
Su Yukai received two boxes of cigarettes after the meeting, and suddenly felt bad and ordered: immediately assemble and transfer, the Japanese army has an ambush

The underground workers of our Party, or more generally, the secret agents, are a very special branch of the army, who risk being discovered at any time, disguise themselves, infiltrate the enemy's central system, obtain intelligence, and sabotage the enemy's plans.

Perhaps they are not in the battlefield full of artillery fire, and they cannot hand blade the enemy one by one on the front line, but they are dancers on the tip of the knife, stabbing the blade into the heart of the enemy in silence, and also making indelible contributions to the great cause of our party.

Su Yukai received two boxes of cigarettes after the meeting, and suddenly felt bad and ordered: immediately assemble and transfer, the Japanese army has an ambush

"Legendary Agent" Shiyaf

Born in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, Shi Yafu joined the Communist Party as early as the 1930s and was once promoted to the head of the Organization Department of the Nantong Central County Committee.

At that time, the situation facing our Party was very grim, and during a strike movement, Shi Yafu was betrayed by traitors inside, arrested by the Kuomintang, and detained in a room with party members Peng Shu and Chen Duxiu.

In 1937, the prison where Schyaf and the others were held was accidentally blown up by an airplane bomb, and Schyaf and the others took the opportunity to escape. At that time, Shiyaf was no longer able to get in touch with the organization, so he organized workers and separated party members to form the "Anti-Japanese Defending Regiment" and continued to struggle on the anti-Japanese front.

Su Yukai received two boxes of cigarettes after the meeting, and suddenly felt bad and ordered: immediately assemble and transfer, the Japanese army has an ambush

After a period of fighting, the "Soil Guard Regiment" captured a lot of weapons and equipment, and the team slowly grew and grew. Finally, Schyaf secretly reconnected with the party organization.

Because Shi Yafu's team had established a firm foothold in Nantong, was well informed, and its influence radiated around, after careful consideration, the party organization decided to let Shi Yafu pretend to accept Wang Jingwei's reorganization and infiltrate the enemy's interior in order to obtain valuable intelligence.

Shi Yafu resolutely carried out the decision of the party organization, he painstakingly managed the team, successfully obtained the title of "Seventh Division of the Appeasement Army", as the commander of the division, they hyped up the number of the troops around them, and soon attracted the attention of Wang Jingwei, who was in Nanjing at the time, and the big fish was finally hooked.

Su Yukai received two boxes of cigarettes after the meeting, and suddenly felt bad and ordered: immediately assemble and transfer, the Japanese army has an ambush

Wang Jingwei sent his confidant Yan Jinan to Nantong to inspect the situation of this unit and strive to integrate it. However, at that time, Shi Yafu's team was only a few hundred people, and if Yan Jinan found that this prestigious "Appeasement Seventh Division" was just an empty shelf, he would definitely be alert.

Shiyaf frowned and counted his heart. He sent his subordinates overnight to buy "Hundred Family Names" and a telephone book, and forged a roster of more than 10,000 people overnight.

Su Yukai received two boxes of cigarettes after the meeting, and suddenly felt bad and ordered: immediately assemble and transfer, the Japanese army has an ambush

Yan Jinan came to Nantong, was greatly satisfied after seeing the roster of troops, and finalized the matter of integration on the spot. Subsequently, Shi Yafu went to Nanjing to meet with Wang Jingwei, formally accepted the "integration" of Wang's puppet troops, obtained the letter of appointment of the lieutenant general division commander, and successfully penetrated into the enemy's interior.

Because Of his proficiency in the art of war and his remarkable rhetoric, Shi Yafu soon spread a great deal of secret information to our Party, the most thrilling of which was the one during the "Clearance Movement."

Su Yukai received two boxes of cigarettes after the meeting, and suddenly felt bad and ordered: immediately assemble and transfer, the Japanese army has an ambush

The brutal "Clearance Movement"

In the autumn of 1942, the Wang Jingwei government, in collusion with the Japanese aggressors, launched a large-scale purge and suppression campaign, with the intention of dealing a heavy blow to the effective forces of our Party, erasing the influence of our Party among the broad masses of the people, and calling it the "Qingxiang Movement."

The Japanese and puppet coalition forces dispatched a large number of troops in Suzhou, Taicang, Changshu, and other areas to launch an all-round and large-scale campaign to clear and suppress the main forces and leading organs of our army in the local area.

Su Yukai received two boxes of cigarettes after the meeting, and suddenly felt bad and ordered: immediately assemble and transfer, the Japanese army has an ambush

The enemy army not only set up a large number of strongholds on various major transportation routes and blocked traffic between areas with barbed wire and power grids, but also sent many troops to the countryside to clear and suppress them, established a system of armor protection and joint sitting in various villages, forced the common people to expose each other, and vainly attempted to enslave the broad masses of the Chinese people.

It has to be said that the "clearance movement" dealt a serious blow to our army, and a large number of party members and cadres had no foothold in the countryside and were arrested and killed by the Japanese army.

Su Yukai received two boxes of cigarettes after the meeting, and suddenly felt bad and ordered: immediately assemble and transfer, the Japanese army has an ambush

"Top Secret Intelligence" from Two Boxes of Cigarettes

In order to comprehensively smash the inhumane "clearance movement" of the Japanese puppet army, the New Fourth Army organized a meeting in Nankan to comprehensively discuss the strategic guidelines for countering the Japanese army, including Su Yu, who was the commander of the first division of the New Fourth Army.

The whole meeting was held from late October to November, and after the end, Su Yu's front foot had just left the meeting place, and the guards around him immediately sent a copy of the information, and he handed Su Yu two boxes of cigarettes and said: "The intelligence is only these two boxes of cigarettes." ”

Su Yu's expression instantly became solemn, and it turned out that these two boxes of cigarettes were the information that Shi Yafu had risked death. At that time, in order to keep information confidential, it was often transmitted without words, but with objects to represent information.

Su Yukai received two boxes of cigarettes after the meeting, and suddenly felt bad and ordered: immediately assemble and transfer, the Japanese army has an ambush

When the devils go out to clear the crackdown, half a box of matches represents a squad, a box of matches represents a brigade, and if it is a box of cannon cigarettes, it means that the devils have sent out a whole squadron, and so on.

Seeing these two boxes of cigarettes, Su Yu realized the urgency of time, and the cadres participating in this meeting were in great danger!

He immediately ordered: Immediately dispatch cavalry to contact the Red Army cadres attending the meeting, so that they must change their course, all our army radio stations immediately suspend the issuance of reports, and the troops immediately assemble and begin to transfer!

Shi Yaf's intelligence can be described as a charcoal in the snow, and due to the timely disposal, the Red Army cadres who attended the meeting and the Japanese troops who came to clear and suppress passed by at the moment of a thousand gunshots, and finally returned to the troop station unscathed.

Su Yukai received two boxes of cigarettes after the meeting, and suddenly felt bad and ordered: immediately assemble and transfer, the Japanese army has an ambush

Identity revealed, Shiyaf led the rebellion

Thanks to the information from Shiyaf, our party repeatedly thwarted the enemy's offensive plan, but at the same time it also aroused the suspicion of the Japanese commander Nobuo Kobayashi. He secretly organized an investigation to find out the hidden agents of our army.

One day, after Shi Yafu returned home, the wife of the deputy division commander Fan Jie came over and anxiously informed Shi Yafu that Nobuo Kobayashi had discovered Shi Yafu's undercover identity and was about to arrest him.

Su Yukai received two boxes of cigarettes after the meeting, and suddenly felt bad and ordered: immediately assemble and transfer, the Japanese army has an ambush

When Schyaf heard the news, he sent an urgent telegram to the Red Army headquarters overnight. The next day, the command sent Ye Fei and Zhu Kejing to meet with Shi Yafu. Zhu Kejing said to Shi Yafu: "Comrade Shi Yafu, the organization has decided that your ministry will lead an uprising on the eleventh day of this month and return to the embrace of the organization. When Schyaf heard this, he replied firmly: "Resolutely carry out the orders of the organization!" ”

In this way, at a quiet dawn, Shiyaf led the rebel troops to the outside of the city, and successfully arrived at the base area with the help of our troops.

Schyaf also ended his thrilling four-year undercover career and eventually became the commander of a column of our army.

Su Yukai received two boxes of cigarettes after the meeting, and suddenly felt bad and ordered: immediately assemble and transfer, the Japanese army has an ambush

brief summary:

The espionage field is a battlefield without smoke of gunfire, but it is more dangerous than the real battlefield. Regardless of their personal safety, Shi Yafu and other spies of our army successfully penetrated into the enemy's interior, provided our army with vital intelligence, and made indelible contributions to the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation.

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