
If Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son had not died, would Zhu Di have launched the "Battle of Jingnan"? Reveal the truth in one sentence

The fall of the Yuan Dynasty accelerated the birth of the Ming Dynasty, the people of the world looked forward to a Tianzi who thought about the people, all said that current events create heroes, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang's great achievements have obviously been perceived by the world, this Zhu Yuanzhang is a person who personally suffered a hard life, when he was young, he herded cattle for the landlord's family, his parents were starved to death in the end, and in the end only thirteen grains of rice were left, and on the day when Zhu Yuanzhang became the son of heaven, he finally dared to recall the pain of that year. At that time, after the death of his parents, there was no land in the house, and there was no place for them to be buried, so he went to the landlord, and the landlord not only did not sympathize but also scolded, and finally the old neighbor was kind, and he saw that he was pitiful and let him bury his parents in his own family land.

If Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son had not died, would Zhu Di have launched the "Battle of Jingnan"? Reveal the truth in one sentence

Zhu Yuanzhang, who is the emperor, is really poor and afraid, so even if the glory and wealth of the world are all his, he is not only not arrogant at all, but also has a little hatred of the rich, especially if he hears that the minister in the court dares to embezzle or be extravagant and wasteful, he immediately begins to investigate thoroughly, criticize and even directly die. Therefore, at that time, everyone who worked under Zhu Yuanzhang's hands was like living in hell, it seemed that they were serving as officials, but in fact they were more guilty than going to prison, it can be said that Zhu Yuanzhang was really the most demanding emperor in history, doing the hardest work, not only physically affected, but also mentally tired, the key is that the salary is not paid much, the minister is also a person, but also has to support the family, naturally there are emotions.

If Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son had not died, would Zhu Di have launched the "Battle of Jingnan"? Reveal the truth in one sentence

When Zhu Yuanzhang was still the King of Wu, his eldest son had been born, he directly established this son as the son of the world, as soon as the Ming Dynasty was established, the eldest son Zhu Biao was made the crown prince, Zhu Biao and the Ming Dynasty grew up together, how to say that he was also born with a golden spoon, which was much better than his father's situation. Zhu Biao, who was dressed in fine clothes and jade food, was regarded as a successor by Zhu Yuanzhang early on, so he found a bunch of people to assist, read poetry and books, and grew up in a strict and formal education, Zhu Yuanzhang saw Zhu Biao as if he saw the hope of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Biao was born in a family with the richest family in the world, but he did not slack off at all, and his clever efforts and benevolence made up for Zhu Yuanzhang's lack to a certain extent.

If Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son had not died, would Zhu Di have launched the "Battle of Jingnan"? Reveal the truth in one sentence

If all this is as desired, then the record in the "Records of History" is probably a different look, Zhu Yuanzhang's beloved Zhu Biao died suddenly at the age of thirty-seven, this news is undoubtedly a fatal blow to Zhu Yuanzhang, in the confusion of thought, Zhu Yuanzhang's son Zhu Yunjiao was made the emperor's eldest grandson, this irrational decision seems to be the greatest comfort for Zhu Biao, but for the Ming Dynasty is a blessing or a curse He can not decide, if Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son did not die, would Zhu Di still launch the "Battle of Jing"? Such a doubt may be many people will have, if Zhu Di's opponent is Zhu Biao, then Zhu Di seems to have no certainty of victory.

If Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son had not died, would Zhu Di have launched the "Battle of Jingnan"? Reveal the truth in one sentence

The light of Zhu Biao's lifetime has long covered up all of Zhu Yuanzhang's sons, and some people have finally seen hope since his death, that is, Zhu Di, the fourth son of Zhu Yuanzhang, it can be said that Zhu Di has been favored by others since he was a child, and the royal family said that "brothers" are polite words, and Zhu Biao and his treatment are simply worlds apart. Zhu Di followed Xu Da and Chang Yuchun all day long, so the thoughts in his mind were all in the form of force, just after the death of the eldest brother, the throne was still not his turn, but given to the eldest brother's son, and since then Zhu Di's "heart and force" have begun to double-line.

If Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son had not died, would Zhu Di have launched the "Battle of Jingnan"? Reveal the truth in one sentence

Zhu Yunjiao and his father are still very similar, there is a heart that treats the people of the world well, Zhu Yuanzhang has taken care of everything himself, his sons will guard the world for his grandson, in fact, it is this group of uncles, especially Zhu Di, who has become Zhu Yunjiao's biggest nightmare. Zhu Di in order to let the world let the ministers in the court dispel their defenses against him and pretend to be crazy and stupid, in order to have an opportunity to come one day, Zhu Yunjiao was charitable to his uncle, but his uncle never thought so, since ancient times, people who have achieved great things have done things with a little skill, the great war between Zhu Di and Zhu Yunjiao has been opened, in the long war, Zhu Yunjiao began to gradually realize that conniving with his uncle Zhu Di was the biggest mistake.

If Zhu Yuanzhang's eldest son had not died, would Zhu Di have launched the "Battle of Jingnan"? Reveal the truth in one sentence

When Zhu Di led a large army into the palace, Zhu Yunjiao finally woke up, and burned the entire palatial palace, Zhu Di fought for four years, almost lost his life in exchange for a pile of ashes, but at the end of the ashes there was no Zhu Yunjiao, there was no Zhu Yunjiao among those who were arrested, there was no Zhu Yunjiao among those who died in battle, Zhu Yunjiao's living was not seen, and the dead body was Zhu Di's nightmare for a lifetime, and it was also a mystery that had not been solved in history.

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