
China and global sales double crown, BMW asked Mercedes-Benz are you satisfied?

In 2021, the sales volume of various car companies has been released one after another, and in the luxury brand market, the three giants of the BBA are still insurmountable. However, in the past, many people thought that the first B of the BBA was Mercedes-Benz, but in fact, this concept should have been changed a long time ago.

Last year, BMW successfully won the first place in the sales of luxury brands in the Chinese market with a sales record of 846,000 vehicles, achieving a year-on-year increase of 8.9%, and is also the only brand among the three major BBA brands to achieve positive growth.

China and global sales double crown, BMW asked Mercedes-Benz are you satisfied?

Looking at the other two competitors, Mercedes-Benz's sales in 2020 were 758,800 units, behind BMW's 87,200 units, and there was also a year-on-year decline of 2%. Audi ranks the most behind the three, with sales of 701,000 units in 2020, a decline of 3.6%.

It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time that BMW has won the first place, in 2019 and 2020, BMW won the championship with 723,000 and 777,400 vehicles respectively, and from this series of data, it is enough to reflect that in recent years, BMW's performance has become more and more strong, winning the crown of luxury brands in the Chinese market for three consecutive years, and the first B of the BBA seems to have been replaced by it.

And BMW is not only proud of the spring breeze in the Chinese market, but also quite strong in the world, with bmw's cumulative sales reaching 2.522 million units in 2020, an increase of 8.4% year-on-year, creating a new record and winning the global sales championship, becoming a double champion.

China and global sales double crown, BMW asked Mercedes-Benz are you satisfied?

Due to the shortage of chip semiconductors and the stimulation of the rebound of the epidemic, in fact, 2020 is not good for major car companies, and the decline in sales from Mercedes-Benz and Audi can basically reflect this, but BMW can buck the trend and can also show how strong the resilience of this car company is.

China and global sales double crown, BMW asked Mercedes-Benz are you satisfied?

Specific to the model, BMW's sales pillar in the Chinese market is nothing more than the BMW 3 Series, 5 Series and X3 models, the 3 Series and 5 Series sold more than 150,000 units per year, and the X3 also reached 128,000 units, and their average monthly sales exceeded 10,000 units. The X1 should also sell more than 90,000 units.

However, it is worth mentioning the BMW X5, as an imported model sold from nearly 700,000 yuan, the X5 exceeded 50,000 sales last year, which is quite amazing. Moreover, bmw X5 will achieve domestic production this year, the car will be extended in line with the Chinese market, and after the future price is significantly reduced, sales should usher in a new climax.

China and global sales double crown, BMW asked Mercedes-Benz are you satisfied?


In addition to the color in the field of fuel vehicles, last year BMW also had a certain breakthrough in new energy, the total sales of new energy was 48,000 vehicles, of which bmw iX3 sales reached 21,000 vehicles, this figure is not high in the entire new energy field, but it is still far ahead of the other two new energy products Mercedes-Benz EQC, Audi e-tron.

China and global sales double crown, BMW asked Mercedes-Benz are you satisfied?

BMW was able to win the championship on the one hand because it showed a strong enough competitiveness, and the price was also relatively stable, protecting the brand value. On the other hand, the opponent is too weak, take Mercedes-Benz, the reason for the decline in sales last year is not only due to the impact of chip shortages, but also the product and quality levels have large problems.

China and global sales double crown, BMW asked Mercedes-Benz are you satisfied?

For example, mercedes-benz C-class sales have not made much breakthrough after the new generation, in addition to the small profit margin, there is also the use of 1.5T turbo engines in the whole series is also the reason why it is not popular with consumers. And Mercedes-Benz in the past two years more and more have a trend of bad quality and reputation, in recent years due to assembly errors and other low-level problems have been recalled a lot of times, last year even won the title of the domestic "king of recall", the number of recalls reached 15 times, involving as many as 2.7812 million vehicles, which is 3.66 times last year's sales.

BMW has said that the Chinese market contains huge market potential, BMW will continue to increase innovation and investment, it is reported that BMW will also plan to launch 26 new products this year, of which new energy products will be expanded to 7, accelerate the process of electrification, perhaps the future BMW will come up with more surprises, and whether it can always stand in the first position, Mercedes-Benz can achieve overtaking, we are also very much looking forward to.

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