
The 8-year-old girl died of ineffective treatment: the culprit was because of a habitual action of her mother!

An 8-year-old little girl in Shaanxi Province, after eating a bag of pickled pepper and chicken claws, said that she was dizzy and wanted to vomit, and the adult sent the child to the hospital, but she did not expect that the child died of ineffective treatment.

The family suspected that the child's death was related to the "phoenix claw", but they did not expect that after the autopsy report came out, the result was shocking, and the culprit was because of a habitual action of the mother - hitting the back of the child's head.

The 8-year-old girl died of ineffective treatment: the culprit was because of a habitual action of her mother!

It turned out that the mother was checking the child's homework that day, found that the daughter had done a lot of wrong things, and slapped the back of the daughter's head in a moment of anger.

Who would have thought that this most common slap would cause her daughter to suffer a concussion and laceration in her skull and never be saved again.

The child who was still alive in front of you a second ago was separated from your yin and yang in the blink of an eye, how painful it was.

However, there are many parents like her.

The son disobeyed at school, the father beat the child's ass, and the child finally died of exhaustion

Source: Beijing News

Because of her mischievous disobedience, the 6-year-old girl was beaten to death by her father with a hanger and a belt.

A father was playing a game, and the younger son asked him to play with him. I wanted to finish the game and play with my son, but the 5-year-old child, where will understand, has been "making trouble", anxious he casually slapped the back of the child's head, resulting in the child's death.

The 8-year-old girl died of ineffective treatment: the culprit was because of a habitual action of her mother!

According to a 2014 UNICEF report, as many as 80% of parents worldwide have beaten their children, and some parents do not take beating their children seriously.

Some reporters have followed up with 17 parents of the post-80s, whose children's age ranges from infants and young children to primary and junior high schools, and almost all of these parents have more or less hit their children, and the tools and reasons for hitting their children are also different.

Some parents believe in the "simple, rough, direct and effective" education method of "no fight and no instrument" and "filial piety under the stick".

Although some parents do not approve of this kind of education method, but when they get angry, they will still be unable to control themselves, and sometimes the children will be skinned, and the parents will mixed doubles.

The 8-year-old girl died of ineffective treatment: the culprit was because of a habitual action of her mother!

Usually after a beating, the child immediately obeys and sticks, and parents think more and more: there is nothing that cannot be solved by a beating, if there is, then fight twice!

Although in the eyes of many parents: hitting a child is just a small thing, a way to educate children, but in fact, such a "small move" may be fatal to children!

Children these parts, no matter how angry do not fight!

Many parents see this and may say: I am an adult, don't you know the weight? You won't beat your child to death.

But the truth is, the parts that you think you won't hit are actually more vulnerable than you think!


The body's respiratory center is at the back of the head, and if tapped frequently, it can trigger complications of respiratory failure.

The younger the child, the less mature the differentiation of head function, and even vigorous shaking will trigger a shaking baby syndrome, cerebral hemorrhage, mental retardation, and even death, not to mention hard slapping.


The 8-year-old girl died of ineffective treatment: the culprit was because of a habitual action of her mother!

I am afraid that many parents think that "there is a lot of meat in the ass, and it cannot be beaten", but in fact, on the contrary, the child's ass cannot be beaten.

The buttocks are surrounded by various nerves and joints, and they are connected to the waist. If the hand is wrong for a while, it is easy to hurt the child's lumbar nerves, which can cause paralysis in severe cases.


There are various blood vessels and meridians in the back of people's hands, and if parents do not grasp the strength well, they may "break" the child. Ancient private school students made mistakes, and when Mr. took the ring ruler to punish, he hit the child's hand board, and the pain was the palm of the hand, and he never hit the back of the hand.

Pull your hair

Mild damage to your child's scalp can lead to hair loss, and in severe cases, it can cause skin suppuration or infection.


Experts have said: "The orbital lining of the temples is relatively thin, and in the case of concussion, fractures may occur, and fractures are unfavorable to the development of the optic nerve." We have clinically found that a slap blindness. ”


The 8-year-old girl died of ineffective treatment: the culprit was because of a habitual action of her mother!

Slapping may cause the child's eardrum to perforate, often so hit or too heavy, the child's hearing development is bound to be affected.

Twisting the ear will not only lead to strain of the child's external auricles, causing temporary congestion, swelling and pain in the ear, ear cartilage damage, causing chondroititis of the auricle, but also increasing the chance of the baby suffering from pseudocysts of the pinna.


Whether it is a toddler or a child, the spine is still developing, and wrapped in organs, if the parents slap the child's back hard, it is easy to cause spinal damage. In severe cases, fractures and paralysis may occur.

After reading this, can you still fight?

Corporal punishment affects the child's psychology

In addition to some physical injuries, children will also have psychological problems due to corporal punishment by adults:

The 8-year-old girl died of ineffective treatment: the culprit was because of a habitual action of her mother!

Imitation violence

What kind of environment a child grows up in, what kind of person he becomes. Parents treat his "mistakes" in a violent way, and when he interacts with others, he will also use violence to bully the weak because the other party is not as good as he wants.

Affects intelligence

Children who have been violently educated for a long time will become withdrawn and do not like to talk, and they will not be able to show their talents, and their intelligence will not be improved.

Affects parent-child relationships

Use force to educate children, and you will find that children will be farther and farther away from you, become unwilling to talk to you, unwilling to share things in school at home, and will not consult with their parents.

Low self-esteem

If the child is often scolded by his parents, no matter what his parents want him to do in the future, whether his parents' words are right or wrong, he will only obediently obey. Children who grow up in this environment of absolute obedience are often prone to inferiority and cowardice.

How to "punish" the child

In the face of children's unreasonable noise, parents must control their children and cannot physically punish them, so they may wish to use the following methods to educate children who have made mistakes.

1. Criticism of education

The 8-year-old girl died of ineffective treatment: the culprit was because of a habitual action of her mother!

When a child makes a mistake, parents can criticize the child and let the child understand where he is wrong and how to correct it.

Because for young children, they do not know some things or some rules, they need the guidance of their parents to let their children understand what is right and what is wrong.

2. Perform cold treatment

Parents can do a cold treatment for their children.

For example, let the child go back to his room alone to "repent", give them a little time to reflect on what they have done, rather than rushing to theorize with the child, empathy, when we were young, when we quarreled with our parents, we did not regret it, felt all kinds of self-blame?

3. Let the child bear the consequences

For example, if the child is naughty and breaks the toy, the parents should not preach and buy new toys, so that the child realizes that the toy is broken and there is no need to play.

For younger children, parents can also guide their children to make up for their mistakes on their own.

4. Appropriate "punishment"

The 8-year-old girl died of ineffective treatment: the culprit was because of a habitual action of her mother!

If the child makes some small mistakes, the parents can not overly hold the child responsible, but give some small punishment.

For example, allowing children to sweep the floor, wipe tables and chairs, wash dishes, summarize toys and other household chores that can not only make children realize their mistakes, but also train his self-care ability.

The above 4 ways of punishment can make children choose independently, after all, we still want democracy.

In short, don't let a momentary failure become a lifelong regret. Punishing children is a science, and blindly using tough attitudes and violent punishment methods is counterproductive.

The next time your child makes a mistake and disobeys, you will repeat it in your mind three times:

Follow me, follow me, follow me!!! Biological, biological, biological !!!

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