
Self-made emperors Liu Bang, Liu Xiu and Zhu Yuanzhang, which one has the stronger personal ability?

The successful history of the founding emperors of ancient China is often broken up by the strivers to study. But in the two thousand years of feudal history, which founding emperor's success has the inspirational significance of "starting from scratch"? It is recognized that there are three: Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, Liu Xiu, the emperor of Han Guangwu, and Zhu Yuanzhang, the ancestor of Ming.

Talking about the history of the struggle of the three of them, one was born in the pavilion and belonged to a low-ranking rural official, but he rose up against the trend in the peasant war at the end of Qin, defeated Xiang Yu, the king of Western Chu, and created a brilliant Han Dynasty. Although a family is well-off, he is only a ruined royal family, and he has caught up with the era of the rise of the masses after the fall of the Western Han Dynasty, but he began to counterattack from a small role and rebuilt the Han Dynasty in one fell swoop. The last one is even more incredible, a poor and red-striped tramp, who pulled up the team in the war-torn years at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, and the strong enemies who blocked the road, one race and one strong. However, it is forced to be destroyed step by step, and then the ruined country is destroyed into another golden age of the Chinese nation. Counting the waves, there are indeed their own magic.

So, if you compare it comprehensively, who is more personally capable of these three people who created miracles?

To be precise, in terms of the "hard indicators" related to the struggle of the cause, these three cattle people really have their own strengths.

First: Speaking of the ability to recognize and employ people, Liu Bang is the strongest

Ancient emperors chased after the deer in the world, and the ability to recognize and employ people was a must-have hard kung fu. However, in detail, Liu Xiu, the Emperor of Han Guangwu, and Zhu Yuanzhang, the Ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, also had their own shortcomings.

Self-made emperors Liu Bang, Liu Xiu and Zhu Yuanzhang, which one has the stronger personal ability?

For example, Liu Xiu, the Emperor of Han Guangwu, the Renhou Emperor has always been known for his high emotional intelligence and strong affinity, and he has been fighting for the world to rule the world for a lifetime, and he has also constantly recruited outstanding talents. He could easily say "strong order" and give Dong Xuan, who enforced the law impartially, to break the siege. Even more, when Love put Feng Yi under the siege of rumors, a sentence with thousands of emotions, "When the pawn is trapped in the kite, there is no bean porridge sent to me by The Pavilion, and the wheat rice sent to me by the Tuotuo River, and the affection has not been repaid for a long time", and this "General of the Big Tree" has been justified. But Rao was so skilled in using human wrists, he still listened to the instigation of the powerful and gave the veteran general Ma Yuan a "corruption" hat. The unjust death of Ma Yuan, the most outstanding warlord of the early Eastern Han Dynasty, has also become an indelible stain on Liu Xiu's highly praised ruling career.

What about Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang? If it is said that emotional intelligence is as high as Liu Xiu, they will make the mistake of mishearing rumors, then the use of human vision is as accurate as Zhu Yuanzhang, but it is inevitable that the late festival will not be guaranteed. In most of Zhu Yuanzhang's life from a poor man to an emperor, his accurate vision of people has always been famous, such as Li Shanchang Liu Bowen Xu Da Chang Yuchun and other powerful talents, are his insight into gold. When recruiting the defenders of Nanjing, in order to express his trust, he suddenly went to sleep in the descending camp, and slept gratefully to the troops when he slept. But shrewdly, in the last few years of his life, the talents he personally selected for the emperor's grandson Zhu Yunzhao, such as Qi Tai Huang Zicheng and other auxiliary ministers, were all typical of high scores and low ability, Emperor Jianwen lost Jiangshan in three years, and Zhu Yuanzhang's personnel selection was indeed "god assist".

In contrast, Han Gaozu's ancestor Liu Bang had a very low "error rate" on similar issues. Liu Bang's wonderful allusions to the selection of people are often a basket in the historical materials, even if it is Han Xin, who has not fought a major battle, and Chen Ping, who is poor and has a poor reputation, as long as he looks for talent, he immediately has 100% credit, and almost wants money to give money to soldiers. What crushed Liu Xiu Zhu Yuanzhang even more was Liu Bang's performance of correcting mistakes faster than turning over books, such as during the Northern Expedition to the Xiongnu, Liu Bang, who did not listen to Liu Jing's advice, once fell into a dead end. Liu Bang, who escaped death, immediately released Liu Jing from prison to admit his mistake, which led to the wonderful performance of Liu Jing later showing his fists and feet and planning a national policy for the Han Dynasty.

Self-made emperors Liu Bang, Liu Xiu and Zhu Yuanzhang, which one has the stronger personal ability?

And what far surpassed Liu Xiu Zhu Yuanzhang was Liu Bang's unchanged judgment until his death. Before Liu Bang's deathbed, in the face of his wife Lü Yan's inquiry, Liu Bang counted the abilities of the han dynasty ministers one by one: Zhou Bo was a person who was "thick and thin", Chen Ping had many ideas, but he could not be alone, but in the future, it would be Zhou Bo who would stabilize the world of the Han Dynasty. Accurate vision is just verified by history.

Second: In terms of strategic planning ability, Liu Xiu is the strongest

Compared with the ability to employ people, strategic planning ability is also a hard skill. The weakest in this regard, without a doubt, is Liu Bang, who has the strongest ability to employ people.

Liu Bang's strategic planning ability, looking at the entire peasant war at the end of Qin, at its lowest level, can be said to be incompetent. For example, during the campaign to destroy Qin, Liu Bang, who preemptively conquered Xianyang, immediately had a fever in his head and began to make a fortune in Xianyang, if it were not for Zhang Liang and other subordinates desperately pulling, he would almost become the laughing stock of the father and elder of the pre-Qin. Later, when Xiang Yu's old nest Pengcheng was captured, it was also a turn of the eye, and he ate and drank on Xiang Yu's territory, and as a result, he was counterattacked by Xiang Yu, and staged an ancient war history classic of 30,000 and 500,000. The later siege of the Xiongnu Baishan Mountain, in the final analysis, was caused by Liu Bang's own strategic vision. Han Xin said that Liu Bang could only bring 100,000 people at most, which is indeed true compared to Liu Bang's specific performance.

It can be said that Liu Bang's lifelong success is to use his strong ability to use people to control people and make up for the lack of his strategic planning ability.

What about Zhu Yuanzhang? Of course, stronger than Liu Bang, the Strategic Choice of the Ming Dynasty to take the world was basically formulated by him personally, and every time he successfully broke through the predicament until the unification of the world was realized. However, in the process of ruling the world, Zhu Yuanzhang's strategic planning ability also encountered shortcomings. For example, the tax policy of the Ming Dynasty and the Weishu system of the Ming Dynasty were indeed effective in the founding years of the Ming Dynasty. However, with the development of the Ming Dynasty's economy, it became a big pit in the ming dynasty's national fortunes - too complicated a tax system, so that the Ming Dynasty could not collect taxes from the developed commodity economy, and the system of preferential treatment of the clan made the Ming Dynasty bear heavy financial burdens. The excessively harsh sea ban gave birth to the flood of smuggling in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. These few cauldrons were indeed the troubles caused by Zhu Yuanzhang.

And Liu Xiu is very powerful in this one. Like Zhu Yuanzhang, Liu Xiu benefited from his strong strategic vision in the journey of fighting the world. Gongsun Shu and other strong enemies also lost in the face of Liu Xiu's precise strategic planning. However, in the era of the founding of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu adopted a longer-term vision of construction: the Eastern Han Dynasty invested in economic construction with national strength, and handicraft industry was strongly revived. State expenditures have also been reduced in a precise way to streamline institutions. The efficient and simple administrative system of the Eastern Han Dynasty benefited its country for two hundred years. The entire heyday of the Eastern Han Dynasty was actually enjoying Liu Xiu's policy layout.

Self-made emperors Liu Bang, Liu Xiu and Zhu Yuanzhang, which one has the stronger personal ability?

Three: In terms of execution, Zhu Yuanzhang is the strongest

Liu Bang, Liu Xiu, Zhu Yuanzhang, and zhu Yuanzhang are all extremely strong execution figures.

However, specific to their respective years, during the reign of Liu Bang, his economic recuperation policy was not fully implemented. In his later years, Liu Bang was once on the run in the rebellion. When he died, he was still left with a ruined country. The continuation of the Han Dynasty's policy of recuperation and recuperation still benefited from the adjustment of the two generations of rulers of Lü Yan and Emperor Wen of Han, and then there was a brilliant rule of Wenjing.

What about Liu Xiu? As an emperor, Liu Xiu was a figure full of wisdom, but in the implementation of the policy of governing the country, Liu Xiu also exposed his indecisive side. Typical of this is the "degree of land" policy, when Liu Xiu, during his reign, realized the harm of land annexation and took strong measures to clear the land. However, "Du tian" provoked the resistance of powerful families and triggered various riots. Faced with the dilemma, Liu Xiu also quickly adjusted his policies, suppressing the rebellion on the one hand, and appeasing the powerful households on the other. Many of the leaders of the rebellion were only relocated to other counties. However, the Eastern Han Dynasty's Dutian also stopped after achieving a short success. Throughout the Eastern Han Dynasty, land annexation became an increasingly fierce problem, which eventually laid the groundwork for the tragedy of the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

In Zhu Yuanzhang's dictionary, there will never be four words: "retreat from difficulties.". An important part of Zhu Yuanzhang's success is execution. Maybe the vision is biased, maybe the layout is not perfect, but look for the right direction, he will use the strongest way to go to the end. For example, in the agricultural construction at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang adopted unprecedented measures to revitalize agriculture in the state, and the cultivation of land for every peasant household in the countryside was planned by the state. The forced migration of millions of people has created a record. However, with such unprecedented intensity, he completed it in the most meticulous way, so meticulous that the titles between tenants and landlords must be forcibly changed to ease the contradictions between tenant landlords and landlords, and the grass-roots construction in the rural areas is even more refined, and the lazy people in the villages must be punished. Under a series of strange measures, the agriculture of the Ming Dynasty was fully revived in only thirty years, and this development speed, before the Ming Dynasty, was indeed unimaginable.

Self-made emperors Liu Bang, Liu Xiu and Zhu Yuanzhang, which one has the stronger personal ability?

If liu bang liu xiu wins the talent strategy. Then Zhu Yuanzhang's success has witnessed the value of execution: the road may be different, but the right way to go down, there will be success.

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