
Guo Moruo insisted on demolishing the ancient city wall of Beijing, and Lin Hui, because of his opposition to harsh words, was completely right many years later

China has a culture of thousands of years, in the long river of history has given birth to the Chinese nation, but also gave birth to the chinese five thousand years of historical civilization, Chinese culture is rich and inclusive.

China's city wall culture is unique in the world, each city wall shows the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese working people, but the city wall with such a cultural connotation is facing the end of being demolished, and Guo Moruo is one of its supporters.

Guo Moruo insisted on demolishing the ancient city wall of Beijing, and Lin Hui, because of his opposition to harsh words, was completely right many years later

Beijing was elected as the capital of new China, and plans to demolish the city walls were put on the agenda

In 1949 Chinese a million heroes of the People's Liberation Army crossed the River and successfully captured the capital of the Kuomintang government, Nanjing, marking the complete defeat of the Kuomintang. On October 1, on the upper floor of Tiananmen Square, Chairman Mao gloriously announced the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the war was slowly ending, along with the beginning of economic construction.

Beijing is a historical city, but also the capital of new China, the construction of the capital is the most important, Beijing has been designated as the capital many times in history, and the construction of Beijing's city walls has been strengthened again and again, to the Qing Dynasty period reached its peak, the entire city is surrounded by the city wall, for many years these walls have been protecting Beijing.

However, now because of the economic construction to tear down these walls, many ancient culture scholars have raised objections, but Guo Moruo strongly insisted on demolishing those walls, his tough attitude blocked the mouths of some people, but it attracted lin Huiyin's anger.

Guo Moruo insisted on demolishing the ancient city wall of Beijing, and Lin Hui, because of his opposition to harsh words, was completely right many years later

Lin Hui was born in Xiangmendi and has a special love for architectural culture

Lin Huiyin was born in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, as an outstanding representative of Chinese women, Lin Huiyin's body showed the unique temperament of Chinese women, and also attracted countless suitors.

And Lin Huiyin also has a identity that is an architect, as a scholarly family, Lin Huiyin learned a variety of ancient cultures at an early age, and when studying in the United States, in addition to studying fine arts, she also took architecture courses, which also laid the foundation for her to become an architect in the future.

After marrying Liang Sicheng, the two investigated architecture together in Europe, and Liang Sicheng was also an architect, and the two people could be regarded as a mutual agreement.

Guo Moruo insisted on demolishing the ancient city wall of Beijing, and Lin Hui, because of his opposition to harsh words, was completely right many years later

Not only that, after Lin Huiyin returned to China, he never had the leisure to investigate Ancient Chinese architecture, and published many articles on Ancient Chinese Architectural Culture in newspapers.

It can be said that Lin Huiyin is familiar with the ancient architecture of our country. Lin Huiyin not only inspected ancient buildings, but also caused many construction tasks after the victory of the War of Resistance, so it was not fascinating for such a talented woman.

When the People's Liberation Army besieged the ancient capital of Beijing, watching the culture of a city about to be destroyed in the shelling, Lin Huiyin and her husband Liang Sicheng had trouble sleeping and eating.

Later, after the peaceful liberation of Beijing, two People's Liberation Army members found Lin Huiyin and discussed how to protect the ancient buildings in Beijing, and the ecstatic Lin Huiyin wrote a protection plan overnight, and since then, the ancient buildings in Beijing have formed a good relationship with Lin Huiyin.

Guo Moruo insisted on demolishing the ancient city wall of Beijing, and Lin Hui, because of his opposition to harsh words, was completely right many years later

As for whether the ancient city wall of Beijing will be demolished, Lin Huiyin strongly opposed it

In 1953, when the demolition plan of the ancient city wall of Beijing was put on the agenda, Lin Hui, despite his serious illness, opposed Guo Moruo's plan, and countless arches in the city were demolished one by one, and now it is the turn of the ancient city wall.

Lin Huiyin has always strongly opposed but with little success, running around in exchange for the life of the ancient building. Lin Huiyin had a big quarrel with the then vice mayor of Beijing on the protection of Beijing's ancient buildings, and even the sound of the two quarrels could be clearly heard outside the door, and finally Lin Hui left because of the angry slamming of the door, and the fierce discussion was over.

At a party held by Zheng Zhenze not long ago, Lin Huiyin also had a big quarrel with his former friends because of the protection of ancient buildings.

Guo Moruo insisted on demolishing the ancient city wall of Beijing, and Lin Hui, because of his opposition to harsh words, was completely right many years later

In the view of Lin Huiyin and her husband Liang Sicheng, China's ancient buildings are alive, and the demolition of the ancient city wall in Beijing is to insert a knife into China's ancient architectural culture, so the two reacted most fiercely, and even put down harsh words to those who insisted on demolishing the ancient city wall.

Although the ancient city wall of Beijing has gone through ups and downs, every brick and tile is a witness of history and should not be demolished, and cultural products cannot be valued through practicality.

In 1953, Lin Huiyin's lung disease became more and more serious, so serious that it was difficult to speak, and even sometimes he could only rely on oxygen to maintain breathing, but in order to protect the ancient city wall of Beijing, Lin Huiyin, who had already opened his mind, was still running around and expressing his opinions everywhere.

Guo Moruo insisted on demolishing the ancient city wall of Beijing, and Lin Hui, because of his opposition to harsh words, was completely right many years later

She told those who supported the demolition that the ancient city wall in Beijing has a history of more than 800 years, and more than 800 years of wind and rain have sprinkled on the body of the ancient city wall, if the ancient city wall is demolished and then rebuilt later, there will be no historical feelings, just decorations for people to watch.

However, Lin Huiyin's reasoning still failed to prevent the victory of the demolition faction, and under the presidency of Guo Moruo, the demolition of the ancient city wall of Beijing was officially carried out.

At the construction site of the demolition of the ancient city wall, Liang Sicheng stood there alone, watching the ancient city wall that had been standing in the wind and rain for hundreds of years, being demolished in front of him, and the pain in his heart could not be expressed in words.

Guo Moruo insisted on demolishing the ancient city wall of Beijing, and Lin Hui, because of his opposition to harsh words, was completely right many years later

For economic construction, the city wall is gone, and Beijing has developed, but Beijing has lost more, and it has lost its witness as an ancient cultural capital.

Today, there are only two sections of the ancient city wall left, most of which have been demolished, and when Lin Huiyin knew that the ancient city wall was going to be demolished, she chose to refuse treatment, hoping to protect China's architectural culture with such resistance. Finally, in 1955, Lin Hui died of a serious illness and left this world full of regrets.

The culture of the walls has been destroyed and cannot be restored

When people discovered the cultural value of the ancient city wall and knew the importance of protection, they remembered that Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng's ideas were correct, but it was too late.

Guo Moruo insisted on demolishing the ancient city wall of Beijing, and Lin Hui, because of his opposition to harsh words, was completely right many years later

When the ancient bricks of the first city wall were demolished, the ancient city wall culture in Beijing has been destroyed and can no longer be revived, people want to repair the ancient city wall, fierce discussions on how to repair, but the built wall has lost the burden of history, just a bunch of emotionless buildings.

China is one of the four ancient civilizations, and the culture of the Soviet Union is not as strong as China's, Soviet experts chose to demolish China's ancient city wall for the sake of the economy, and Guo Moruo also echoed it.

Liang Sicheng and Lin Hui, because of the protection of the ancient city wall, used all their efforts to expound the significance of the ancient city wall culture, Liang Sicheng even designed a design book for Beijing's economic development and city wall protection overnight, but the achievements of this night were not appreciated, and finally they could only see the destruction of Chinese culture.

Guo Moruo insisted on demolishing the ancient city wall of Beijing, and Lin Hui, because of his opposition to harsh words, was completely right many years later

Although the country's economic development is very important, once the culture is destroyed, it can no longer be repaired, it is a culture that countless Chinese have worked hard to establish for thousands of years, and it only takes a moment to be destroyed, and it cannot be simply lost for the sake of the economy.

Nowadays, China's tourism industry is more and more developed, and people are beginning to yearn for cultural holy places, but how many cultural holy places are left in China? The past does not forget the teacher of the future.

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