
Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

author:Bean fat tea

"Initially, no one cared about this catastrophe, it was nothing more than a volcano, a tsunami, the extinction of a species, the disappearance of a city, until this catastrophe was relevant to everyone..."

Japan is the only country in the world that has been attacked by a nuclear bomb, and its apocalyptic complex is growing in disaster after earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption, nuclear pollution and other disasters. This time, the volcanic eruption in Tonga triggered a tsunami alarm in the country nearly 10,000 kilometers away, giving Japan another taste of doomsday despair.

The volcanic eruption in Tonga caused the entire territory to be lost

Since January 14, the island nation of Tonga in the South Pacific has experienced violent volcanic eruptions for several consecutive days, and the undersea volcano has exploded the entire sea surface, with huge waves from the center of Manyan, accompanied by heavy volcanic ash, covering the entire country.

Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

Volcanic eruption in Tonga

Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious
Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious
Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

The ash column is 5,000 meters in diameter and 20,000 meters high

The Tonga volcano, which began to awaken in 2014, erupted frequently since late last year and is likely to become the norm thereafter. This time, the volcanic eruption was equivalent to the 1,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs, and the earthquake caused by the earthquake destroyed the submarine cables, and the thick volcanic ash over the sky covered the entire Tonga country, blocking satellite communications.

The South Pacific nation has become an island altogether, and so far no reliable footage has been transmitted, and therefore no official casualties have been reported.

The entire land area of Tonga is only 747 square kilometers, and the water area is 259,000 square kilometers, bordering Fiji. In 1900 Tonga became a British dependency and is now a Commonwealth of Nations, with both Tongan and English being official languages.

The country's economy is dominated by agriculture, fisheries and tourism, but its industry is very underdeveloped, its productivity level is low, its development is very backward, and it has long relied on foreign aid.

Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

Great views of the Tonga coast

Because of its history of British colonization, Tonga has long relied on Britain and neighboring Australia and New Zealand, and there are also a large number of immigrants living in Australia and New Zealand. As a result, New Zealand has been trying to send planes and other means of transport to try to find out what happened after Tonga's disappearance. The New Zealand government said it had made "limited contact" with Tonga and that casualties were being counted.

Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

Tongan athlete Pita Tauffatofa, who trains in Australia

As far as the current speculation is concerned, the situation in Tonga is not optimistic. This land-based country with limited land resources is scarce and has long depended on groundwater and rainwater for a living. A large amount of volcanic ash deposits are bound to pollute water sources, and it should be known that these smokes, gases and dust contain a large amount of sulfide substances, and too much entry into the human body will cause physical damage. As a result, many international organizations have begun to raise supplies for the relief of the people of Tonga.

Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

International organizations donate money to aid

The center of the disaster here has not yet been effectively solved, and Japan, half a world away, has taken the lead in panicking.

Anxiety in Japan

Neighbouring Fiji was hit by tides a few hours after the eruption of The Tonga volcano, but fortunately, the Fiji Islands and New Zealand have a large number of coral reefs nearby and are at the center of the disaster, and the wave fluctuations have not triggered a huge tsunami, and are currently only hit by rising floods.

On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, the western United States and chile also triggered waves of about one and two meters, and houses along the coast were flooded by the sea. Japan, halfway away, lost dozens of ships in the waves caused by the volcano, but fortunately there were no casualties.

Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

Flooding hit the west coast of the United States

The Japan Meteorological Agency began issuing a series of tsunami warnings in the early morning of the 16th, which is the first tsunami warning issued by Japan since November 2016. Although the waves reaching Japan were only one meter high, 230,000 Japanese people began emergency shelter.

Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

Changes in air pressure in Japan

It should be noted that Japan is also a country with frequent volcanoes, and in September 2014, the Misaksan volcano in central Japan suddenly erupted, killing 58 mountaineers.

Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

Photographs of the eruption of Mt. Misaksan volcano taken by the deceased climber before his death

Therefore, disaster avoidance is a compulsory course for Japanese people from elementary school, and the public is quite familiar with the three-stage sound warnings from different events.

And these alarm music is all brisk and serene, which is also to avoid the psychological discomfort caused by too many alarms, and perhaps a compromise to avoid in the face of major disasters.

Because of the limited land, the mountainous hills, and the frequent occurrence of geological disasters, Japan's planting area is very small, which is why Japan's agricultural and sideline products pursue lean.

We saw that Japan developed 200 pounds of pale snow-white strawberries, sold $6,100 Tasuke watermelon, and appeared 2.7 million Yubari honeydew melons per day. When it comes to animal husbandry, Japan is also famous for its expensive Wagyu cattle. Such expensive fine food is certainly not the daily food on the table of the Japanese people, these are high-end goods exported to the world, and with these foreign exchanges, you can buy the necessary products of agricultural products that cannot be self-sufficient in China.

Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

The Yubari melon for The first harvest season in Japan in 2021

It is obviously not economical to use valuable land to grow crops with a low premium such as vegetables, so the price of vegetables in Japan is very high, in order to ensure the intake of dietary fiber for most of the bottom people, the shrewd Japanese developed the barley green juice powder, and with sugar resistance, fat loss as a gimmick to promote the concept of this product to China. However, this is a bit of an IQ tax for Chinese people with a sufficient supply of vegetables, and plant protein meat is really a good pair of brothers.

Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

The circle of friends often sees advertisements for barley green juice drinks

Japan is not only born deficient, but also loves to die. As an island country, Japan is rich in fishery resources, which is also the main source of protein for every household. But a nuclear contamination event that erupted in an earthquake has left Japan in a new predicament.

On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake struck Japan's northeastern Pacific region, and although people on land were not directly affected, the earthquake-triggered tsunami gave way to a major spill at a nuclear power plant in Fukushima. Not only has the area become a no-man's land, but the Japanese government has dumped nuclear wastewater into the ocean for treatment despite the objections of fishermen, which has also severely damaged Japan's fishery.

Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

Fish in the nuclear-contaminated area of Fukushima

For a time, no one dared to buy Japanese fishery products, the united states explicitly banned Japanese food from entering the country, and the Japanese themselves were unwilling to use their lives to consume agricultural and sideline products in the nuclear area. But savvy businessmen can always find pick-up men, and Japanese media reported in June that fish caught off the coast of Fukushima had made their way into restaurants in Bangkok, Thailand.

And just this year, Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party changed "nuclear food" into "fuku food" in an attempt to put products from the nuclear-contaminated area of Fukushima on the people's table without the public's knowledge. There is no wall that does not leak, and the latest poll shows that 57.9% of the public explicitly rejected Taiwan's opening of Fukushima nuclear food.

Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

The people of Taiwan are anti-nuclear food

The small size of the land, the shortage of supplies, the frequent occurrence of disasters and the problem of nuclear pollution, coupled with the lingering shadow of the nuclear bomb half a century ago, it seems that every Japanese has an apocalyptic complex in their hearts, which makes them think very extremely about the end of the world and death.

Faced with the fact that the end times cannot be changed, some people have begun to have ecstatic and timely entertainment, customs industry, idol factory, game paradise... Those temporarily untouchable realities began to appear in the creations of the Japanese.

From the despair in Resident Evil to the pleas for help in The Sinking of Japan, to the cyberpunk Metropolis to the wasteland planet Nausicaä of the Valley of the Winds, all showcase Japanese culture's exploration of the future of the end times.

Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

The destruction of Tokyo in Akira

Of course, the Japanese, who were able to design so many warnings and shelters, were not willing to walk into that dark night with meekness. For more than a century, the country has been looking for a new way out.

We all know that Japanese people live long, and the people of this country have strict dietary standards, and the set food is such a product. At first glance, small bowls and small plates seem to be a remnant of the era of food shortage, but such meals provide a reasonable nutritional combination, and the concept of eating less is conducive to the health of modern people. In home cooking, in order to avoid ingesting excess oil, Japanese people will put in oil absorbent paper to throw away all the excess oil on the surface.

Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

Japanese Set Meal

The final ecstasy

Martin Luther once said, "Even if tomorrow is the end of the world, I will plant my apple tree." The Japanese apocalyptic manga "Infecting the Archipelago" quotes this sentence. Perhaps this is also the mindset of most people when facing disaster. In the face of death, trying to live and face it safely, the process must be bloody and tortuous, but the moment of the result is not important.

Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

Movie "Infecting the Archipelago"

The development of science has made many people live a more comfortable life, but modern civilization is still so small in the face of the power of nature. The civilization created in time will collapse in an instant, and if science is a tool belief, then happiness is the ultimate pursuit of all mankind. Everyone's definition of happiness is the same, but for Japan, expansion must be one of them.

Because of their small self-consciousness, the Japanese expressed their aspirations with cruel militarism a hundred years ago, because they were afraid of the price of history, and now the Japanese government still wants to use lies to escape for themselves.

Frequent eruptions of The Tonga volcano are likely to become the norm in the future, where the future of the Tongan people lies, and how Japan will find new ideas in its predicament. This is not a small matter for a country, just as Hitler may have changed the fate of World War II if he had successfully entered the Vienna Academy of Arts.

Several Internet celebrity bloggers in the Tonga region posted videos at the end of last year that they look relaxed and happy in the face of the high tide, but this may be the real experience of the local people when the volcano erupted a few days ago, except that it should be a different expression in the face of a sudden disaster.

Doomsday Plot: The volcanic eruption in Tonga is completely lost, and Japan, half a world away, begins to be anxious

Apparently, the Tongan government, like these Internet celebrities, is overly optimistic in the face of disaster. In fact, last year, some experts found that the Tonga volcano began to be active, and even so, the territory of Tonga has been isolated for several days, which in today's globalized world, the negligence of a government has made the information of the entire country disappear is obviously shocking.

In this way, the people of a country that is already poor in materials are left in an island. Optimism in the face of disasters is not blind resignation, but full precautions can give people a sense of security, so as to avoid emotional loss of control and the occurrence of derivative disasters.

In any case, life goes on, no matter what the world will be like tomorrow, today's meal will be delicious. See you soon.

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