
Zhu Di robbed King Ning of 80,000 elites, promising to divide the world equally, and finally what was the end of King Ning?

In 1399 AD, Zhu Di, the King of Yan, rebelled in Beiping and launched the famous "Battle of Jingnan", when Zhu Quan, the King of Ning, had heavy troops in his hands, and his subordinate Duoyan Sanwei Xiao was brave and good at war, and was the division of tigers and wolves, which could be called the most capable unit in the world at that time, in a sense, Zhu Quan's position determined the direction of the Battle of Jingnan, so he was the object of great efforts by both the King of Yan and the Jianwen Emperor.

Zhu Di robbed King Ning of 80,000 elites, promising to divide the world equally, and finally what was the end of King Ning?

Zhu Quan's original intention was to remain neutral, to be at ease to be a wall-riding party, and to choose the main path after the situation was clear, but people were not as good as heaven. At that time, the Jianwen Emperor Zhu Yunjue first threw an olive branch to Zhu Quan, sent someone to summon him back to Beijing, and promised him a high-ranking official Houlu, but Zhu Quan was worried about Emperor Jianwen's previous heavy-handed slashing of the domain, and was worried that there would be no return, so he did not leave. Emperor Jianwen was furious and ordered zhu quan's military power to be reduced, which undoubtedly tilted Zhu Quan's balance in favor of the King of Yan.

Zhu Di had always coveted Zhu Quan's Duoyan Sanwei, and had long wanted to take it for himself, but now that it was a heaven-given opportunity, how could he miss it, so he personally went to Daning to visit Zhu Quan, and when the brothers met, Zhu Di wept bitterly and complained to Zhu Quan, saying that his rebellion was caused by their good nephew Zhu Yunjiao's persecution, and he was really a last resort, and repeatedly begged Zhu Quan to draft a song on his behalf to the imperial court to apologize.

Zhu Di robbed King Ning of 80,000 elites, promising to divide the world equally, and finally what was the end of King Ning?

At the same time, Zhu Di ordered people to secretly ambush outside Daning City, and then asked his men to bribe the minister of Duoyan Sanwei and the defenders with heavy gold, all of which were unaware, Zhu Quan was defenseless, and he also expressed deep sympathy for the fourth brother's suffering. After all the arrangements were in place, Zhu Di bid farewell to Zhu Quan, and Zhu Quan personally went out of the city to practice for the fourth brother, and went to the outskirts, suddenly ambushed the troops, and the three guards of Duoyan should gather, Zhu Quan woke up like a dream, but it was too late, even his cronies were anti-water, and he could not wash it away even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

After Zhu Di forced Zhu Quan onto the thief ship, he not only absorbed all of Zhu Quan's troops, but also brought Zhu Quan's concubines and heirs back to Beiping, Daning became an empty city, and Zhu Quan's back road was completely blocked to death. After entering the Yan army, Zhu Di often asked Zhu Quan to write documents and make a promise, and after the matter was completed, he and Zhu Quan were equal to the world. Zhu Quan also understood that he had no possibility of turning back, so he had to follow his fourth brother to the black road.

After Zhu Di ascended the throne, Zhu Quan first asked for Suzhou to be renamed, and then asked to change qiantang, but Zhu Di did not agree, but gave him four places: Jianning, Chongqing, Jingzhou, and Dongchang, and let him choose at will. But these four places Zhu Quan was not satisfied, and after some controversy, Yu Yongle was sealed in Nanchang in February of the first year of the first year. When Zhu Quan left the capital for Nanchang, Zhu Di personally wrote a poem to bid him farewell, which can also be regarded as a praise and reward for his work from the dragon.

Zhu Di robbed King Ning of 80,000 elites, promising to divide the world equally, and finally what was the end of King Ning?

Soon after, someone reported to Zhu Di that Zhu Quan had used magic tricks to harm people and slander and slander the imperial court, and Zhu Di ordered people to secretly investigate, but did not obtain real evidence, and finally the matter was closed.

After this, Zhu Quantaoguang cultivated obscurity, played the piano and read all day long, cultivated himself, devoted himself to cultivation, made friends with literati and scholars, and stayed away from the imperial court and did not ask about the government, so during Zhu Di's reign, Zhu Quan has been safe and sound, living in peace.

However, during the reign of Zhu Di's grandson Emperor Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji, Zhu Quan issued some unfavorable words to the imperial court, Ming Xuanzong was very dissatisfied with this, and blamed Zhu Quan, Zhu Quan quickly went up to apologize, Ming Xuanzong saw that he was old and did not investigate deeply, Zhu Quan escaped a disaster.

Zhu Di robbed King Ning of 80,000 elites, promising to divide the world equally, and finally what was the end of King Ning?

In 1448, during the reign of Zhu Di's great-grandson Emperor Mingyingzong Zhu Qizhen, Zhu Quan died at the age of 70. In the Battle of Jingnan, Zhu Quan was involuntary, although Zhu Di's means of wooing him were somewhat sinister, but I think Zhu Di actually saved him.

Just imagine, if Zhu Quan chose Emperor Jianwen, would there be a good ending? I think it will certainly not be, because if Emperor Jianwen destroys the King of Yan, Zhu Quan will be the next object of the imperial court to cut the domain, and the King of Yan wins, he can finally die well, it is already thankful, still dare to have such extravagance?

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