
In 1942, Su Yu received a cigarette from a puppet lieutenant general, and when he sensed that something was wrong, he immediately shouted: Troops are assembled

In that era of war and strife, for the great cause of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, many people were working hard, in addition to those soldiers who bravely killed the enemy on the front line, there were also some secret workers who could not be exposed.

They risked their lives to pass back pieces of information from the enemy back to our army, and sometimes their single piece of information could turn the tide of a war in an instant.

In 1942, Su Yu, who had just finished an important meeting, suddenly received a cigarette from a puppet lieutenant general, and this seemingly ordinary cigarette box was a very important piece of information.

In 1942, Su Yu received a cigarette from a puppet lieutenant general, and when he sensed that something was wrong, he immediately shouted: Troops are assembled

It was this crucial piece of intelligence that allowed the New Fourth Army, which was already in danger, to survive. This puppet lieutenant general who passed on the information was the agent of the New Fourth Army interspersed among the puppet army, Shi Yafu.

Revolutionary fighter Schyaf

Shi Yafu, whose original name was Shi Manhou, although his family was modest, was deeply influenced by progressive ideas from an early age, so he joined the Chinese Communist Youth League, and later joined the Communist Party of China in 1929.

In 1930, at first, Shi Yafu wanted to join the Red Fourteenth Army, but because of Chiang Kai-shek's obstruction, the Red Fourteenth Army died shortly after its founding, and Shi Yafu also transferred to the underground work in Nantong.

In 1942, Su Yu received a cigarette from a puppet lieutenant general, and when he sensed that something was wrong, he immediately shouted: Troops are assembled

However, in 1934, because of being betrayed by traitors, Shi Yafu, who was working underground at the time, was captured and imprisoned by the Kuomintang. In prison, the Kuomintang tortured Shi Yafu in order to obtain information from the Communist Party, but Shi Yafu was very determined and never said a word. Instead, he's been looking for opportunities to break out of jail.

Finally, in 1937, when Japan began to openly invade China and capture Nanjing, a thunderbolt cleverly blew up the wall of Shiyaf's prison, and when the guards fled, Shi Yafu successfully fled.

After escaping from prison and returning to Nantong, Shi Yafu made contact with the party organization in time, and with the approval of the organization, organized a revolutionary team of two or three hundred people. Schyaf also gave the team three names: the Yazi Unit, the Workers' Defenders, and the Independent Regiment. Not only did it win the love of the local people, but it also played the enemy around.

In 1942, Su Yu received a cigarette from a puppet lieutenant general, and when he sensed that something was wrong, he immediately shouted: Troops are assembled

Puppet Lieutenant General "True Red Army"

In 1940, Wang Jingwei established a pseudo-revolutionary government, and before Shi Yafu accidentally rescued a person while escaping from prison, this person escaped and became the director of the Office of Appeasement Nantong, which is what we call "traitor".

Because of the kindness of being saved by Shi Yafu, he specially ran to find Shi Yafu and persuaded him to join the Wang puppet government in Japan. The very patriotic Schyaf originally refused at first, but thought that this would allow him to penetrate into the enemy's interior, and he agreed to consider it.

Subsequently, Shi Yafu found Su Yu, the division commander of the New Fourth Army at that time, and explained to him his thoughts on breaking into the enemy army and the current situation. After Su Yu listened, even if he agreed and agreed to him, he also said that if he could really penetrate the enemy army, it would definitely be of great help to the actions of our army.

In 1942, Su Yu received a cigarette from a puppet lieutenant general, and when he sensed that something was wrong, he immediately shouted: Troops are assembled

However, at that time, Shi Yafu's numbers and guns were not enough to meet his requirements for joining the Wang puppet government, so he lied that he had a division of troops, which made Wang Jingwei overjoyed when he heard about it. But he was still a little suspicious, so he sent his own confidants to find out.

After Shi Yafu heard about it, he adjusted his mood and warmly received Yan Diannan, Wang Jingwei's confidant. While the two were talking, their subordinates suddenly came to report that the New Fourth Army was attacking the city again, and Shi Yafu took the opportunity to invite Yan Diannan to the battlefield to see the strength of his army.

But as soon as Yan Diannan heard that he was going to the scene, he gave up, saying only to look at the roster and gun numbers. Shiyaf took him to eat and drink while sending someone to make up the corresponding roster and gun number.

In 1942, Su Yu received a cigarette from a puppet lieutenant general, and when he sensed that something was wrong, he immediately shouted: Troops are assembled

Yan Diannan, under the warm reception of Shi Yafu, had a lot of fun every day, so after successfully seeing the roster and the gun number, he went back to Wang Jingwei without looking carefully.

After hearing this, Wang Jingwei expressed great happiness, and the next day he sent Shi Yafu the uniform and badge of the division commander, and Shi Yafu has since become the commander of Wang Jingwei's Seventh Division.

Then, with his clever mind, Shi Yafu quickly gained wang Jingwei's trust, and since then, Shi Yafu's figure can be seen at every important meeting, and our army has thus obtained a lot of important intelligence and avoided many casualties.

In 1942, Su Yu received a cigarette from a puppet lieutenant general, and when he sensed that something was wrong, he immediately shouted: Troops are assembled

Pass on intelligence and save the team

In November 1942, Schyaf attended an emergency meeting of the Japanese army on plans for an offensive against a meeting of the New Fourth Army. This made Schyaf present extremely surprised in his heart, because he knew that the exposure of the contents of the meeting of the New Fourth Army meant that there were spies within our army.

Although he was nervous, he did not show it on his face, and while he continued to attend the meeting, he was planning how to pass on the information. After the meeting, because the situation was too urgent, he immediately wrote two small notes and stuffed them into his cigarette, and then handed them to his subordinates to pass them on as soon as possible.

This is why Su Yu was shocked after receiving a cigarette from a puppet lieutenant general. After receiving the information, Su Yu immediately gathered his troops and arranged for men and horses to quickly chase after the commanders of the various military districts that had left, and then asked them to change the original return route.

In 1942, Su Yu received a cigarette from a puppet lieutenant general, and when he sensed that something was wrong, he immediately shouted: Troops are assembled

Immediately, according to the information provided by Shi Yaf, our army also quickly found the treacherous spies lurking inside our army, because the information was sent in a timely manner, and our army did not suffer any casualties in this enemy attack.

However, the failure of the enemy's plan also made them aware of the existence of treacherous spies inside, and in the process of investigating one by one, they slowly found Shiyaf's body. At that time, Shiyaf was approved by the organization and began to lead people against the uprising. In the end, Schyaf was incorporated into the Tongru Anti-Japanese Column of the Red Army.

In 1942, Su Yu received a cigarette from a puppet lieutenant general, and when he sensed that something was wrong, he immediately shouted: Troops are assembled

brief summary:

Although Schyaf did not go to the front line to fight, he was a hero of our country like the heroes who fought the battlefield.

At the risk of his life, he passed back one key and important piece of information after another for our army, provided great help to our army's combat operations, and reduced many unnecessary casualties.

He also devoted his life to the revolutionary cause of our country, which will deserve our eternal remembrance.

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