorie diets should be used under physician supervision and should only be used in people who are severely overweight.

Low-calorie diet

It refers to a diet that consumes 1000~1500 kcal calories per day, and the energy from fat in the total energy is less than 300 kcal, and some vitamins and minerals will be supplemented.

The short-term effect of this method to lose weight is general, with an average weekly reduction of 0.5~1.5 kg, but long-term adherence will achieve good results, and there are few side effects, and it is relatively safe.

This type of diet can help obese or overweight people lose weight, but it does not guarantee the glucose necessary for smooth exercise and is not suitable for exercise enthusiasts.

Can ordinary people use the star recipe of "losing 8 pounds in 5 days"?

Moderate energy-restricted diet

It refers to the negative balance of energy produced through diet (300 kcal less per day), exercise (consumption of 300 kcal per day) or a combination of both, resulting in a decrease in total energy (600 kcal per day).

The basic principles of dietary composition are low energy, low fat, moderate amount of high-quality protein, rich in complex carbohydrates (such as whole grains), and increase the proportion of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet.

The energy ratio provided by protein, carbohydrate and fat accounts for 15%~20%, 60%~65% and 25% of the total energy, respectively.

Although the rate of weight loss is not fast, it is a very healthy fat-loss diet that can help people maintain a healthy weight for a long time.

Pay attention to weight loss should reduce staple food intake, rather than not eat staple food, otherwise it is easy to lead to low blood sugar and make the amount of food eaten larger.

If you want to lose weight, eat enough of these 5 nutrients first

To lose weight, first "eat full", want to burn excess fat through exercise, you need to eat more nutrients that help you lose weight.


Necessary sugars

If the body lacks the necessary glucose, fat cannot be completely "burned" and can only be broken down into ketone bodies (ketone bodies are toxic); The central nervous system such as the brain can only consume glucose for energy.

Each person should consume at least 100 grams of carbohydrates per day, which is equivalent to about 150 grams of rice or wheat (raw weight).

Can ordinary people use the star recipe of "losing 8 pounds in 5 days"?


B vitamins

Many B vitamins are coenzymes of energy metabolism enzymes, and if you want to improve the weight loss effect of exercise, you must enhance the body's energy metabolism.

Adequate intake of B vitamins, especially B1 (thiamine) and B2 (riboflavin), is a prerequisite for vigorous energy metabolism during body exercise.


vitamin C

During exercise, a large number of reactive oxygen radicals are produced, which can cause oxidative damage to the body.

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant molecule in the body, which can effectively remove reactive oxygen free radicals and reduce body damage.

Can ordinary people use the star recipe of "losing 8 pounds in 5 days"?


Key mineral elements

Energy metabolism and fat burning during exercise require adequate oxygen, which requires adequate iron intake to ensure hematopoietic function and oxygen transport.

There are more than 100 kinds of enzymes in the body that require zinc participation, and sufficient zinc intake can ensure the smooth metabolism of body substances and energy during exercise.

Chromium is widely distributed in the body, which can promote the utilization of energy substances such as glucose by muscles, increase muscle growth and burn fat efficiently.


High-quality protein

Sufficient intake of high-quality protein can promote the efficiency of muscle fat burning and improve the weight loss effect of exercise.

At the same time, the specific gravity of muscles in body tissues increases, so that the specific gravity of adipose tissue decreases, so as to truly achieve the effect of fitness and body shaping.

Therefore, if you don't eat anything for weight loss, not only will you not lose weight, but also greatly reduce the effect, and paying attention to dietary balance and nutritional health is a weapon for weight loss. ▲

Editor of this issue: Xu Menglian

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