
Jietu re-enlarged moves Hardcore SUV Jietu T-X domineering debut

On January 10th, China's first Travel + Conference & Jietu Automobile Brand Night event was held in Fuzhou. One of the biggest highlights is undoubtedly the debut of the first model of Jietu Automobile's "Travel +" 2.0, the Hardcore SUV based on Kunlun architecture - Jietu T-X, although it is still only a concept car, it is not difficult to see the hard core strength of Jietu Automobile.

Jietu re-enlarged moves Hardcore SUV Jietu T-X domineering debut

Jietu T-X opened the era of "4+3+N product matrix"

On the same day, Jetway Auto officially released the four major product sequence layouts of X, T, P and V, which mainly feature SUVs, hardcore off-road, hardcore pickup trucks and MPV models. This also means that the era of "4+3+N product matrix" of Jietu Automobile has officially begun. That is, the SUV series composed of Jietu X-1, Jietu X-2, Jietu X70, Jietu X90, Jietu Hardcore Off-Road, Jietu Hardcore Pickup Truck, Jietu MPV and the hybrid series of the whole series of products synchronously planning hybrid and living space series.

Jietu re-enlarged moves Hardcore SUV Jietu T-X domineering debut

Among them, the T product sequence has more subdivided planning for hardcore off-road, smart off-road, luxury off-road and other models. Fully meet the different needs of off-road players. It is reported that the length of this series of vehicles will range from 4.6-5.1 meters, and the price will be set in the range of 150,000-300,000 yuan.

In particular, it is worth mentioning that the first concept car of the T product series, the Jietu T-X, was also unveiled at the meeting.

Jietu re-enlarged moves Hardcore SUV Jietu T-X domineering debut

Judging from the exterior design of the Jetway T-X concept car, it adopts the popular hardcore retro design style.

The front face features a rectangular through-grille design with the brand logo embedded in it. From the front, the combination of the bulging bonnet, exaggerated front brackets, and prominent fenders makes the visual effect very domineering. The styling design of the LED lights is also ingenious and highly recognizable.

From the side of the body, the temperament of the new car "tough guy" is more obvious, quite a Land Rover defender style. Rugged tires and rims, roof racks, external spare tires and other designs highlight its hard-hitting style. The new car has added bright yellow color to the details such as the trailer hook to embellish it, and the hardcore is also more personalized.

Jietu re-enlarged moves Hardcore SUV Jietu T-X domineering debut

In terms of power, the Jetway T-X will be equipped with Chery Kunpeng power combination. As we all know, the maximum power and peak torque of Kunpeng Power 2.0TGDI are no less than Mercedes-Benz and BMW, and the thermal efficiency is also higher.

In addition, there is the Kunpeng DHT hybrid system, from the information released so far, the fuel consumption of this system is only 1L, and the comprehensive mileage can reach 1000km, which is quite attractive for off-road players.

It is reported that the T product series will be very rich in power, including 1.0T, 2.0T, 3.0T fuel version and hybrid, pure electricity and so on. At the same time, a four-wheel drive system equipped with a differential lock, including mechanical four-wheel drive and electric four-wheel drive versions, also includes two kinds of body structures, load-bearing or non-load-bearing. According to the plan, the first model of the T product series, the T-1, will be launched in 2023. Based on the strong extensibility of the intelligent architecture of the T product sequence, the same platform pickup truck models will also be launched in the future.

Jietu re-enlarged moves Hardcore SUV Jietu T-X domineering debut

From the perspective of jietu T-X product positioning, the future will mainly be benchmarked against hardcore SUV models such as the great wall's tank 300. From the perspective of product strength, the new car, whether it is a hard temperament or a hard core strength, does not lose to the opponent at all, and the starting price can really lock in 150,000 yuan, and the competitiveness cannot be underestimated.

The Kunlun architecture for "Travel +"

Jietu re-enlarged moves Hardcore SUV Jietu T-X domineering debut

In the world of architects, today's independent brands are also quite painstaking in terms of architecture. The Kunlun architecture is born for "travel +".

Kunlun architecture combined with Chery Group platform architecture and "travel +" positioning to create, with high intelligence, strong extension and other comprehensive advantages. At the same time, it aggregates Xiongshi, Tencent, Mengbo, iFLYTEK, etc. to create I-DRIVE Xiongshi Intelligent Driving and I-CONNECT Xiongshi Zhiyun multi-ecosystem; deeply shares I-POWER Intelligent Effect General Technology and M1X/T1X/M3X modular platform to create a safe and healthy travel cockpit for consumers. It is foreseeable that under the empowerment of kunlun architecture, in the future, the models of Jietu Automobile, including Jietu T-X, will no longer be just a simple car, but will truly become a smart partner for consumers to travel.


Since its inception in 2018, Jetway Has been targeting the "Travel +" segment and has continuously strengthened the competitiveness of its models around this. As of the end of December 2021, the cumulative sales volume has reached 463814 vehicles, and the development momentum is strong. It can be said that the success of Jietu lies in the fact that it has chosen the right road, and it is not difficult to see from the T-X of Jietu that jietu is firmly determined on the road of "travel +". It is believed that under the empowerment of Kunlun architecture, the goal of annual sales of Jietu Automobile of more than one million is just around the corner.

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