
A family crisis caused by a child's illness

author:Emotional collection station

Ms. Wang and Mr. Mei have just been married for less than two years, but these two years of married life have made his wife, Ms. Wang, feel very desperate. So what happened to make this new home that was just established become stormy.

Today's story comes from gold medal mediation.

At the beginning of the show, when the two people narrated their demands, Ms. Wang's appeal was to deal with the children's problems well, while Mr. Mei's appeal was to get together and divorce well. It can be seen that the appeals of the two people do not seem to be at one point, so what is the story behind the appeals?

Ms. Wang said that her child was diagnosed with intellectual disability syndrome, which is a very rare and incurable disease, and the child will not even be able to live on his own in the future. As a mother, Ms. Wang naturally does not give up her children and actively seeks help and treatment from special education schools, but her husband, Mr. Mei, feels that the diagnosis is inaccurate, and she can take her own children at home. Her husband's attitude and practice made Ms. Wang feel that he did not care enough about himself and did not care about his children, which was very irresponsible.

The program just arrived here, the observer Beichen teacher directly criticized her husband Mr. Mei, telling him not to challenge the authority, if the child really has problems, we must seek professional special education personnel in time, because they have a systematic method and a step-by-step theory to help the child recover as soon as possible. Following the practice of her husband, Mr. May, will delay the best treatment time.

Ms. Wang continued to talk about her grievances, saying that during the pregnancy and fetal protection period, there were too many inconveniences in her own life, and at this time, her husband did not accompany herself much, and what made her run even more was that her mother-in-law broke five ribs during the period, and her husband Mr. Mei ran on both sides, and the time spent with her was far less than that of her mother-in-law. For this matter, the husband Mr. Mei preached, and asked Ms. Wang at that time, she said that she did not need it. Then, when she was about to give birth, Ms. Wang used general anesthesia and needed to sign the surgical form, Ms. Wang said that she was inconvenient to sign, but still signed it herself, and afterwards she asked others that there was no such process of personal signature. In Ms. Wang's view, this incident is that the husband's family does not want to be responsible for themselves and their children.

In fact, seeing this, I personally think that Ms. Wang is a little too sensitive.

At this point in the show, the host decided to call the parents of both sides to find out. However, the mothers of both parties did not want to solve the problem, and whether to divorce or not let them decide for themselves seemed to have been disappointed in their marriage. The mother-in-law thinks that Ms. Wang is blind all day, and the mother-in-law thinks that Mr. Mei is not a good man.

For Mr. Mei's divorce appeal, Ms. Wang has been saying that the children should be arranged first, and then discuss the two of them. When the host asked Mr. Mei what the reason for the divorce in the current situation was. Mr. Mei finally couldn't help but speak out the pain in his heart.

It turned out that the thing that made Mr. Mei feel completely heartbroken was because his wife, Ms. Wang, and her family had secretly made a full moon wine for their children.

On the day of the child's birthday, Mr. Mei returned home from Dongguan and thought of taking the child back to his hometown to see, but it was not until it was almost time for dinner that his wife, Ms. Wang, told him to go to the child's grandmother's house to celebrate the birthday together. At this time, Mr. Mei felt that his wife's family did not respect him and regarded himself as a family. In this regard, Ms. Wang said that on her birthday, her husband never said that he would go to the child's grandmother's house, and he did not go to his mother-in-law's house, nor did he behave unhappy.

The mediators gave their different views on the marital status of the two of them

First of all, for Mr. Mei, he can't see his wife's emotional changes very well, and he is not good at expressing themselves. And in their current situation, divorce would not be legally supported.

Secondly, for Ms. Wang, life should be a little forgetful, learn to change their emotions and negative thinking, too sensitive, will make each other into anxiety and resentment.

Finally, the program team suggested that both parties that the current child's illness is a difficulty, and if the husband and wife can work together to get through this difficulty, then their relationship will be more stable.

The show is over at this point, I want to talk about my feelings, in the show, Ms. Wang's face is a sad face from beginning to end, I don't know if it is after the child has a problem, or whether she has always been in this state. If it is the latter, then she herself must be a negative and pessimistic person, so she is extremely sensitive when facing some things, and will always consider it in the direction of her own disadvantage, adding a lot of troubles. For this kind of person, we don't know which sentence will touch her sensitive nerves, so we will be very tired to interact with them, which may be the reason why Mr. Mei divorced. And it just so happens that Mr. Mei is not a person with high emotional intelligence, not good at communication, and likes to hold it in his heart when he encounters problems, and this kind of person is also very scary, because once it breaks out for a long time, it will be a landslide.

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