
Ideal X01 Info Exposure size exceeds ideal ONE/selling price or about 50W

Ideal X01 Info Exposure size exceeds ideal ONE/selling price or about 50W
Ideal X01 Info Exposure size exceeds ideal ONE/selling price or about 50W

In terms of smart configuration, the X01 model will be equipped with intelligent driving services, including super smart parking, urban smart driving, remote summoning, smart driving, and OTA upgrades.

For smart driving, the car will have L4 level highly automated driving hardware, including ap controller horizon J3+J5 chip and SP controller customized Orin-X chip, installed 1 128-line lidar, 1 DMS, 5 mmWave radar, 12 ultrasonic radar and 12 8M cameras.

Ideal X01 Info Exposure size exceeds ideal ONE/selling price or about 50W

In terms of interior, the new car does not adopt an in-line design, but uses a suspended central control screen. At the same time, the area under the center console will also have different layouts, and the air conditioning control panel may be integrated into a smaller screen. (Text: Pacific Auto Network Liu Yunqing)

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