
Children who can't control "nibbling on their nails", the two endings cannot be avoided, and parents guide them with skills

Wen | the original diary of The Little Fish Daddy, welcome to forward and share personally

It is no exaggeration to say that many people have the experience of nail gnawing when they are young, and even some people even if they have reached adulthood, they still maintain the habit of gnawing nails, although the people around them have long been strange, but in fact, biting nails is not a "normal phenomenon", especially for children.

As a child who loves to bite his nails since he was a child, I am deeply aware of the impact of this habit on ordinary life, and I hope that more parents can understand that children's nails are really not trivial, and the two endings of uncontrollable children cannot be avoided.

Children who can't control "nibbling on their nails", the two endings cannot be avoided, and parents guide them with skills

The consequences of loving "nibbling on nails" children from an early age

First, the hygiene and health of the fingers are affected

Many parents do not allow their children to chew nails, because they feel that the nails are crooked and not good-looking, and long-term nibbling on nails will indeed affect the beauty of the hands, but this is not the most important, many people do not know, long-term nail nibbling is easy to get sick.

Children have a lot of activity every day, the hand will touch a lot of things, bacteria will naturally not be less, in the process of gnawing fingers, nail seams and bacteria on the fingers will enter the mouth and digestive tract, it is easy to infect and cause disease.

Children who can't control "nibbling on their nails", the two endings cannot be avoided, and parents guide them with skills

In addition, it is difficult for children to stop nibbling on their nails, and biting their fingers is also a common thing, and then contact with other bacteria may lead to inflammation of the fingers.

Second, it affects mental health and personality

Sick nail nibbling is inseparable from the child's psychology, and many children will involuntarily nibble on their nails to seek a sense of security due to nervousness, shyness, anxiety, timidity and other reasons.

Therefore, the child's nail gnawing is by no means simple, it may be a signal to the parents, if the child thinks it is embarrassed to say something, but does not know how to deal with it, it may be used to inform the parents in this way.

Children who can't control "nibbling on their nails", the two endings cannot be avoided, and parents guide them with skills

If parents do not find the child's abnormality and allow the child's psychological problems to exist, then even when they grow up, they may choose to nibble their nails when they have the same emotions or unspeakable secrets, in fact, psychological problems have not been properly handled.

No matter which of the above endings will affect the child's personality and happiness in adulthood, nibbling on A must get the attention and attention of parents, this habit is very harmful, timely and effective intervention can reduce the child's pain.

Parents need to know what kind of psychological reasons the child is chewing on his nails

In general, children under the age of 3 nibble on nails, most of which are physiological needs, may have entered the sensitive period of hand and mouth, or explored the world through finger sucking, basically lasting until about 2 years old, and a small number of babies may last until the age of 3.

Children who can't control "nibbling on their nails", the two endings cannot be avoided, and parents guide them with skills

If children over the age of 3 still like to nibble on nails, then parents should look at whether the child is going through the following stages in light of the actual situation:

Feelings of separation anxiety in kindergarten;

Parents often quarrel in front of their children, and the family atmosphere is not harmonious enough;

Presence of physical defects or material feelings of inferiority;

Often ignored by parents, not getting enough attention...

If the child is experiencing these situations, then nibbling on the nails may have become a way for them to relieve their anxiety and vent their negative emotions, and parents can no longer let the child suffer.

Children who can't control "nibbling on their nails", the two endings cannot be avoided, and parents guide them with skills

Children gnaw nails into a habit, parents guide with skills

Do a good job of cleaning and protection

If you don't want your baby to form a habit, you can apply a little lemonade or bitter melon water to your fingers, so that your baby loses the desire to nibble on your fingers. In addition, it is necessary to help the baby clean in time to prevent eating bacteria.

Don't reprimand, be careful of counterproductive

Don't pay too much attention to the physiological finger gnawing, but if you judge that the child has psychological problems, you need to take a little countermeasure, the first thing to pay attention to is not to reprimand the child loudly.

Children who can't control "nibbling on their nails", the two endings cannot be avoided, and parents guide them with skills

Reprimands and punishments do not make the child completely stop biting the finger, but may be more serious because of fear of tension, so do not casually reprimand until you find the real reason for the child's nail nibbling.

Specific problem-specific analysis

According to the child's current state, to analyze the reasons for nail nibbling, parents spend more time with their children, so that children learn to express... No matter what the reason, it must be analyzed and solved according to the actual situation, and cannot be ignored.

Behavior must be a manifestation of character, parents in order to meet the child's material needs on the basis of, but also pay more attention to the formation of character quality, the childhood stage is the golden period of effective problem solving, once missed, may make the child miserable for a lifetime.

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