
General Su Yu once said: Without this red agent, I would have died a long time ago

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, General Su Yu and Lieutenant General Tao Yong mentioned a person many times, saying that without this red agent, I would have died a long time ago.

The red agent was named Schyaf.

General Su Yu once said: Without this red agent, I would have died a long time ago

Born in 1914 in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, Shi Yafu joined the Red Army at the age of 15. In 1932, during the Songhu War of Resistance, Shi Yafu was also sent by the organization to join the Nineteenth Route Army to fight against the Japanese Kou, which is still rare among the generals of our army.

After the outbreak of the All-out War of Resistance, Shi Yafu served as an intelligence officer in the New Fourth Army, and in June 1941, Shi Yafu received a secret order from the Headquarters of the New Fourth Army to establish the Seventh Division of the Appeasement Army in his hometown of Nantong, with the purpose of catching Wang Jingwei on the hook.

At that time, Wang Jingwei was expanding his strength everywhere, and when he heard that Shi Yafu had established the Seventh Division of the Appeasement Army in Nantong, he sent his close associate Yan Jinan to contact Shi Yafu.

At first, Shi Yafu's team was only more than 200 people, and it was obvious that Wang Jingwei did not look at this point, so Shi Yafu fabricated a roster of 15,000 soldiers in advance and handed it to Yan Jinan.

Yan Jinan wanted to inspect this "strong" unit, and Shi Yafu had already made arrangements, saying that the troops were all stationed near haimen to defend the New Fourth Army, and on the other hand, they arranged in advance for the soldiers to put their guns outside. ”

The name is protection, which actually surrounds Yan Jinan and prevents him from inspecting the troops.

General Su Yu once said: Without this red agent, I would have died a long time ago

Wang Jingwei was indeed hooked, and Made Shi Yafu the commander of the Pseudo-Seventh Division, with the rank of lieutenant general.

So how did Schyaf's fake roster come up with? It is also very interesting to say, Shi Yafu found a copy of "Hundred Family Names", let people invent people's names according to their surnames, surnames plus the popular names at that time, back and forth, how much to have.

Soon, Shi Yafu was appreciated by Wang Jingwei and became Wang Jingwei's confidant, receiving a lot of secret information.

In November 1942, Shi Yafu heard a shocking news: Kobayashi Nobuta, the supreme commander of the Japanese army in Nantong, decided to transfer four brigades and two puppet divisions to ambush the senior cadres of the New Fourth Army at Nankan. Shi Yafu attended this meeting, and although he was silent, he knew in his heart that there were traitors within the New Fourth Army and betrayed the deeds of Su Yu and others. Therefore, regardless of his own safety, Shi Yafu wrote a note and asked the inside line to be secretly sent to the New Fourth Army.

After that, Shi Yafu took advantage of his deep trust in Kobayashi Shino to come to Xiaolin and say which wang badou deceived the imperial army to go to Nankan? I am a native of Nantong, Nankan I am too familiar with, both sides are the sea, as long as there is a large army surrounded, the New Fourth Army will be wiped out, the New Fourth Army Su Yu will be so stupid?

General Su Yu once said: Without this red agent, I would have died a long time ago

Nobuo Kobayashi said conclusively, my internal intelligence is absolutely reliable, he is a reporter of the New Fourth Army, can this still be false? Shi Yafu narrowed the scope of the traitor's location and quickly sent someone to inform Su Yu. Su Yu immediately ordered the transfer of the various departments in Nankan, and at the same time, the operator was taken out and killed with one shot.

Later, Nobuo Kobayashi asked Shi Yafu to dig a harbor and cooperate with Yamamoto's brigade to sneak into the Third Brigade of the New Fourth Army. The time was urgent, and Shi Yafu had no time to inform Tao Yong, commander of the Third Brigade of the New Fourth Army, what to do? Schyaf thought of a brilliant plan.

Shi Yafu led his troops to break into the stone harbor where Yamamoto's brigade was stationed, and demanded to cross the stone port defense area to dig the harbor. Yamamoto's sentry said that the door could not be opened without an order, and Shiyaf was furious, saying that he had delayed the imperial army's major events, and you had several small lives! After saying that, he also slapped the sentry. The sentry had already looked down on the puppet army, and now he was even more embarrassed and angry, and shot at the translation that Schyaf had brought.

Shi Yafu waited for this shot, and immediately ordered a burst of guns to be fired into the air, ostensibly to scare the sentry, but in fact deliberately created a gunshot, so that Tao Yong could hear the gunshot and quickly move. Sure enough, Tao Yong heard the gunshots and withdrew in time, escaping the disaster.

In both events, Shi Yafu made great contributions, so much so that Su Yu and Tao Yong often mentioned his merits until after the founding of the country.

After the founding of the country, Besyaf left the army and did not participate in the awarding of titles, which became a big regret. However, Schyaf lived a long life, living to 2010 at the age of 96.

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