
Is it the favorite of students, with colorful colors, do you like such fish and meat shreds?

author:Piggy's gourmet shop
Is it the favorite of students, with colorful colors, do you like such fish and meat shreds?

Introduction: Are you nostalgic for your time at school at this moment? So in your nostalgic memories, is there a dish like this? It's just colorful colors, as if it's another colorful world of vegetable cuisine. In such a world, there are many flavors, especially when they are all mixed together. It was too sour at first taste, but after many times it had a sweet feeling. If you like spicy, then you put a little chili pepper in it, and the taste is even better! I think that the food that can occupy your important memories and make you addicted to it must be the shredded fish and meat. I think this kind of food is not only the favorite of students, but also the people at work and the elderly at home.

Is it the favorite of students, with colorful colors, do you like such fish and meat shreds?

Materials to be prepared

The first thing to prepare is the most indispensable pork tenderloin, remember to choose the freshest Oh! The rest are green peppers or red peppers, depending on the degree of spicy you accept. Pork is the main ingredient, while black fungus, carrots, shallots, ginger and garlic, household salt, sugar and bean paste, as well as cooking wine, vinegar and soy sauce for color matching are all ingredients. As long as we have all of this in place, we can experience the production of food.

Is it the favorite of students, with colorful colors, do you like such fish and meat shreds?

Listen to the legends a little and cut the pork

We need to take out the pork tenderloin and place it on the board first, and in order to get the pork tenderloin, we must first cut the pork horizontally into slices. Personally, I think this is a good way to cut vertically, so that the pork slices are not cut into small filaments. Here we got the fish and meat shreds we needed, I heard! At the beginning of the spread of this dish, the shredded meat in the fish flavor was really made of fish meat, but it slowly changed later.

Is it the favorite of students, with colorful colors, do you like such fish and meat shreds?

Cut various vegetable ingredients

Now that the shredded meat has been cut, you can prepare a small bowl filled with water, put the fungus into it, soak the hair and cut it into small pieces. Then the green pepper and carrot are cut into the same shreds as the shredded meat, and the onion, ginger, and garlic that need to be chopped need to be chopped, and after processing, each of them is packed with their own plates, and it is good to put them aside.

Is it the favorite of students, with colorful colors, do you like such fish and meat shreds?

Prepare the sauce

What you need to make this time is a sauce with a combination of sweet and sour! All you need is to pour soy sauce, vinegar, sugar and soy sauce into the prepared small bowl, which must be more than twice as much as other vinegars! In this way, when the color and flavor of the meat are added in the later stage, it can be better, and there is also a watercress sauce in the juice, and the watercress in the watercress sauce must not be picked out because you don't like it! The garlic and sweetness are put away, and the next step is spicy. Add chopped paprika or chopped pepper, or a little bit of both. Finally try it, if you feel light, put a little salt in it.

Is it the favorite of students, with colorful colors, do you like such fish and meat shreds?

Marinated shredded meat, small stir-fried shredded meat

We can already enter the formal cooking process here, which is the first step of pickling. Place all the shredded meat in a small bowl, with a little salt in the bowl and chopsticks. Then add corn starch and cooking wine, the last two things remember to be appropriate, the purpose of these three ingredients is to fully wrap the shredded meat to add flavor, at least this is how individuals feel. Eight minutes of marinating is fine, and then when the time is enough, brush the pan. Open the pot and pour in the right amount of cooking oil, it doesn't take much, we just need a little stir-fry. Just wait for the oil in the pan to heat up, and then you can put the marinated meat into the pot. Slowly stir-fry, know that the original red meat shredded, replaced by white clothes can be.

Is it the favorite of students, with colorful colors, do you like such fish and meat shreds?

Put the sauce and add the colorful colors

After the shredded meat is fried into a new coat, don't come out of the pot, because we still need to pour in the sauce that has just been configured. Slow down, drizzle all over the shredded meat, stir-fry a few times, and then add the colorful colors. That is, we cut the green pepper shreds, as well as broken or cut wood ear fungus, and the carrots into the pot together to fry, after a few stir-frying remember to put a little water in it, not only will not paste the pot, but also increase the comprehensiveness of the dish. When appropriate, add the chopped shallots and ginger and garlic. After adding water, you can fry until the color of the meat has been wrapped in the color of the sauce and becomes the color of the sauce.

Conclusion: Are you already very excited by this moment? Just because you can soon taste the delicious fish and meat shreds that used to be delicious again. If you take a look at the dishes, do you think that this dish is like a realistic version of the rainbow? Do you feel the call of the world of food for you again? Is the delicacy in the mouth full of sour and sweet, sweet and spicy taste buds? So far, have you really fallen in love with this dish that has been passed down for a long time, the dishes are very beautiful, and the taste is the best? At this moment, when you are in your spare time, do you want to go back to your home and try to make this dish that makes you sleepy and no longer without spiritual learning?

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