
If you want to change your fate without thinking, it is not worth wasting time and energy

author:BIBS essay
If you want to change your fate without thinking, it is not worth wasting time and energy

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said, "Don't stay on the plains, don't climb too high, look down from half a height, the world looks the best." ”

In life, you can't just have yourself in your heart. Good people will always be rewarded in the end. Later, the stepmother also began to reflect on herself, getting better and better for the Min Ziqian brothers, the family and Hemei.

As the saying goes, the family has family rules, and the state has the national law. The most fundamental thing for people to protect themselves is not to do bad things, not to do things that pit people, and not to do things that are harmful to public order and good customs.

A clean conscience fears no false accusations. People should not base their happiness on other pains, do not climb up on the shoulders of others, do not calculate people, do not assassinate people, do not hurt me.

What does not belong to you, you get it by any means, sooner or later it will be spit out. Praying mantis cicada catcher yellow finches in the back! There are people who are more powerful than you. Think of people who don't know unless they don't do it themselves.

In the "Vegetable Root Tan", it is said: "Therefore, a gentleman must be smart and talented, and only then can he have the strength to shoulder the burden."

No matter how much intelligence a person has, he must also be like a rice ear, who knows how to bow his head and restrain his sharp edge. In this way, you can not only save yourself, but also secretly store strength and eventually go to the heights of life.

And if a person is too arrogant, does his own thing, and is too ostentatious, it is easy to attract people's envy and lead to a bad ending.

Truly intelligent people understand that being a low-key person is a kind of strategy, and it is also a kind of wisdom of being a person. People are doing it, and the sky is watching.

Man, everything can be broken, but the heart cannot be broken. People, you can have anything, but don't harm people's hearts.

We talk about protecting ourselves, so that we can do better for society and for others, not for others.

Goethe said, "Whether you are of noble or low birth, it has nothing to do with grandiose purpose, but you must have the way of being a man." A person's biggest hole card is these two words.

The writer Baby Anne said: Real life is to do a good job in every day you are responsible, not to ask for the love and vision that have nothing to do with you at present, and not to dwell on unnecessary emotions and judgments. ”

When we pull our eyes back to the present, do our part seriously, reduce the excessive expectations of the unknown, and jump out of the vortex of psychological internal friction, all the beauty will return to you.

character. Character and ability are like two legs of a person, ability determines how fast you go, but character determines how far you can go.

Cao Dewang is sincere and reliable, and even if he falls into a low valley, someone has reached out to help. And that newcomer in the workplace, because of the greed for small profits and lost his character, no matter how strong the ability, will not go far.

The so-called kindness also needs a pattern. Min Ziqian knew that if her stepmother was gone, the remaining two brothers would also lose their mother's love and become unfortunate.

In the heart of man, there must be others. Live yourself as a sun, and the sun will shine in every corner of life.

Life is even more so, not to pursue perfection too much, not to care too much about fame and fortune, know how to stop at the right time, will become the biggest winner in life.

If a person is emotionally unstable, it will have an impact on his career. For example, when faced with jealousy, rumors and slander, if you lose your mind, it will make things worse.

In fact, when a person's faith is firm enough, his emotions must be stable, and his emotions will not fluctuate due to changes in the outside world. He knew that unless punished by the Creator, any other harm was someone else's wishful thinking and had no practical significance.

Most people's hearts move with the situation, and changes in the external environment will affect their emotions. For example, when you encounter good times, you will be happy and proud; when you encounter adversity, you will be depressed and miserable, most people are like this.

And for a person of faith, when encountering anything, the first thing that comes to mind is the will of the Creator, so he treats it with reason while praising it, rather than releasing other emotions such as surprise, complaint, anger, etc.

Human reason and emotion are always one or the other. The reason why ordinary people cannot suppress their emotions is because they are too concerned about changes in the outside world, take the reactions of others too seriously, and ignore the laws of the Creator.

Therefore, when faced with unpleasant things, it is easy to lose your mind. When we have a solid trust in our hearts, and are convinced that everything is predetermined and will eventually return to the truth of oneness, then no matter how unpleasant things happen, our emotions will not fluctuate.

Generally speaking, it is not terrible to encounter bad things, but it is terrible to not know where the source of everything is, to fall into the trap of thinking, to let emotions override reason, and to make the problem more complicated. Life is short, like the leaves: they sprout in early spring and drift in late autumn

In the past hundred years of life, the speed is like a gap, in the face of a rapid life, only by doing a good job of internal cultivation can we have external achievements. When we start our journey in the right direction, we will not go beyond the dimension of the soul, lose the measure of doing things, and naturally cultivate our natural but extreme character.

If we really want to truly control our own lives, we must first keep ourselves wise and peaceful in our hearts; if we want to reach a distant place, we must step on the right pedals and have a healthy attitude towards the world. Life is short, why worry about trivialities; The world is desolate, and everything is only for peace of mind!

Don't be too calculating, everything is carried out at the same time, happy and painful, having and losing, don't have to worry too much about gains and losses, you can't stay when you should go, you can't stay when you should come.

In life, we are indispensable to face right and wrong, and the attitude of facing right and wrong is to test our wisdom and level of handling things. We must have an open-minded mind: "don't say right and wrong, don't pass on right and wrong, big things become small, small things become small things," open-mindedness. Thousands of miles carry books to block the wall, let him three feet and why bother.

The Great Wall is still there today, and Qin Shi Huang was not seen in that year. The meaning of this "Let the Wall Poem" is that during the Qing Kangxi Dynasty, Zhang Yingshi, the Rebbe Shangshu, lived in Tongcheng, and his mansion was adjacent to the Wu Residence.

Zhang Ying's neighbors built a house to occupy the three-foot foundation of the Zhang family, the Zhang family was not convinced, xiushu went to the capital to ask the prime minister Zhang Ying to preside over justice, Zhang Xiangye read the letter and returned the above letter, the family received the book and was ashamed and gave in three feet according to Xiangye's wishes.

The neighbors saw that xiangye's family was so open-minded, felt that the Zhang family was powerful and powerful, but did not bully others, was deeply moved, and also gave up three feet, and formed a six-foot wide laneway, named: six feet lane, and the two courtesies were also rumored to be beautiful talks.

This "let the wall poem" comes from a historical allusion in Six Foot Lane. Life is short, so be a person must not be too calculating, too tired of thinking too much can only be yourself, hurt can only be yourself, everything must be divided into your own advantages and disadvantages, you will miss a lot of scenery, waste a lot of time.

Don't be too attached, man, you must not always cling to the past, the unknown is the most beautiful. Fill the field with green seedlings, look down and see the sky in the water. The six pure roots are the way, and the retreat is originally forward.

This "Rice Planting Poem" is ostensibly about the farmer's observation and perception when planting seedlings. In fact, this is not the case, the metaphor of "regression" in the poem "regressive is originally forward" reverses the attention of the usual attention to the outside world and perceives one's own body and mind. Advancing is a strategy, but retreating is to move forward better, for the ultimate victory!

We often say that persistence is victory. It is not denied that it is impossible to succeed in doing a cause without effort and easily giving up, but there is no absolute in everything, and we must persist in the right situation and the right direction.

Japanese aesthetic master Yataro Matsuura said: "People don't always make the right choices. "When making a wrong decision, insisting on it will only make more and more mistakes." When we find a mistake, we must know how to retreat in time and stop the loss in time.

If you are tormented by one thing, please do not be overly attached, there are thousands of good things waiting for you in life. Don't be overly persistent, be a person: the present is not complicated, the past is not in love, the future is not welcome.

Suffering is letting go, if, unhappy, if not happy, then let go; if, reluctant, if not, if not, then painful.

Let go of the people who should be put down, let go of the things that should be put down. Life will be so relieved, and life can be lived freely. Letting go of inferiority, laziness is the beginning of poverty, inferiority is the continuation of poverty, and depravity is the result of the above.

People are all one life, the same life, old age, illness and death, what reason to inferiority? Don't blindly envy others, you stand on the bridge and look at the scenery, but the person is upstairs watching you.

Putting down your face, Li Ka-shing said: "When you put down your face and make money, it means that you have understood things." When you use money to earn back face, it shows that you have succeeded.

When you can make money with face, it means that you are already a character. When you are still there drinking and bragging, pretending to understand nothing, and only loving the so-called face, it means that your life is like this.

Face is reserved for the dead, don't be hurt by face anymore, no one looks at the process of your success, just the result of your success. Let go of complaining, complaining is pouring water into your shoes, and the more you complain about yourself, the more uncomfortable you feel.

Once people are full of resentment in their hearts and complain about others, they always feel that the world is unfair, so they complain about everything: complaining that they are not born well; complaining about who is prejudiced against him; complaining that they are not born at the right time; complaining that they have bad opportunities.

People who complain blindly, do not look themselves in the mirror, and do not find reasons from themselves are hopeless. Letting go of bad habits, a bad habit, is enough to drag down a person's life.

Alcoholics please put down the glass and return yourself to a clear mind and a healthy body. If you are contaminated with drugs, in order to save your life, for the sake of your family, please make up your mind to quit drug addiction and be a person who can see the sun.

If you like to gamble, please put down the poker cards in your hand, the casino is a trap, don't ruin his family for him, his wife and children are separated.

The I Ching emphasizes a "non-delusion", which may be reminiscent of the disaster of non-delusion, calm down and analyze it in fact, it is not, here the non-delusion means not to have delusion, not to be delusional.

Innocence is to go with the flow, to be a person and to do things to return to the fundamentals, sincere in heart, practical in doing things, is honest, no delusion is honest. Good fantasists, only say not to do, there are thousands of miles at night, selling tofu during the day, and finally dreaming.

"Sincerity to the truth" is to strive for perfection and pursue ideals. Those who have ideals, build dreams in a down-to-earth manner, and "sincerity of heart is the spirit", so good dreams can come true.

Let go of the feelings that do not belong to you, and life follows fate, cherishes fate, and does not climb fate. The Buddha said: Everyone who sees and encounters has already been arranged, and everything is a cause. The origin of the cause is extinguished, the fate is scattered, everything is providence.

We have to experience a lot of fate in our lives, family affection is fate, love is fate, friendship is fate, making money is fate, luck is fate, success is fate, in short, you just need to look in a good direction to work hard, don't be too entangled, everything is fate!

Writer Lin Qingxuan said: "The speed of life, like the words engraved on the water, has not come to see the content clearly, has flowed into the sea."

A cultivated person should be good at controlling his heart, so that he can maintain a calm and calm attitude at any time.

Life is like a drama, all things outside the body are just a prop, be good at grasping yourself, do not suffer from gains and losses, too calculating;

If you don't cling too much to your heart, if you are too attached, you will be bound by external objects, and you will lose your lively and free vitality; if you let go of what you should let go, then there is nothing on your body.

If you don't get it, if you don't get it, if you don't get it, if you get it, you get it; if you don't get it, you get more than you get it, and you get something you lose.

"To get" is to get, to be satisfied, to need; "to be virtuous" is to be virtuous, to be disciplined, to be convinced. "Gain" is a material result, and "virtue" is a spiritual realm. "Virtue" is the basis of "gain", the two complement each other, are closely related to the causal relationship, and only when there is "virtue" can there be "gain".

Small virtue is small, big virtue is big. Only those who have great virtue can gain greatness; those who have great virtue will have great virtue. He who is of great virtue will have his place, he shall receive his name, he shall have his life.

"Gain" is a tangible mass, "virtue" is an invisible energy, and the two are a relationship of mutual transformation and balance. The inner intangible is transformed into the external tangible, and the external tangible can also be transformed into the inner intangible.

Do your best, become virtuous, and gain. "There are gods who raise their heads three feet, and they are not afraid of others and fear themselves." Good and evil have their own heavenly knowledge, and the accumulation of evil will bring about disasters over time, and although virtue cannot be manifested, it can be carried by all things in heaven.

Those who have virtue and no talent are mostly small good, which is called mediocrity. Those who have no virtue and no talent are mostly small evils, which are called indecent. Those who are talented and virtuous are mostly good, and they are said to be noble. The evil of the talented and the immoral is mostly great evil, which is called evil.

Hundreds of actions are headed by virtue, and "morality" is the foundation of standing in the world. Those who are virtuous can only get it if they have virtue first. Without virtue, there is no way to do things, and it is even more impossible to do adults.

Virtue and virtue are the key indicators for measuring a person; virtue and talent are not enough to help him succeed; only if there is talent without virtue, he will help him to commit adultery. Therefore, "both ability and political integrity, with morality as the first."

Sima Guang wrote in the Zizhi Tongjian: "Talent and virtue are all said to be saints, talent and virtue are said to be fools, virtue is called a gentleman, and only when virtue is victorious is called a villain."

The Buddha said, "All laws are empty, and cause and effect are not empty." "Everything in life has a cause and effect, good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and the heavenly path is good for reincarnation." Thick virtue is thick, thin virtue is thin, lack of virtue is lacking, no virtue is not gained.

When you hate a person, you are really uncomfortable, after reading this article, you know how to let go of yourself, life is short, forgive others and let go of yourself, your kindness is very expensive, to give the right person and the heart of gratitude.

Some people look like people, but they don't necessarily speak human words, so don't punish yourself for the faults of others, know how to vent, grow up happily, in this world, no one is worth your anger and hate.

There are not so many people in life worthy of our dislike, everyone has a hated person, everyone may be hated by others, I do not have the time and energy to pay attention to him, just when he does not exist, not every fish lives in the same sea, rather than falling into the vortex of hating others, it is better to free your own heart.

If we come to the world once, if we spend our energy on hating others every day, where is the energy to love ourselves? It is not worth it to hate someone to torture yourself. To forgive others is also to let go of oneself, so why bother to let one's heart not be liberated!

I love to be angry, I often get angry about a little thing, read this article suddenly opened my heart, really often take others to punish myself for mistakes, to slowly learn to be relieved and slowly learn to love myself, when Angry, others do not know, holding in the heart hurt or themselves.

Obviously, I know that hating a person is not good for me, but I can't adjust my emotions, and every time I see her, I will be inexplicably angry and hate a person.

One of the other party's behaviors will pay attention, blindly speculate on each other's lives, drill the tip of the bull's horn, and then make themselves very unpleasant and sulk, read the author's article and have an epiphany.

There is no need to dwell on people or things that are not worthy of people or things, live your own life well, and pay more attention to what you need in your heart!

Letting go of oneself is not the same as forgiving others, some people are never worthy of forgiveness, just because they want to let themselves go and do not pursue, why spend all day for those who are not worthy.

Don't get angry, in the end, you still pay for it yourself, it's not worth it! No matter how lucky people are, the people and things they encounter will not all be just right. Indeed, we are only becoming more and more mature, more and more capable of looking at things differently.

I have learned to constantly cultivate myself in all kinds of nasty people and things, so that I can transform myself into even if I am not accustomed to it, I will accept it calmly. I also learned not to punish myself for the mistakes of others, to forgive others, and even more to let myself go.

At work, there will always be annoying people, see the heart will be very annoying, affect the mood, every day and others say bad things about me, she wants all people to target me, see her annoying, every day to work, do not want to say a word, do what they should do, I believe that others can also see, learn to change.

Accept some people and things, love yourself well, and be angry about people and things that are not worth it, it is not worth it. Truly mature people are not people who do not have unthinkable things and are not accustomed to it, but they know how to look at it from a different angle, and people are suddenly enlightened.

Anger is to punish yourself for the mistakes of others, when you can't change the external world and the status quo, the only thing that can change is yourself, see a person, it is better to look down on a person.

I am like this, I know how this person is, but I don't turn my face, and I want to live well, and I want to present this good to whom, like a thorn in her eye, shining in front of her, she has jealousy, she is not accustomed to it, but she can't pull out me, this is the most hateful revenge.

Instead of messing around and dealing with others with great ferocity. Living your life well is the best revenge, remember those who silently hug you in the dark, make you laugh, talk with you all night, come to see you in the car, accompany you to cry, accompany you in the hospital.

People who always value you, people who take you around, people who say they miss you. It is these people who make up the warmth of your life bit by bit, it is these warmths that keep you away from the haze, it is these warmths that make you a kind person.

Maybe I'm still too young to say it,quite simple, but it's still quite difficult to implement it, so come on, get better and better at yourself, look at them more and more lightly, not everyone can become their own armor.

But I do have my own weaknesses. It only takes two words to treat annoying people--- "ignore", do not put it in the eyes, naturally can not hurt you, you will not be disgusted with it and can not be used to it and affect yourself.

Not all fish will live in the same sea. There is no need to worry about everyone, sometimes those who hate, you ignore, people are still entangled.

You must tear your face to stop. I always like to set a set of surfaces behind the scenes, and the silent alienation may not be able to respond consciously. Turning the other cheek to nasty people is instinctive.

And hating a person and treating him rationally will make the nasty person become a multiplier to make you hate. It is better to drive "it" far away at once, not to see it, and hope that you will be like the sun, single-mindedly sunshine.

Sometimes when encountering rotten people, even if they are rational and restrained and take care of decency, rotten people will not be restrained by the concessions and tolerances of others.

The top comment inspired me that for people who are mentally unbalanced due to jealousy, if they have to deal with each other every day, then they should try harder to make themselves more shining while maintaining restraint and politeness, and the wicked will eventually make themselves more tortured because of their bad intentions - resulting in their wronged self.

Go the extra mile! The complication is that there will always be some unpredictable garbage people in life, and even if you haven't done anything wrong, they will come to the door involuntarily.

When you can't see through people's hearts, don't experience the world, and go straight and fast to deal with villains, and entangle with rotten people, you will only let yourself get into trouble. People with three incompatible views are like two intersecting lines, even if it is only a brief encounter, they will eventually part ways and drift apart.

If a person can get along with the people he hates very harmoniously, then this person is really not simple. There is no need to ruin your own mood for people who are not worthy, hate a person, and do not need to turn your face; sooner or later you are a passer-by, why bother with dust.

Many times, life is to force us to become obedient, not to be insulted, not to be happy with things and not to be sad with ourselves, and then to be patient, strong, and go through the hardships of life.

After enduring all the pain, there will always be unexpected encounters in some place with the warmth of our lives, in fact, the adult world, should be more calm.

Be steady, don't scribble, sloppily, because there are always some people in life who do things that make you hate, whose words annoy you, who hide and hide, who can't escape and can't escape, such people.

If you have always put it in your heart, if you care too much, it is you who is embarrassed after all, sometimes, we have to live a little confused, turn a blind eye to life, this is not only to let go of ourselves, but also to let go of others, why not enjoy it? Be a person, win in the pattern, lose in the calculation!

Taking care of the feelings of others, destined to be uncomfortable, away from those who hate people, they will shine, because of some things that have happened, today's heart is very sad, and I can't cry. After reading your article, I was suddenly enlightened. Life is really hard, only self-transit.

In the moment of sleepiness, you have your guidance, please control your emotions. The world is so beautiful, but you are so grumpy, so bad, not good. There is no stupid thing in the world than to leave the worst temper to those closest to you.

Believe me, less angry, more smiling, be an ordinary person, you will be able to walk out of a road of your own, eat a long and wise, know one person through one thing, stay away from the bad people, be close to the people who treat you with your heart, and leave happiness to the relatives and friends who accompany you.

"The best way for adults to end a relationship is not to quarrel and break down, but to silently alienate." That's a great way to say that! Empathy! Hate the hypocritical side of others, don't show it on your face.

Know that you have suffered the loss of others, long experience is good, do not have to tit-for-tat, adult emotions, there is no so-called likes and dislikes, deep love is around. The renunciation is a silent and silent end.

To be a person, you must live a little more thoroughly, so that it is good for yourself. A lot of things, when you see it clearly, you will know what is best to do. Don't be too embarrassed about yourself, go with the flow, be down-to-earth, and you'll get better and better.

Know how to live, and your life will become smooth. Knowing some truths and implementing them in real life will benefit you a lot. Don't live in vain, you need to learn to think in life and live a little more thoroughly.

Some of the truths are simple to say, but it's not easy to really do. However, if you can persevere, your life will definitely go uphill. Life itself is also a science, so let yourself live a little smarter.

If you want to live a little more thoroughly, you must first learn to adjust your mindset. Some things are not worth being true, and learning to be tolerant will be better. Be confident in yourself and don't always think about living in the way others think of you, so you'll be more at ease.

You have to understand what you really want, not the crowd. It will only follow in the footsteps of most people and may end up making you feel very tired. Bravely walk out of your own way, and you will live happier after success.

As a person, you don't have to worry too much about gains and losses. If you are too calculating about gains and losses, you are actually embarrassing yourself. Some things are not worth your attention to, you can completely leave them behind, do not have to torture yourself. As a person, you don't have to worry too much about gains and losses, which will make yourself less burdensome.

In the process of interacting with people, gains and losses are often not so clear and clear. If both people overthink the gains and losses, in the end they will think that it is themselves who suffer losses.

It is difficult to distinguish between people's feelings and gains, don't think too much. Some people have been paying silently for you, but you have ignored them. Such a he with you will only make you feel that you only have loss, no gain.

If you lose a friend who would have cared about you, you may end up regretting your selfishness.

Life is inherently gained and lost, and we must learn to find a balance in our hearts. You can't always get it, and there are some things in your life that will inevitably make you lose. When you lose, don't blame yourself, just do your best.

Be human and don't care too much about what others think. You live for yourself, you are the master of your life. Don't let others affect you too much. You have to understand that the only person who can really make decisions for you is yourself. As long as you don't live up to yourself, you don't have to take other people's evaluations to heart.

After all, not everyone can truly understand you, and there is no such thing as empathy. If you care a lot about what other people think, it will only make you more and more tired the more you live.

You can never cater to everyone, no matter how you live, there will always be people who are dissatisfied with you and there will always be people who like you.

Live out your ego, you are a unique being in this world, you don't have to make yourself like most people. Don't be afraid of being an outlier without the courage to move forward. There are some things that, once missed, can leave you with regret for the rest of your life.

Also, there is no need to be too sensitive in the process of treating friends. Really good friends will always support you when you hesitate.

Stick to yourself, and you will understand who is the most important thing to you. See the people in front of you, and filter out those passers-by in your life. Be human, stay away from internal friction and inner volume.

In this era of fierce competition, learn to keep yourself away from internal friction and internal rolling. If you spend time and energy for a long time, on some things that you don't like, it will make you less interested in life, making you more and more unhappy the more you live.

You have to see clearly what is really worth pursuing. Let go of vanity, look at yourself rightly, don't worry too much, and you'll always find a lifestyle that suits you. Learn to release stress and don't always push yourself too hard.

In today's society, we are always accustomed to constantly pushing ourselves forward, for fear of falling behind others.

But sometimes, this only makes us more and more distant from our ideal life. You can't be an elite in every field, just do what you do.

There is no need to force yourself to become the so-called "all-round talent", no one is omnipotent. Let yourself have something that you are good at and don't get tired of, and do it well, and you can make a unique contribution to this society.

Internal friction and inner rolling can crush a person. I have been living under high pressure, and no one will be able to stand it. Finding the lifestyle that suits you best, and "lying flat" appropriately, is sometimes a kind of wisdom. Know how to let yourself stop and rest, so that you can go further.

To be a human being, you must live a little more thoroughly. Not reluctant, not pessimistic, live a little simpler, be happier. How to better adapt to the environment, you need to explore a little bit, I hope you can find the most suitable answer for yourself.

May you have a happy and joyful life and understand people's lives. Live a little more thoroughly, less fuss, more fun. Life is a long road, may you be able to find the most suitable pace for yourself.

If the final destination of life is to turn into dust, then no matter what height of life this life is, everyone's end is the same.

After a lifetime of competing with others, the last thing to tire is yourself. Do not argue with others in everything, go with the flow, and Heaven has its own arrangements.

Sometimes, what you fight for does not belong to you, and one day it will leave you. Sometimes, destiny is yours, it belongs to you, and it will never be lost.

People who like to fight with others will let themselves live cramped and uneasy, living in panic. Others are a little faster than himself, and he will be so busy that he will catch up without even eating.

When others rested, he ran desperately. In the end, I exhausted myself, crossed the years, and walked through half a life but could not experience the joy of life.

Be a person who does not argue, small things do not argue, big things can be made. In a lifetime, we will meet many people, most of whom pass by us, and a small number of people who come into our lives.

Some people become passers-by in life, some people become relatives who accompany us and love us, and some people become friends who don't say anything.

Many people play different roles in our lives, and we also play other roles in the lives of others. Every day, a different story is staged, from a family living under the same roof to eating at the same table, to working together in a company.

In a small family, the trivial things are sometimes infinitely magnified. If everyone is competitive, the family will be filled with war every day.

The mother-in-law is not satisfied with the housework done by the daughter-in-law, the meals made by the mother are not in line with the child's appetite, and the husband works overtime and comes home late. The mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law are not compatible, the child and the mother resist, and the husband and wife look at each other unfavorably. In the end, the family was chaotic, without a trace of warmth.

If you understand that there is no dispute, it will not be the same result. The mother-in-law's pickiness, the daughter-in-law can tolerate. The meals made by the mother, the child will not pick. Both husband and wife take a step back, understand each other, and will be a happy family.

For the neighborhood, do not fight for a step, do not block the west wall, do not block the east road. Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and harmonious neighborhood relations will surely blossom into beautiful and harmonious flowers.

Be a person who does not argue, small things do not argue, big things can be made. Be tolerant and understanding of each other, away from quarrels and hatred.

Everything is indisputable, go with the flow, and heaven has its own arrangements. There is competition everywhere in life, and the child's academic performance is compared, so the child learns desperately.

The husband's career is used as a talk after dinner, prompting the husband to work carelessly. The appearance and figure of the wife are compared by the husband to other women. So while the wife is taking care of the family, she does not dare to let herself fall behind...

Healthy competition, prompting people to grow, vicious competition, but can force people to a desperate situation, and even make people lose their humanity.

Children learn, try their best, and do not need to compete with other children. Husband's career, he strives to be self-motivated, don't put pressure on him. The wife runs herself and the family and herself carefully, and does not compare herself with other women.

Everything does not have to compete with people, everyone is unique, and everyone has a different shining point. Appreciate yourself, but also appreciate others.

Sometimes, without arguing, if you can do something, the result is that the heavens have their own arrangements. Scholarship competition in schools is generously given to students who need more than themselves. The company's position competition, do their best, the capable ones, do not envy, do not make small moves behind their backs.

Be an indisputable person, send your own light, do not extinguish other people's lights. You just have to work hard to become excellent, be frank and indifferent, and the rest of the heavens have their own arrangements.

Fighting with people in everything will make you very tired. Life, do not argue, you win. Don't argue with others, be yourself. Do not argue with heaven, go with nature, and heaven has its own arrangements.

May you always keep the clouds of the wise and the light, and do not compete with others in everything. Heaven closes a door, and it will open a window for you. If it backfires, trust that God has its own arrangements.

Everyone will hide themselves very deeply, a real master, never show their true financial resources, the most critical time can catch you off guard by a really powerful person in this world.

Lushan's true face is never revealed, and those who really appear outside are actually people who have no use. The really powerful people are the people who look idle.

Really powerful people seem to be doing nothing, and what we need to understand is that a really powerful person seems to be doing nothing in our lives.

You think these things are simple, in fact it is not like this, just saying that the other party hides themselves very deeply, and once you expose the shortcomings you will be finished.

A really powerful person, whether a man or a woman, is not visible on the surface, and if you can see the true heart of this person, it means that this person is not a simple person.

In our lives, many times a lot of things are like this, if it is really so easy to do, it is not your turn to do it.

Really powerful people are afraid of being hurt by others, so they are careful in everything they do.

We must understand that in this world, many times many things are very simple for you to think, but in fact, they are not simple, if you are really good enough, you will not show it outside, and you will not let others find out.

The really powerful people are more laid-back. We need to understand that a really strong person is more leisurely, in our life, when you see a person.

When I never worry, it shows that this new person's mentality is very good, and this person has done everything well.

Therefore, in our lives, we all need to know that a really good person is a leisurely person who does things all day long and is more nervous.

And you will also feel that the person you have a lot of troubles must be just an ordinary person, and the really powerful person can turn anything into nothing.

What we need to understand more is that a really powerful person will have a deep routine that makes you invincible.

In our lives, many times many things are actually like this, really powerful people have actually experienced a lot of things, and they will never be easily deceived by anything.

Really powerful people are not only very laid-back, but also very boring, never showing their true side, because doing anything in such people's minds.

They all need to be unique, they all need to surprise others, in fact, everyone has no unique secret recipe, just that everyone can keep their own secrets.

Between people, the real interaction, the heart. It is the common denominator in each other's interests and hobbies; It is a consensus on how to deal with things, vision and heart; It is the mutual nourishment of the soul, a resonance of the soul.

The three views are different and do not have to be integrated. People at different levels have different interactions, just like fish at different levels, after all, they can't swim in a body of water.

Those who cannot enter into the depths of each other's souls and have deep-level interactions will only be shallow shoulder-rubbing after all, and one day, they will gradually drift away.

In the vast sea of people, there is a fate between people, it is a understanding, people with deep fate walk into the heart, and people with shallow fate fade out of sight when they walk.

Between people, it is the acquaintance of heart and heart, the encounter of soul and soul. Those who only communicate for fame and fortune are, after all, just a temporary drama, and when a gust of wind blows, it will disappear without a trace.

Officials are divided into several products, grass is divided into high and low, and people are actually divided into grades, and this level comes from the nobility of a person's soul and his own magnetic field. Some people, even if you share the joy with him, he can pour you a basin of cold water and make you cold from head to toe.

And some people, even if you chat with him, can make your soul get promoted, make you feel warm, and bring you full of positive energy, which is the level of the soul.

Stay away from those who are full of negative energy in life! Because unconsciously, he will consume all your enthusiasm for life and make your life dull.

Only those who are far away from negative energy can life be full of vitality and full of sunshine. Close to positive energy, close to people with the same three views and similar souls, your soul can be nourished and your life can be truly bloomed.

With people with the same mentality, you will find that life is full of beauty and vitality in your heart. When you encounter something new, you'll be tempted to do so. And he will also support you, encourage you, and give you the ability and courage to explore the unknown world and hope.

Interacting with people who understand, the heart is like a dry well, which is instantly injected with new blood, so that life is no longer pale and becomes flexible. Just like from the cold winter, suddenly crossing to spring, the flowers in the heart instantly bloom full of spring branches, which is joy, satisfaction, and full of happiness.

Associate with people who understand, and the innocence and innocence of your inner child can not be stifled. In the materialistic world, how precious it is to have a childlike heart!

And people who understand, positive and sunny together, every day is a good day, because in life, no matter what happens, you will have a good attitude, you will feel the goodness and beauty of human nature, you will find the beauty of this world.

With people who understand, your attitude towards life will also become positive. The world of spirit and soul will also become abundant and rich.

You will also become a small sun, using your own temperature to warm the people around you. If you have optimistic and positive people around you, please know how to cherish, be kind, and remember to be kind to them.

Perhaps, behind his bright smile, there is bitterness and sadness that you will never see. It's just that they are used to being strong and used to bringing sunshine to others, in fact, such people need love and warmth more.

Perhaps, he is the one who smiles with tears and runs. Someone said: "No one in the adult world lives easily". So please be kind to everyone around you, if you can't do the sun, then make a lamp, while illuminating yourself, by the way, also illuminate others!

In this life, people may experience a lot of things, and they will also operate a lot of things. But no matter what you do, you are not as real and reliable as yourself.

It is said that parents are never a retreat, friends are not a retreat, only themselves are the real retreat. Only by running yourself well can you have the ability to resist everything.

When we become a better version of ourselves, we are entitled to choose the life we want, if we can't be independent, we also need to be dependent on others, naturally we can't live our own.

Therefore, people still have to pursue a little, to be good at running themselves, this is the best investment in life.

To manage your own image, I have to say that now is a face-watching society, you maintain a good image, is a good business card.

Only when a person maintains self-discipline and maintains the best state, will he attract more people's attention and favor. No one will see inside you through your ugly exterior, and image matters.

You may not need to wear expensive clothes, but at least keep them neat and clean. Learn to control your body and try to maintain a seemingly comfortable state.

Managing your own image well can give yourself extra points. When you maintain a good-looking appearance, naturally your heart will be more confident.

The image is not only external, but also your words and deeds. When you remain generous and behave elegantly, you naturally attract more patterned people.

Therefore, your appearance may be fragile, but your image will always exist, a weapon for you to resist the years, a way to enhance your charm.

Running your own circle well, people live in this world, not just one person is enough, you must have your own circle, you must be good at communication. If you run a circle of friends, you will pave the way for your future.

It is said that one more friend has one more road, try to have a good relationship with the people around you, and when you need it, no one will help you.

In fact, a good circle can make you grow better, and what kind of people you are with will have what kind of life.

Get along with good people, you will also slowly get closer to them, at least your thinking will change, and you will have the right ideas and cognition.

Your circle of friends is actually a big platform, and what your circle is like determines your own development.

Therefore, in this life, people must choose the right person, cultivate themselves, and then run their own circle, which is also a reliance and sustenance for you in the future.

Managing one's own ideals, people in this life, can do what they like is a very happy thing. Many people, in this life, can not be themselves, resulting in depression.

Only by adhering to their own preferences and ideals can we live up to life, otherwise life has no meaning at all.

When a person has no pursuits and preferences, it is actually the walking dead, there is no interest in what to do, and life has no meaning.

In this way, you will not be happy in life, and only by pinning on your own inner preferences is a blessing and luck. No matter what you like, there's nothing wrong with sticking to what you want to do.

What is rare in life is that you can always do what you like, never feel tired, and be able to persevere.

Therefore, manage yourself well, starting from sticking to your own ideas and preferences, focusing on the things you like, developing according to your own inner release, and regaining the joy and expectation of life.

In this life, how is a way of life, we must try our best not to live up to our own lives, live ourselves.

And we can't change our lives, only to manage ourselves, do what we like, feel, live seriously, and insist on ourselves.

Therefore, the best practice in our life is to manage ourselves well, and only when you become better, life will get better and better.

The sea and the sky in the world are wide, and the end of the world is not returned. Our lives will run to the vast sea of people, through the erosion of the years, through the wear and tear of time, gradually understand too many people and things, see the face of the world.

A sentence is too tired to live, let the negative heart fill the mood of the day, let the sad years permeate the past experience, who should complain about the tiredness of this world, and to whom should we complain about the helplessness of this world?

Everyone is drunk and I wake up alone because you are too sober, you live too clearly, you know too many things, resulting in everything being transparent, everything being transparent.

Rare confusion is a person's life realm, you can eliminate the past, you can hide the sky and cross the sea, you can turn a blind eye, know how to pretend to be confused, so that there will not be so many worries, because this world is like this.

Smart, is the wisdom of life, but also the wisdom of life, intelligent people can see through the essence of a thing, can understand the origin of the world, can understand the true meaning of the world, but live too tired.

Seeing a small inconspicuous thing to the extreme will be counterproductive, seeing a thorough experience of doing things will disgust the complexity of the world, and seeing a person too clearly will witness the absurdity of the human heart.

Can you say that such a life can not be tired? The table wood has been repeatedly rolled over, witnessing the authenticity of the quality, and the longer people are in contact, the more people understand the human heart.

To treat life, we must choose a degree, the origin of life, is the arrival of a person, rare confusion, is a kind of calm after a person has experienced all kinds of things, when everything in the world is looked down upon, there is no longer the deliberate play, no longer complex people's hearts.

From wisdom to confusion, it is a kind of cultivation in life, it is tired of the tediousness of the world, tired of the noise of the world, using a kind of calm to suppress the troubles in life, and using a kind of calmness, open-mindedness, and transparency to liberate the world's confrontation.

Confusion is the great wisdom of life, it is a kind of indifference after enlightenment, it is the arrogance of seeing through and not saying, it is the relief after tasting all kinds of pain in life, and it is also a low-key that can appreciate the style of life.

Confusion is the sublimation of wisdom, the cultivation of the years, with a transcendent heart, to get rid of the world, just like the clouds driving the fog, the nourishment of the superworldly, the clouds flowing water, not chaotic earthly protection.

Confused, is leisurely at ease, the so-called dashing sprinkling through a lifetime, rare confused people do not have so many troubles, not so much sorrow, easy to attract happiness, get the peak of life.

Aristotle once said, "Happiness is the only goal and purpose of human existence." The better the mentality, the easier it is to feel happiness. Happiness is to see through the obstacles of life phenomena and find the ultimate true needs of the self.

Happy people know how to settle for the moment. Whether it is academics or careers, the past or the future. Focus will bring joy and success.

Happy people are content to have possessions. Contented parents' nagging, lover's efforts, children's laughter, and friends' company.

Happy people, calm and calm at heart. Don't care about other people's opinions, don't worry about gains and losses, and don't change your goals for your situation.

Mentality determines the state of mind, resting in the present, the heart will be calm; knowing the foot, the heart will be happy; calm, the days will be like the warm sun of spring, warming our hearts.

The most important thing in life is to recognize yourself, not to look up to yourself, and not to underestimate others. There are dissatisfactions in things, and there are deficiencies in people. There are no perfect people in the world, and there are no useless people.

Albert Einstein once said, "When you look down on anyone, you are not far from success, and when you look down on anyone, you are not far from failure." ”

In the vast sea of people, in the vast sky, you and I are just a chestnut in the sea, a small grain of dust. So don't take yourself too seriously, and don't take others too lightly.

People are often ruined by being too self-righteous, thinking that they are great, and saying that everything is correct. Looking up to oneself is the most blind recognition of oneself, and it is also a sign of one's immaturity.

Don't use your own values to measure the strength of others, don't use your own ideas to evaluate others, and don't underestimate others with your eyes.

We must improve our own realm and achieve independence of thought. Don't overestimate yourself, but don't underestimate others either.

As the saying goes: don't think too much of yourself, without you, the earth will still turn. Indeed it is. Arrogant, unable to recognize themselves, blind to no one, look down on others. Not overestimating yourself is the top self-discipline of adults.

No matter what kind of identity and status a person has, he is not arrogant, does not boast, and does not boast about himself, in order to go further. Knowing how to understand each other, to understand each other, to understand each other, to trust each other, is a kind of respect.

Life is an experience, an experience. Time flows quietly, and the years go quietly. To learn to appreciate others is to respect yourself. To be a person, you should not be humble and know how to respect others, in order to get the recognition and respect of others.

People get along with each other, are inseparable from respect, only for people to know how to respect others first, it is possible to win the respect of others.

A person who truly knows how to respect others will inevitably face everyone with an equal mindset and a normal state of mind.

A person who looks down on others will certainly not be respected by others, and such a person is not a good mix. Respect is always mutual, and none of us should look down on anyone.

Respect, only need an equal heart, not to look at others, not to underestimate others, not to be humble, approachable.

Don't underestimate others, because everyone has the ability and strengths and strengths. There are people outside the people, there is a sky outside the sky, let go of self-righteous pride, in order to win each other's respect.

Words can't be too dead, things can't be done too badly, look at things from multiple perspectives, you will understand that no one is inferior to you, and no one should be underestimated. To be a person, the mentality should be high, the posture should be low, and it is not clear to look at others and not to overestimate yourself.

Don't look down on anyone, especially someone weaker than you. They are not as good as you, but they are not as good as you for the time being. However, with the passage of time, no one can guarantee who will be better in the future.

In the Tao Te Ching, it is written: There is no trace of good deeds, and there is no flaw in good words. Those who are good at walking will not leave footprints; those who are good at talking will not have flaws in their words. Don't look down on others because you can't see or hear.

No matter how good you are, never underestimate anyone, let alone easily draw conclusions about whom, and maintain a humble and reverent heart as a person, in order to go further.

People live, don't underestimate others, don't overestimate yourself, look at the world with a normal heart, and everything will be as you wish. None of us can predict the days ahead, and the only thing we can do is not to underestimate anyone and respect everyone. Hardy said, "The wiser the man, the more he discovers the true colors of man." ”

Wise people can always see the essence through phenomena, always see the truth of physical objects through layers of fog, and always abandon the troubles of skin to discover the inner essence of a person.

And too many people in the secular world, obviously do not have this ability, they are often addicted to the beauty of hue, clinging to the outer skin, but ignoring the inner bone.

In fact, the beauty is not in the bone, the real beauty, are all the people who are united in the surface, they are all people with inner beauty, and the soul has its own fragrance.

Such a natural beauty, after years of wind and frost, will not be gradually reduced, but will be like aged wine, more mellow, more charming, more resistant to taste.

The beauty of such a true color, the taste of time, the fragrance of time, even if it is far away in the deep alley, is not known, it can also attract people who love it with a faint fragrance to worship.

Su Shi once said: "If there are poems and books hidden in the heart, the years will never defeat the beauty." In the grind of the years, people who are not afraid of the raging of time, who are not afraid of the old age, who can perfect themselves with "the roads they have traveled, the books they have read, and the people they have interacted with", are always full of youth, charm, and fragrant souls.

In reality, if you meet such a person, you will always feel as comfortable as a spring breeze, as fragrant as a flower, and the indifference, elegance, wisdom and fearlessness revealed by the hand and foot, such as the elegant fragrance of flowers, refreshing people's hearts, making people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

She and he did not have to have the face of youth and immortality, did not have to have an enviable figure, the beauty that accumulated over time, accumulated in the depths of the soul in the precipitation of the years, had made her and him, like a rare flower, alive and fragrant.

Belinsky once said, "Beauty emanates from the depths of the soul." "Obviously, the fragrance also emanates from the depths of the soul.

Smell the incense and know the people, and see the true colors of the people. The beauty of that true color, the fragrance of the true color, is always hidden in the depths of people's souls, hidden in the depths of people's hearts, hidden in the skin that is easy to ignore by the world.

How to find a person with true beauty, how to meet a person whose soul is fragrant, often requires us to smell the incense and recognize people, and look for people according to the incense.

In the Song Dynasty, there was a hermit Lian Zhiru, who did not take the test, lived in seclusion in the language of flowers and birds, read poetry and books all day long, and was full of freshness.

A visit to a friend, the person has not yet arrived, the friend already knows that he came, Lian Zhiru was surprised by the reason, the friend explained that he brought his own fragrance, so it was immediately clear that he came.

Honest friends, praise not only the friends who have lived in the land of flowers and trees for a long time to nourish their bodies and minds with their own floral fragrance, but more importantly, they praise their friends, read poetry and books, and bring their own fragrance to their souls. The world, all sentient beings, everyone grows in it, like a unique flower.

However, some flowers, plain and fragrant, some flowers, light and tasteless, some flowers, fragrant, and some flowers, but in vain, although the posture is lovely, the form is feminine, but it smells like a sigh, because it is not only unpleasant, but also smelly.

We always like to be close to fragrant and beautiful things, away from the smelly and dirty things, but walking in the kaleidoscope of flowers, often looking at the flowers in the fog, looking at the moon in the water, not distinguishing between true and false, not distinguishing between beauty and ugliness.

How to borrow a pair of eyes to pick out their favorite fragrant flowers, consensus coexistence and coexistence, has become a small problem.

At this time, only by increasing one's wisdom, reading more books, reading good books, enriching one's own connotation, improving one's self-cultivation, and broadening one's own horizons, can one become the Bole of Maxima at a glance.

"Maxima is often there, but Bole is not always there". If you can't meet the Bole on the way of life, and you can't be a Bole who is good at distinguishing talents, then try to be a thousand-mile horse yourself.

Smell the incense, can not wait for the person who appreciates his own fragrance, do not have to be sad, do not have to worry, in the heart to cultivate the chrysanthemum, silently open, quietly grow, silently accumulate the fragrance of life, silently condense the fragrance of the soul.

Accumulated over time, I believe that quantitative changes will cause qualitative changes, one day, your hands and feet, will release the true style, one day, your smile, will emit the fragrance of the soul.

These scents will eventually create a beautiful bone for you that is not afraid of the erosion of the years and the raging of time. These scents will eventually make you a better version of yourself and a more perfect self.

Eventually, you will have a red flower, have a charming inner, let you be beautiful in the time of the agarwood of the years, let you fragrance in the picture of the taste of time.

Buddha's seal: There is a Buddha in the heart, and everything you see is a Buddha. They are born from the heart, and everything they see is what they think. Don't be too self-righteous, take your own flashlight and only look at others.

Gentlemen and differences are realms, and understanding others is nurturing. The practice of life must have the measure of doing things and the heart of tolerance. When you practice at home, everything goes smoothly!

Most of the truly wise people are wise and foolish, but the wise people are also obedient, insight into the world, see through the destiny, and thus conform.

There is such a sentence in "Wisdom Tank": Cut the ribbon into a flower, and Qingyang laughs. Labor is laborious, and it is easy to be skillful. Confused, banditly.

The meaning of this sentence is that no matter how beautiful the flowers cut out of colored paper, spring will ridicule him, although people spend a lot of effort, it is not as flexible as the beauty of nature.

Therefore, the truly intelligent and intelligent people in the world, not uncertain, do not think about it, in order to adapt to the changes of nature, in order to understand life.



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