
Why did Guan Yu end up with a defeat and death? Chairman Mao's comments can be described as one sentence

"The king does not forget his roots, and the righteous people of the world do not forget it." This is Cao Cao's appreciative evaluation of Guan Yu, although the two are in different camps, but Cao Cao always has an excellent impression of Guan Yu, which is also the main reason why Cao Cao let Guan Yu pass five levels and kill six generals, Liu Bei can take care of Maolu three times, if he can get Guan Yu's heart, why sacrifice a few generals.

Unfortunately, Guan Yu was only the only uncle liu in his heart, and he was not impressed by the many benefits provided by Cao Cao, and Cao Cao cherished the talent and finally let Guan Yu have a way to live, watching him return to Liu Bei's side. And Liu Bei was naturally very fond of this second brother, not only pushing his heart, but also giving him extremely high trust and weight.

Why did Guan Yu end up with a defeat and death? Chairman Mao's comments can be described as one sentence

Therefore, in addition to Guan Yu's own excellent martial arts talent, what is more admirable is his loyal and consistent temperament, in the chaotic world, it is you who sing him on the stage, but Guan Yu has always been loyal to Liu Bei, and he is famous for his contribution before and after the saddle. It's just that this brave and good warrior, righteous and thin cloudy general finally fell to the end of a soldier defeated and died, making people wonder what exactly led to such a result? Mao Zedong's comments can be described as one sentence!


Guan Yunchang of Weizhen Huaxia

In 184 AD, the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out, and the three brothers Liu, Guan, and Zhang joined the ranks of the Yellow Turban Army, and whether the long-cherished wish of many years could be realized depended on this battle. The three brothers also really fought for their anger, and finally mixed with an official and a half-post with the trend of "breaking gold with their profits", and this was only the first step for Liu Bei to succeed in the Central Plains, and his ambition was not in this, but in the "KuangFu Han Room".

Liu Bei's martial arts could not be taken out at all in the era of The Great Heroes, but he had the second and third brothers who were superior in martial arts, especially when Guan Yu was facing the invincible Huaxiong, everyone had no way, but he asked Miao to go, and when the cup of hot wine that Cao Cao poured for him was not cold, he had already returned with Huaxiong's head, so there was a saying of "warm wine chopping Huaxiong", which showed Guan Yu's superiority in martial arts.

Later, Cao Cao cherished Guan Yu's talents and sent Zhang Liao to play the friendship card to lobby, but Guan Yu was all focused on Uncle Liu Huang, "in Cao Ying's heart in Han", frankly saying that "I know very well that Cao Gong treats me thickly, but I am generously favored by General Liu, and I swear to die together, and I cannot betray it", and then staged a loyal act of "riding alone in a thousand miles", and finally returned to Uncle Liu's side.

Why did Guan Yu end up with a defeat and death? Chairman Mao's comments can be described as one sentence

The next Guan Yu followed Liu Bei to the west and made countless battle achievements, but he could not avoid being injured on the battlefield, and when he fought with Cao Ren, he was hit by an arrow in his right arm, turned over and fell off his horse and was rescued, and the divine doctor Hua Tuo said: "This is the wound of a crossbow arrow, which has the medicine of aconitum, which penetrates straight into the bone; if it is not treated early, this arm is useless." ”

So Guan Yu Ren Huatuo scraped the bone to cure the poison, others felt creepy when they saw the tragic scene of this operation, and could not bear to look at it directly, but he himself "drank and ate meat, talked and played chess, and there was no pain at all", so he won Hua Tuo's praise: "A certain doctor has never seen this in his life." Prince True God also! ”

It can be seen from this that Guan Yu's personality is very perfect, with a martial art that is higher than that of a person, with the loyalty of not serving the second lord, and the courage not to fear death, but whoever can have such a brave general under his account will be entrusted with heavy responsibilities, so Guan Yu was sent to guard Jingzhou, and Guan Yu also lived up to expectations, once flooded the Seventh Army, first captured in the forbidden, then beheaded Pound and threatened Huaxia.

At this time, it was also guan yu's heyday, many incumbents, wandering, and even mountain thieves had defected, and no one could have imagined that Guan Yunchang, who was mighty and shocking Huaxia, began to go downhill, and finally defeated Maicheng and fell into the fate of a soldier who was defeated and killed. So why does such a perfect Guan Yu personality have such an ending? Mao Zedong's comment can be described as one sentence!

Why did Guan Yu end up with a defeat and death? Chairman Mao's comments can be described as one sentence


Do not understand the united front and do not pay attention to policy

Mao Zedong was not only an outstanding revolutionary leader, but also had a very high attainment in literary history, and he was familiar with the Three Kingdoms, so he made a comment to Guan Yu: "Guan Yun did not understand the united front in general, this person was not smart, and he did not pay attention to the policy of the allies. ”

At that time, the situation was a state in which Wei Shu and Wu were divided into three worlds, there were no absolute enemies and no long-term friends, they were all temporary camps that sought on the premise of their own interests, although Lü Bu was laughed at by Zhang San for "three surname serfs", but Liu Bei did not change masters many times and live, it was just for the trend of the times.

At the same time, Liu Bei gained two talented men, Wolong and Fengyan, in order to be eclectic in order to be able to recruit talents, and it turned out that his original approach was not wrong, even after his death, Zhuge Liang still bowed down and served him to the best of his ability, and it can only be said that Liu Bei's pattern is larger, only to use, self-interest.

On the other hand, Guan Yu did not learn half of Liu Bei's experience in dealing with the world, he did not wrestle Ah Dou in order to win people's anger, and he did not understand the principle of leaving a line of life and meeting each other in the future, and his overly straight temperament made his eyes unable to tolerate half a grain of sand, so that when Sun Quan wanted to marry him, he was scolded by him with a dog bloody head.

Why did Guan Yu end up with a defeat and death? Chairman Mao's comments can be described as one sentence

It should be known that Jingzhou itself was the territory of Eastern Wu, and later it fell into the hands of Liu Bei, and no one wanted to face two enemies at the same time, to win one against the other, and to unite the front and pay attention to strategy were people with courage and insight, while Guan Yu was not, and he made his friends into enemies, so that Sun Quan held a grudge.

The final victory of the war was not achieved by one's own strength at all, and the whole war was planned, and Zhuge Liang had already seen the reason for it and proposed the command strategy of "uniting Wu against Cao", but Guan Yu pushed out the friends sent to him and "treated the allies with closed doors", and as a result, the Shu state was sent to the chopping board of Wei and Wu, and Mao Zedong can be described as a word.

Ming Ming Shu state has a good hand, the result of playing bad cards and becoming the first country to perish, which reuses Guan Yu, a fierce general who does not understand the united front and does not pay attention to policy, is one of the big reasons, and the other reason can not be ignored, that is, Guan Yu offended too many people.


The conceit of the heart cannot tolerate the mistakes of others

Probably people with too much aura are inevitably a little conceited, even Guan Yu is no exception. At first, Liu Beisan Gu Maolu invited Zhuge Liang into his command, "Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and others were displeased, and the first master explained: 'There is Kong Ming in the lonely, and there is water in the fish.'" May the kings not repeat their words. 'Feathers, flights are stopped. Relying on his own ability and the righteous feelings between Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang was also quite dissatisfied.

Why did Guan Yu end up with a defeat and death? Chairman Mao's comments can be described as one sentence

But Zhuge Liang could speak, and a praise of "Beautiful Hair" lifted Guan Yu to the heavens, and from then on he was at ease to serve him. However, not everyone has Zhuge Liang's mind and strategy, most people will look at the problem from a personal point of view, Guan Yu is like this, others are the same.

Guan Yu was very friendly to his soldiers, but he was arrogant to others, and was too conceited to tolerate others' mistakes when managing Jingzhou. Liu Bei's brother-in-law Mi Fang was not accustomed to Guan Yu's pride and conceit, and he was not dedicated when he was in charge of grain and grass transportation, Guan Yu was so angry that he said that he would go back to clean him up, while at the same time, Sun Quan threw an olive branch to Mi Fang after learning this news, and the consequences could be imagined.

What is even more fatal is that after Sun Quan was humiliated by Guan Yu, when Guan Yu sent emissaries to Eastern Wu to inquire about the news, he won over the emissaries to buy a large number of people's hearts, causing Guan Yu's generals to have no intention of fighting, and the soldiers gradually broke up and retreated to Maicheng, and were eventually killed by The Wu general Lü Meng's men.

Guan Yu's excessive arrogance caused himself a tragedy of being in a different place, and the Shu state also made Liu Bei chaotic because of the loss of him, ignoring Zhuge Liang's persuasion to send troops to attack Eastern Wu, and lost his third brother Zhang Fei, the result of which was a wrong step, a wrong step, and finally the Shu state was weak and returned to heaven and went to the road of destruction.

Why did Guan Yu end up with a defeat and death? Chairman Mao's comments can be described as one sentence

brief summary

After Guan Yu's death, he won the pursuit of future generations, after all, few people can surpass it from the martial arts, loyalty and courage, so he is enshrined as a "martial saint" and is on a par with "Wensheng" Confucius, and he is worshipped as the guan gong of the god of martial wealth, and the figures who can get this honor in history can be said to be rare.

But everything has its objectivity, Guan Yu's martial arts, loyalty and courage are recognized as excellent, but there are too many biases in dealing with people, do not understand the united front, do not pay attention to strategy, his personality is too arrogant and conceited, only to end up in a defeated and dead end and regrettable.

Reference: Romance of the Three Kingdoms

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