
Fish fragrant meat shredded combination tomato enoki mushroom soup, delicious and delicious, sweet and spicy appetizer, under the rice artifact

author:The eldest lady makes good food

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, causing us to lose our appetite and lose our energy. But eating can make people feel happy! At this time, rice is not only my material food, but also my spiritual food. It must be spicy, sour, and sweet to make people have an appetite. So today to make two appetizing meals, the family version of the fish fragrant meat shredded, I believe that everyone almost does not like, sweet with a little spicy, is simply the next rice artifact. Tomato enoki mushroom soup, sweet and sour very appetizing.

The steps to prepare the shredded fish are as follows:

Ingredients: 10 yuan pork tenderloin (as long as it is lean meat can be), half a carrot, a green pepper, ten fungus, three cloves of garlic, a piece of ginger, watercress sauce.

Fish fragrant meat shredded combination tomato enoki mushroom soup, delicious and delicious, sweet and spicy appetizer, under the rice artifact

Step 1: Boil water. At this time, we can first marinate the pork and process the dishes. Cut the pork tenderloin into shredded meat, put it in a large bowl, and in order to make the meat more flavorful, first add a little soy sauce, marinate the shredded meat with salt and pepper, and also remove the fishy taste. In order to make the shredded meat more tender and taste better, add half a spoonful of water to the meat, grasp well, and stir in one direction until all the water enters the meat. Add another egg white and an appropriate amount of starch and grasp well. In order to stir-fry the meat without sticking together, add a little cooking oil to it and stir well. Cut the carrots and green peppers into strips, the fungus that has been soaked in advance into strips, the garlic into small pieces, and the ginger into ginger. Then mix a sauce: sugar, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, according to the ratio of 2:1:2. Add a little cornstarch, add a tablespoon of water and stir to make a thin paste.

Fish fragrant meat shredded combination tomato enoki mushroom soup, delicious and delicious, sweet and spicy appetizer, under the rice artifact

Step 2: After the water in the pot is boiled, put the shredded carrots, shredded fungus, shredded mushrooms and green pepper shreds together, blanch the water for 30 seconds to 1 minute, fish out, control the water and set aside. This removes impurities and odors.

Step 3: Start the pot to burn the oil, or the hot pot to cool the oil. When the oil is 30% hot, you can add shredded meat, stir constantly, to prevent the shredded meat from sticking together, and the shredded meat can change color and can be out of the pan and set aside.

Fish fragrant meat shredded combination tomato enoki mushroom soup, delicious and delicious, sweet and spicy appetizer, under the rice artifact

Step 4: Start the pot again to burn the oil, the oil is hot, the minced garlic and ginger are cooked, after frying, add a large spoonful of watercress sauce to the pot, stir-fry until the red oil comes out, and then put all the treated ingredients directly into the pot, stir-fry a few times, pour the prepared sauce into the pot, stir-fry evenly, you can get out of the pot.

Fish fragrant meat shredded combination tomato enoki mushroom soup, delicious and delicious, sweet and spicy appetizer, under the rice artifact

Plate can be eaten, sweet and spicy, especially appetizing, bibimbap I can eat two bowls.

Then a beauty and beauty tomato mushroom soup.

Tomato mushroom soup is to be prepared as follows:

Ingredients: Enoki mushrooms, two tomatoes, three cloves of garlic, two chives, two coriander, salt, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar.

Step 1: Boil water. After the water boils, put the crossed tomatoes into boiling water, simmer for a while (you can also cook directly for a while, so that it is easier to peel), after peeling, cut into small pieces, the smaller the better, when the juice is stir-fried, it will be easy to fry the juice, put it in a bowl for later.

Step 2: Wash the mushrooms, disperse and set aside. Cut the garlic into minced garlic, cut the chives into small pieces, cut the parsley into small pieces, and set aside.

Fish fragrant meat shredded combination tomato enoki mushroom soup, delicious and delicious, sweet and spicy appetizer, under the rice artifact

Step 3: Heat the oil, stir-fry the minced garlic until fragrant, sauté the chopped tomatoes in the pan to make the tomato juice, stir-fry for a while, the tomatoes will be easy to juice. Add a small spoonful of salt to the pot, add 300 ml of warm water, add the mushrooms to the pot and simmer slightly. Add a little soy sauce and a little vinegar.

Step 4: Finally, put the soup in a bowl, sprinkle the green onion and coriander in turn, and just taste it.

Out of the pot and look at the finished product. Isn't that nice! It tastes even better!

Fish fragrant meat shredded combination tomato enoki mushroom soup, delicious and delicious, sweet and spicy appetizer, under the rice artifact

Today, a friend asked me now that I have so much social pressure! How can we be happy? I replied: Eat good food, eat your favorite food, eat your favorite delicious food. Friends say I'm a foodie. I smiled. Then she followed me to rub rice. How, who resists the call of good food?

Without saying anything, the girlfriend is about to finish eating. Do a good job and live a simple life full of vitality!

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