
The "micro power" of guarding dreams: The Beijing News touched the scene of the community character selection and award ceremony

author:Beijing News

"Every inch of soil, there are people rushing. Every inch of heaven is guarded by life and death. Every inch of heart will cast the right way in the world..." On the afternoon of January 19, 2022, the scene of "Micro Power - The 15th Beijing News Moving Community Figure Selection and Award Ceremony" was surrounded by songs.

This is the song of the members of the Hongfuyuan Drama City Volunteer Team. On the big screen behind him, the first snow of the 2021 Beijing winter drifted. On that day, the Hongfuyuan Community in Qijia Town, Changping North, Beijing, was still under epidemic control. But that night, colorful lights flashed above the residents' buildings, and several volunteers from the Theater City Volunteer Team, including Huang Fu Xiaopeng, Wang Tianyang and Liu Xiangjie, stood in the snow and wind, bringing a mobile concert to the residents under the control. Today, volunteers can finally take off their white protective suits and stand on the stage to tell the audience about those unforgettable nights.

Not only them, but at the moving community figure selection ceremony, 32 groups and individuals gathered here to share their stories. This is the fifteenth year of touching and loving that accompanies us. Since its launch in 2007, the Moving Community Figures Selection Campaign has been successfully held for 14 sessions, and 191 community figures and teams have won the honor of "Moving Community Figures".

"Every tiny drop of water can merge into rain and dew, and every tiny speck of dust can blossom." As Liu Junsheng, secretary of the party committee and president of the Beijing News, said in his speech, "Love and courage can cross regions, ages, different growth experiences, and different life backgrounds, so that we can unite together, meet each other, and protect the power of life." ”

The "micro power" of guarding dreams: The Beijing News touched the scene of the community character selection and award ceremony

On January 19, 2022, Liu Junsheng, secretary of the Party Committee and president of the Beijing News, delivered a speech at the 15th Moving Community Figure Selection and Award Ceremony of the Beijing News.

Grassroots workers who measure the land with their feet: pass on warmth on the road and always stick to their original intentions

"The 82-year-old doctor is the oldest in the whole game, right?" Li Deliang and Liu Qiurong, who won the Moving Community Figure Award, guarded a 150-square-kilometer forest farm on the Xifeng Mountain in Changping, and walked more than 4,000 kilometers of mountain roads. As grassroots workers who also measured the land with their feet, they were deeply impressed by Ye Ruling, who had been assisting Tibet for 31 years and had traveled through more than 40 counties in Tibet.

At the scene, Ye Ruling received a lot of applause. He traveled through more than half of Tibet's more than 70 counties in a medical car or on horseback, and once dragged his horse's tail over a high mountain of more than 6,000 meters to deliver pregnant women in small counties. He filled the gap in brain surgery for the largest hospital in Tibet, facilitated a group of doctors to enter Tibet to support, and twice gave up the opportunity to transfer out of Tibet. After retirement, he returned to Beijing, refused high-paying offers from many hospitals, and provided free consultations for residents in the community for more than 20 years.

In his speech, he shared with everyone the reasons why he has persisted for so many years: "I have realized a truth for most of my life: if a person wants to contribute to society, he must have an example, faith and responsibility. Lei Feng and I are the same age, Lei Feng did a good job to fill a train, Lei Feng gave me example and faith. ”

The "micro power" of guarding dreams: The Beijing News touched the scene of the community character selection and award ceremony

On January 19, 2022, Ye Ruling gave a speech at the 15th Moving Community Figures Selection and Award Ceremony of the Beijing News.

Ye Ruling wanted to continue the free clinic. Li Deliang and Liu Qiurong will always guard this green area of Xifeng Mountain, they take the mountain as their home, look, fire, guard the forest, and find and curb the fire several times in the past 12 years. Although Chen Lie was nearly sixty years old, he still had to go into the mountains every year to visit the graves of the martyrs.

Chen Lie, the head of the Miyun District Veterans Affairs Bureau, manages the martyrs' memorial facilities, and he maintains 24 martyrs' memorial facilities distributed in 23 villages in 12 towns and districts.

Since 2011, Chen Lie has trekked more than 40 kilometers of mountain roads every year, walked for more than 10 hours, and entered the mountains to sweep the graves of the martyrs. "Ancestors, the cause you fought for has now been victorious, and our lives are particularly happy, so you can rest assured." This sentence, which he said year after year and time again, was the most important thing he wanted to tell the martyrs.

Chen Lie is 59 years old this year, and for him, the day of retirement is close. At the award ceremony, the host asked him, "How many times can I go up the mountain to visit the martyrs?" Chen Lie replied, "I still want to persist for ten years." As long as I can move, I will go to the mountains to visit the graves of the martyrs. ”

They have always been on the road, down-to-earth, passing on warmth, and sticking to their original intentions. "The individual is small, but the power can be infinite." Wang Zonghong, project leader of Furongli of Yifang Property of Shoukai Group, said so.

He has been serving in the front line for 20 years, dealing with "chicken and dog pieces" every day, and has drilled through almost every corner of the community: rushing to the site full of sewage at the first time, drilling into the equipment layer with the workers, solving the problem of sewage recurrence that has plagued residents for many years; often going deep into various emergency repair sites, taking the initiative to learn skills with maintenance masters; actively participating in community epidemic prevention work during the epidemic...

The same as the property owner, 13 years of experience, this year's 38-year-old Shoukai Group Shouhua Property Management Co., Ltd. Ancient City Project Manager Wang Yang has always worked at the grassroots level, on the roof, down the sewage well, to the underground power distribution room... Whenever she has time, she will ride on the electric car specially bought for the renovation project of the old community and tour around the 400,000 square meters of jurisdiction.

In the on-site sharing session, Wang Zonghong told his work experience: "The only constant is the original intention of serving the people, to be the first person to serve the people intimately. What we do is little by little, close to the people's lives of the little things, with the heart, with the heart, with the heart, responsibly do their own work, do the good things, do the real things well, and constantly enhance the owner's sense of gain, happiness and security. ”

Ye Ruling's original intention was to "be a good party member for a lifetime, and a good party member to the satisfaction of the masses of the people." He told the Beijing News reporter, "I want to dedicate my love and knowledge to the motherland and the people forever!" ”

The "micro power" of guarding dreams: The Beijing News touched the scene of the community character selection and award ceremony

On January 19, 2022, at the 15th Moving Community Figures Selection and Award Ceremony of the Beijing News, Wang Zonghong gave a speech.

Mortal heroes who stand up in difficult situations: watch over each other and do not hesitate

The 46-year-old Wang Jun stood in the center of the stage, his hands were vigorously compared, trying to restore the collective rescue. He waved his hand at the audience, "Another brother who saved people together is also called Wang Jun, who is also sitting under the stage at the moment." ”

If it wasn't for the rain in Beijing last year, the two Wang Jun wouldn't have known each other. One of them is from Hubei, one is from Beijing, one is 46 years old, one is 37 years old, and on that rainy night on August 16, 2021, under the railway bridge of Dry River Road in Haidian District, they invariably saved people from the groundwater.

Wang Jun said that that night, when he learned that a car at a depth of 2 meters had not come out, he immediately took 4 enthusiastic passers-by into the water, swam through the bridge hole, and searched for the flooded vehicle in a carpet search. As he pulled the man trapped in the car out, a young man with glasses swam up to him and asked, "Don't die?" The other party replied, "I'm here to help save people." Later, he learned that this young man was Wang Jun in Beijing.

During the speech, Wang Jun choked up several times. A couple trapped in the car that night died in vain, which became a regret for all rescuers including him. But he didn't think about his own safety. He said, "When someone is in danger, I don't have to think about it, I should stand up against myself." Wang Jun in Beijing also said that he would also go into the water to save people, and he would not hesitate.

The "micro power" of guarding dreams: The Beijing News touched the scene of the community character selection and award ceremony

On January 19, 2022, Wang Jun gave a speech at the 15th Moving Community Figures Selection and Award Ceremony of the Beijing News.

Like them, there are many "retrogrades" who have stepped forward in difficult situations. Since July 21, 2021, 21 members of the Pinggu Blue Sky Rescue Team have rushed to Henan to fight floods and provide disaster relief.

In the disaster area, water, electricity, and network are not connected, and when there is no hot water, the team members will dryly chew instant noodles. The rain kept falling, and the water on the ground was three or four centimeters deep, and they laid a foam board in the tent, and the people slept on it, and as soon as they turned over, they fell into the water. That week, they helped at least a few thousand people by dredging, draining water, searching for trapped people, transferring bodies, and killing people.

After returning to Beijing, they immediately threw themselves into the rescue work in Beijing, looking for the lost elderly, rescuing young people who accidentally fell into the water, and so on. "We members of the team often encounter such a situation: sometimes the family has just prepared a meal and brought it to the table for a rescue mission, and we have to leave immediately. So many people around us don't understand why we are involved in the rescue cause, but as long as someone needs it, we will always stick to it. Rui Gechao, a representative of the Pinggu Blue Sky Rescue Team, said.

The "micro power" of guarding dreams: The Beijing News touched the scene of the community character selection and award ceremony

On January 19, 2022, at the 15th Moving Community Figures Selection and Award Ceremony of the Beijing News, Rui Gechao (center), a representative of the WangPinggu Blue Sky Rescue Team, was being interviewed.

They are all ordinary people, but they have made extraordinary moves. Wang Jian used the last strength of his life and used textbook-like emergency operations to protect the lives of all the passengers in the car.

At the award ceremony, Men Yu, general manager of Beijing Junma Passenger Transport Co., Ltd., stood on the podium in place of Wang Jian. The host asked, "What do you think of Wang Jian?" Men Yu said, "He used his life to interpret the responsibility and mission of our bus people, and set a good example for the drivers of our company." ”

On August 16, 2021, Wang Jian suddenly suffered a cerebral infarction while driving Shun 31 Road, but still in accordance with the operating procedures, after completing a series of emergency measures such as deceleration, pulling over, stopping, and pulling the handbrake, Wang Jian lay on the steering wheel, leaving the last back of the world.

"Those years have remembered the brave, and after the storm, the dawn of thousands of times of conviction has come." At the award ceremony, Wang Tianyang and Liu Xiangjie, who had sent songs to the residents of the Hongfuyuan community on the night of feixue, used a song "Inch Heart" to pull people back to the days of fighting the epidemic.

At the end of 2021, a new crown pneumonia epidemic made the Hongfuyuan community in Beiqijia Town, Changping District, become the "eye of the storm". At a time when the epidemic prevention and control was tense, a group of young volunteers from the Central Academy of Drama formed the "Drama City Volunteer Team" to distribute and transfer daily necessities to 117 buildings and nearly 30,000 residents in the 26 days of sealing and control. In the evening, they drove a truck and drove a "mobile concert" in the community, even if the wind and snow were full of snow, they still went to the appointment on time, pushed open the door of the isolated heart with a warm song, and lit up the hope of life with a moving melody.

The "micro power" of guarding dreams: The Beijing News touched the scene of the community character selection and award ceremony

On January 19, 2022, at the 15th Moving Community Character Selection and Award Ceremony of the Beijing News, Wang Tianyang (left), young singers of the Hongfuyuan Drama City Volunteer Team, and Liu Xiangjie were singing.

Help more people with your own strength, spread the positive energy story, and let the dream shine

There was also a special performance at the award ceremony, where 9 dancers wore long green and white robes, sliding wheelchairs, sometimes gathering in circles, sometimes geese lined up, sometimes two rows in rows... One person in the middle danced with a tuan fan in his hand, and the other 9 people threw their long sleeves out of a beautiful arc to echo it. The wheelchair dance "Ode to Pear Blossom" attracted applause from the audience.

Leading the dance in the middle was Liu Zhijian, a dance teacher of the dance team of the Tianqiao Red Dance Shoes Art Troupe, who was affectionately known as "Grandma Liu". Liu Zhijian, 65 years old this year, has been teaching people with disabilities to dance for 6 years, and some of her students can't walk, some of them are deaf in one ear, and some of them are intellectually disabled... But what they have in common is their love and yearning for dance.

"People with disabilities can also learn to dance like ordinary people, but they just need you to treat it with more patience." Liu Zhijian helped many disabled people realize their dance dreams, she told the Beijing News reporter that in the future she will teach more disabled people to dance, "as long as everyone is willing to come, I am willing to teach, the students are happy, I am happy." ”

The "micro power" of guarding dreams: The Beijing News touched the scene of the community character selection and award ceremony

On January 19, 2022, at the 15th Moving Community Figure Selection and Award Ceremony of the Beijing News, the dance team of the Tianqiao Red Dance Shoe Art Troupe was performing the wheelchair dance "Ode to pear blossoms".

Mr. and Mrs. Guan Yu and Zhang Ping from Haidian, Beijing, taught children in the mountains to dance ballet. Originally ballet teachers at the Beijing Dance Academy, they have taken root in Naduo Village, Narao Village, Yanshan County, Yunnan Province, since 2016, teaching children in remote rural areas to learn ballet. In the past five years, they have brought the "colorful clouds" of art into the fields and helped 62 ethnic minority children out of the mountains.

Standing on the stage, there are many emotions, "Step by step, we deeply understand the meaning of life that art gives to life and art integrates into the times. Zhang Ping and I are not great artists, but our dedication to the cause of the party leading the people to a better life is great, and that is enough. ”

Also transmitting warmth and hope to thousands of kilometers away was the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau's mission to Guizhou. Member representative Sun Mingjuan introduced that on March 18, 2021, 18 volunteer police officers came to six schools in Qianxian Prefecture, Guizhou Province, to teach football and English courses, and began a three-year work of helping and supporting teaching.

These 18 volunteer policemen, from 15 units of the beijing public security system, include traffic police, special police, criminal police, legal police, anti-pickpocketing police, community police, etc., the oldest is 48 years old, the youngest is 28 years old, in Guizhou, everyone has a common identity - "Beijing volunteer police".

At the scene, Sun Mingjuan shared a touching story with everyone, the eldest son's class teacher once sent her a paragraph in her son's essay, which read: "My mother went to Guizhou to support teaching, my father worked overtime at the police station every day, and I became a left-behind child." When his youngest son went to kindergarten in September this year, the teacher asked him, "Why didn't I see your mother to pick you up?" The son replied: "My mother went to Guizhou to teach, she still has many children in Guizhou, so she can't come to pick me up." The childish children's voice sounded at the scene, Sun Mingjuan's eyes were in tears, and the audience also wet their eyes.

The "micro power" of guarding dreams: The Beijing News touched the scene of the community character selection and award ceremony

On January 19, 2022, at the 15th Moving Community Figures Selection and Award Ceremony of the Beijing News, Sun Mingjuan, a member of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, shared the story of the team's support in Guizhou.

Shi Xueqi, the leader of the Dongcheng Veteran Cadres Propaganda Group, felt that he felt the strength at the scene of the award ceremony that touched the community. "Tell the stories around us and inspire the strength in our hearts, and our old cadre propaganda team can also find new materials from these stories."

It has been 9 years since the establishment of the Dongcheng Veteran Cadres Propaganda Group in 2013. The average age of the mission was nearly 70 years old, with the oldest being 89 years old. From 8 people at the beginning, it has grown to 18 people now.

"Although we are old, have decreased eyesight, and poor memory, we have the strength to preach in the Dongcheng Old Cadre Propaganda Group." Shi Xueqi, who is 69 years old this year, said that he has a hope, that is, to become a good preacher of an old cadre, to tell the "party story" well, and to spread positive energy.

Shi Xueqi still remembers an old party member over seventy years old, who insisted on picking up garbage in Tiananmen Square for nineteen years, no matter how hot and cold winter, wind and rain, insisted on picking up garbage. She told Shi Xueqi, "Although I am old and have no ability, I can still do my best to make Tiananmen Square cleaner and more beautiful. These words made Shi Xueqi deeply impressed. He wrote this old party member as material into the propaganda draft, passing on the dream and spirit of the party member to more people.

The "micro power" of guarding dreams: The Beijing News touched the scene of the community character selection and award ceremony

On January 19, 2022, the 15th Beijing News Moving Community Figures Selection and Award Ceremony was held, and the award guests took a group photo with the winners.

As Liu Junsheng, secretary of the party committee and president of the Beijing News, said, "The power of example is like sunshine, giving birth to emotion and love, warmth and dreams." Liu Junsheng also called on more citizens, media and social groups to join in jointly exploring the role models around them and passing on the power of role models. Let ordinary people shine, let the "micro power" leave traces.

Beijing News reporter Xu Yang Wu Mengzhen Guo Yimeng Zuo Lin Zhang Jingshu Bo Qiyu Mu Hongju Peng Jingtao Li Ruiyang Intern Cong Zhixiang

Edited by Liu Qian

Proofread by Yang Xuli

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